

Lines ist der Name folgender Personen:

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  • Lines — Lines, Vines and Trying Times Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Lines, Vines and Trying Times Álbum de estudio de Jonas Brothers Publicación …   Wikipedia Español

  • lines — lines; lines·man; ma·lines; lar·bow·lines; star·bow·lines; …   English syllables

  • lines — Brit. a number of repetitions of a sentence written out as a school punishment. → line lines a way of doing something: → line lines the words of an actor s participle → line …   English new terms dictionary

  • lines — index ambit, boundary, configuration (form), contour (outline), contour (shape), feature ( …   Law dictionary

  • Lines — Запрос «Шарики» перенаправляется сюда; см. также другие значения. Color Lines …   Википедия

  • lines — Imaginary Im*ag i*na*ry, a. [L. imaginarius: cf. F. imaginaire.] Existing only in imagination or fancy; not real; fancied; visionary; ideal. [1913 Webster] Wilt thou add to all the griefs I suffer Imaginary ills and fancied tortures? Addison.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lines — n. communication lines laɪn n. long thin mark; row; border; domain; tactic; rope; queue; layout; contour; wrinkle; descent; plan; profession; note; bit of useful information; procedure v. place in a row; mark with a line or lines; underline;… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • lines — n. words; conversation. (See also line.) □ I like your lines, but I don’t have the time. □ We tossed some lines back and forth for a while and then split …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • Lines — This usual name is one of the metronymic forms of the name Line , or Lina , a medieval female given name which was short form of such women s names as Cateline , Adeline , and Emmeline , containing the Anglo Norman surnames, derived from the name …   Surnames reference

  • Lines, Vines and Trying Times — Studio album by The Jonas Brothers Released …   Wikipedia

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