Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Fayette County (Texas)

Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Fayette County (Texas)

Die Liste der Registered Historic Places im Fayette County führt alle Bauwerke und historischen Stätten im texanischen Fayette County auf, die in das National Register of Historic Places aufgenommen wurden.

Aktuelle Einträge

Lfd. Nr. Name im NRHP Bild Datum der Eintragung Adresse/Lage Ort NRHP-ID Beschreibung
1 Bethlehem Lutheran Church Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Round Top, TX.jpg 10. August 1978 White St. Round Top 78002928
2 Buckner's Creek Bridge 21. April 1988 10 mi. N of Flatonia over Buckner's Creek Flatonia 76002025
3 Cummins Creek Bridge 21. April 1975 2 mi. NW of Round Top over Cummins Creek Round Top 75001975
4 Dubina Historic District 27. September 2003 Roughly bounded by FM 1383 and Cty Rd. 480 Dubina 03000970
5 Fayette County Courthouse and Jail Fayette courthouse.jpg 23. Januar 1975 Courthouse Sq. and 104 Main St. La Grange 75001973
6 Fayette County Courthouse Square Historic District 16. Januar 2001 Roughly bounded by Main, Lafayette, Franklin, Colorado, Jefferson, Washington, and Crockett Sts. La Grange 00001664
7 Fayetteville Historic District 10. Juli 2008 Roughly bounded by E. Bell, N. Thompson (FM 1291), E. Fayette, E. Main (SH 159), Post Oak Lane, Fayetteville 08000657
8 Henry L. Kreische Brewery and House Kreische brewery remains.jpg 16. April 1975 S of La Grange off U.S. 77 on Monument Hill La Grange 75001974
9 Mount Eliza 30. August 1994 3 mi. (4.8 km) S of La Grange on U.S. 77 La Grange 78002927
10 Mulberry Creek Bridge 21. April 1975 2.5 mi. SW of Schulenburg on Old Praha Rd. Schulenburg 75001976
11 Nathaniel W. Faison House 11. März 2010 822 South Jefferson La Grange 08000538
12 Nativity of Mary, Blessed Virgin Catholic Church Blessed virgin catholic church 2008.jpg 21. Juni 1983 FM 2672 High Hill 83003136
13 Schulenburg Cotton Compress 13. September 1979 James and Main Sts. Schulenburg 79002938
14 Sengelmann Hall and City Meat Market Building 18. Juni 2009 527 and 529-533 N. Main St. Schulenburg 09000451
15 Simon Pytlovany House 14. April 1975 1.5 mi. S of Dubina on FR 1383 Dubina 75001972
16 St. James Episcopal Church St james episcopal church lagrange 2008.jpg 18. Juni 1976 Monroe and Colorado Sts. La Grange 76002026
17 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 21. Juni 1983 FM 1383 Ammansville 83003137
18 St. Mary's Church of the Assumption St marys church of the assumption 2008.jpg 21. Juni 1983 FM 1295 Praha 83003138
19 State Highway 71 Bridge at the Colorado River State highway 71 bridge at the colorado river.jpg 10. Oktober 1996 TX 71, .8 mi E of jct. with FM 609 La Grange 96001120
20 William Neese Sr. Homestead William neese sr homestead 2008.jpg 18. Februar 1975 TX 237 Warrenton 75001977
21 Winedale Inn Complex Winedale inn complex 2008.jpg 22. Juni 1970 Off FM 1457 Winedale 70000745
22 Zapp Building Zapp building 2008.jpg 23. Juni 1983 Fayette and Washington Sts. Fayetteville 83003139

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