

Den Namen Caesarea trugen folgende in der Antike zu Ehren Caesars oder eines römischen Kaisers benannte Städte:

Außerdem ist es der Name folgender Titularbistümer:


  • In lateinischen Schriften aus Mittelalter und Neuzeit wird Kaisheim/Kloster Kaisheim als "Caesarea" bezeichnet.
  • Caesarea war der Name der zur Vergeltung des Olympia-Attentats 1972 gebildeten Mossad-Sondereinheit
  • Caesarea ist eine Gattung aus der Pflanzenfamilie der Vivianiaceae, siehe Caesaraea (Gattung).
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Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach:

  • CAESAREA — CAESAREA, ancient city on the coast midway between Tel AVIV and Haifa. From Ancient Times to the Mamluks Caesarea was originally called Straton s Tower after its founder Straton (Abd Ashtart), who was probably a ruler of Sidon in the 4th century… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Caesarea —   [lateinisch »die Kaiserliche«], griechisch Kaisạreia, Name mehrerer Städte des Römischen Reiches zu Ehren eines Kaisers:    1) Caesarea Cappadociae, in Zentralanatolien, Hauptstadt von Kappadokien, heute Kayseri.    2) Caesarea Mauret …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Caesarea —     Caesarea     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Caesarea     A Latin titular see, and the seat of a residential Armenian bishopric, in Cappadocia (Asia Minor). The native name of this city was Mazaka, after Mosoch, the legendary Cappadocian hero. It… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Caesarea — [ses΄ə rē′ə, sez΄ə rē′ə, sē΄zərē′ə] 1. seaport in ancient Palestine, on the Mediterranean, south of Haifa, Israel: Roman capital of Palestine 2. city in ancient Palestine, near Mt. Hermon: also Caesarea Philippi 3. ancient name for KAYSERI …   English World dictionary

  • Caesarea — Latin city name derived from CAESAR (Cf. Caesar), applied in honor of the emperors to some new and existing cities in the Roman Empire, including Kayseri, Turkey; Shaizar, Syria, and Cherchell, Algeria (representing a French spelling of an Arabic …   Etymology dictionary

  • Caesarea — For other uses, see Caesarea (disambiguation). Caesarea Caesarea Maritima Hebrew …   Wikipedia

  • Caesarea — /see zeuh ree euh, ses euh , sez euh /, n. 1. an ancient seaport in NW Israel: Roman capital of Palestine. 2. ancient name of Kayseri. * * * modern Ḥorbat Qesari Ancient seaport, Palestine. Located on the coast of present day Israel south of the… …   Universalium

  • CAESAREA — I. CAESAREA Mauritaniae urbs. Plin l. 3. c. 3. Cabo Figalo Pineto. In Africa. Celebris in Histor. Rom. Afris dicta Tiguident, seu vetus urbs, a Califis destructa, A. C. 959. Rudera magnitudinem loquuntur. Sub Arabibus, divitiis Academiisque, unde …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Caesarea — noun Name of numerous cities and locations in the Roman Empire, among them Caesarea Mazaca, capital of Cappadocia (modern Kayseri) and Caesarea Maritima, capital of province Palestine …   Wiktionary

  • Caesarea — Built on the coast by Herod the Great in honour of Caesar Augustus; it became the official residence of Roman prefects. Its inhabitants were both Jews and Gentiles, and the Christian way was brought there by Philip (Acts 8:40; 21:8). Peter became …   Dictionary of the Bible

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