Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Potter County (Texas)

Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Potter County (Texas)

Die Liste der Registered Historic Places im Potter County führt alle Bauwerke und historischen Stätten im texanischen Potter County auf, die in das National Register of Historic Places aufgenommen wurden.

Aktuelle Einträge

Lfd. Nr. Name Bild Datum der Eintragung Adresse/Lage Ort ID Beschreibung
1 Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument Alfl 3774.jpg 15. Oktober 1966 SW of Fritch on the Canadian River Fritch 66000822
2 Alice Ghormley Curtis House 14. August 1992 1626 S. Washington St. Amarillo 92000980
3 Amarillo College Administration Building and Gymnasium 28. Januar 1992 2201 S. Washington St. and 2221 S. Washington St. Amarillo 91002023
4 Amarillo US Post Office and Courthouse TX-Amarillo 1938 Ref.jpg 29. September 2000 205 E. Fifth St. Amarillo 00001175
5 Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company Depot and Locomotive No. 5000 ATSF 5000 Madam Queen.jpg 18. September 1986 307 S. Grant Amarillo 86002189
6 Bivins House Amarillo Chamber of Commerce.jpg 31. Dezember 1974 1000 Polk St. Amarillo 74002088
7 Central Presbyterian Church Image-Amarillo Texas March 1943 View 2 FPC.jpg 13. November 1991 1100 Harrison St. Amarillo 91001649
8 Corsino Plaza (41PT84) 12. Juli 1984 Address Restricted Amarillo 84003975
9 First Baptist Church Amarillo texas - first baptist church of amarillo.jpg 21. Juni 1983 218 W. 13th St. Amarillo 83003158
10 Henry B. and Ellen M. Sanborn House 14. August 1992 1311 S. Madison St. Amarillo 92000982
11 Jons-Gilvin House 14. August 1992 1500 S. Buchanan St. Amarillo 92000983
12 Kouns-Jackson House 14. August 1992 1118 S. Harrison St. Amarillo 92000981
13 Landergin-Harrington House 16. Dezember 1977 1600 Polk St. Amarillo 77001466
14 Little Indian Creek Rock Pen (41PT87) 12. Juli 1984 Address Restricted Amarillo 84003974
15 McBride Canyon Ruin 5. Juli 1985 Address Restricted Fritch 85001483
16 McBride Ranch House McBride Ranch House TX NPS.jpg 23. April 1975 N of Amarillo in Lake Meredith Recreation Area Amarillo 75000152
17 McMillen Apartments 2. April 2010 1320 S. Fillmore Amarillo 10000145
18 Miles and Myda Bivins House 2. Oktober 1992 2311 W. 16th Ave. Amarillo 92001306
19 Northwest Texas Hospital School of Nursing 7. November 1996 2209 W. 6th Ave. Amarillo 96001234
20 Plemons-Mrs. M. D. Oliver-Eakle Additions Historic District 21. April 1992 Roughly bounded by 16th Ave., Taylor St., 26th Ave., Van Buren St., I-40 and Madison St. Amarillo 92000370
21 Polk Street Methodist Church 28. Januar 1992 1401 S. Polk St. Amarillo 91002021
22 Potter County Courthouse and Library Potter County Courthouse building - Amarillo Texas USA.jpg 22. August 1996 501 S. Taylor St. Amarillo 96000938
23 Ranchotel 14. April 1995 2501 W. Sixth Ave. Amarillo 95000411
24 Santa Fe Building Amarillo Texas - Santa Fe Railroad Building1.jpg 22. August 1996 900 S. Polk St. Amarillo 96000939
25 Shelton-Houghton House 29. August 1980 1700 Polk St. Amarillo 80004145
26 US Route 66-Sixth Street Historic District 23. August 1994 Sixth Ave. between Georgia and Forrest Aves. Amarillo 94000982
27 Wolflin Historic District 21. Mai 1992 Roughly bounded by Wolflin Ave., Washington St., SW. 34th Ave., Parker St., SW. 30th Ave. and Lipscomb St. Amarillo 92000581

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