Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Smith County (Texas)

Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Smith County (Texas)

Die Liste der Registered Historic Places im Smith County führt alle Bauwerke und historischen Stätten im texanischen Smith County auf, die in das National Register of Historic Places aufgenommen wurden.

Aktuelle Einträge

Lfd. Nr. Name Bild Datum der Eintragung Adresse/Lage Ort ID Beschreibung
1 Azalea Residential Historic District 23. Juni 2003 Roughly bounded by S. Robinson Av., Sunnybrook Dr., Fair Ln., Old Bullard Rd., College Av., W. 4th St., Highland Av.. Tyler 03000559
2 Blackstone Building 14. Juni 2002 315 N. Building Tyler 02000645
3 Brick Streets Neighborhood Historic District 28. April 2004 Roughly bounded by South Broadway, W. Dobbs St., S. Kennedy Ave., S. Vine Ave., Interior Propery Lines, S. College Ave. Tyler 04000379
4 Carnegie Public Library Tyler carnegie library.jpg 26. März 1979 125 S. College St. Tyler 79003007
5 Charnwood Residential Historic District 20. August 1999 Roughly bounded by E Houston, RR tracks, E Wells, S Donnybrook, E Dobbs, and S Broadway Tyler 99001023
6 Col. John Dewberry House 6. Mai 1971 1 mi. N of Teaselville on FM 346 Teaselville 71000963
7 Cotton Belt Building 6. Dezember 2005 1517 W. Front St. Tyler 05001405
8 Crescent Laundry 14. Juni 2002 312-320 E. Ferguson St. Tyler 02000644
9 D.R. Glass Library at Texas College 7. März 2007 2404 N. Grand Ave. Tyler 07000128
10 Donnybrook Duplex Residential Historic District 14. Juni 2002 Roughly bounded by E. 6th St., Donnybrook Ave., E. 8th St., and S. Wall Tyler 02000649
11 East Ferguson Residential Historic District 14. Juni 2002 423-513 E. Ferguson St. Tyler 02000647
12 Elks Club Building 14. Juni 2002 202 S. Broadway Tyler 02000648
13 Goodman-LeGrand House Goodman Home, Tyler, TX IMG 0447.JPG 7. November 1976 624 N. Broadway Tyler 76002066
14 Jenkins-Harvey Super Service Station and Garage 14. Juni 2002 124 S. College Tyler 02000646
15 John B. and Ketura (Kettie) Douglas House 9. Januar 1997 318 S. Fannin Ave. Tyler 96001565
16 Martin Hall at Texas College 6. Dezember 2005 2404 N. Grand Ave. Tyler 05001404
17 Marvin Methodist Episcopal Church, South Marvin United Methodist Church, Tyler, TX IMG 0522.JPG 15. November 2000 300 W. Erwin St. Tyler 00001385
18 Moore Grocery Co. Building 13. September 2002 408 N. Broadway Tyler 02000991
19 People's National Bank Building 22. August 2002 102 N. College Ave. Tyler 02000896
20 President's House at Texas College 7. März 2007 2404 N. Grand Ave. Tyler 07000131
21 Ramey House 29. Oktober 1982 605 S. Broadway Tyler 82001738
22 Short-Line Residential Historic District 22. August 2002 Roughly bounded by West Ln., N. Ellis, Short St., and an unnamed alley to the east Tyler 02000897
23 Smith County Jail, 1881 22. August 1996 309 Erwin St. Tyler 96000937
24 St. James Colored Methodist Episcopal Church 20. August 2004 408 N. Border Ave. Tyler 04000887
25 St. John's AF & AM Lodge 6. Dezember 2005 323 W. Front St. Tyler 05001403
26 St. Louis Southwestern Railway (Cotton Belt) Passenger Depot 8. August 2001 100 blk. E. Oakwood St., at N. Spring St. Tyler 01000873
27 Tyler City Hall Tyler, TX, City Hall IMG 0545.JPG 7. März 2007 212 N. Bonner Ave. Tyler 07000129
28 Tyler Grocery Company 14. September 2002 416 N. Broadway Tyler 02000993
29 Tyler Hydraulic-Fill Dam 29. August 1977 W of Tyler off TX 31 Tyler 77001543
30 Tyler US Post Office and Courthouse 25. April 2001 211 W. Ferguson St. Tyler 01000433
31 Whitaker-McClendon House 2. Juni 1982 806 W. Houston St. Tyler 82004522
32 Williams-Anderson House 14. September 2002 1313 W. Claude St. Tyler 02000995

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