Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Travis County

Liste der Einträge im National Register of Historic Places im Travis County

Die Liste der Registered Historic Places im Travis County führt alle Bauwerke und historischen Stätten im texanischen Travis County auf, die in das National Register of Historic Places aufgenommen wurden.

Aktuelle Einträge

Lfd. Nr. Name Bild Datum der Eintragung Adresse/Lage Ort ID Beschreibung
1 1918 State Office Building and 1933 State Highway Building State highway bldg 2007.jpg 7. Januar 1998 1019 Brazos and 125 E. 11th Sts. Austin 97001625
2 A. J. Jernigan House Las ventanas 2007.jpg 22. September 1983 602 Harthan Austin 83003166
3 Administration Building AnthonyLouiseViaerAlumniHall.JPG 21. Oktober 1993 1820 E. Eighth St. Austin 86003845
4 Alice H. Robbins House 16. August 1990 4311 Ave. A Austin 90001235
5 Andrew M. Cox Ranch Site 6. Dezember 1975 Address Restricted Austin 75002009
6 Arnold Bakery 14. Januar 2004 1010 E. Eleventh St. Austin 03001416
7 Arthur N. and Jane Y. McCallum House 22. August 1996 613 W. 32nd St. Austin 96000936
8 Austin Central Fire Station #1 AustinFireStation1.JPG 5. Mai 2000 401 E. Fifth St. Austin 00000454
9 Austin Daily Tribune Building Ernest O Thompson State Office Bldg.JPG 8. November 2000 920 Colorado Austin 00001358 Heute Gebäude der Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
10 Austin Public Library Austin history center 2006.jpg 6. Mai 1993 810 Guadalupe St. Austin 93000389
11 Austin US Courthouse 25. April 2001 200 West Eighth St. Austin 01000432
12 Aynesworth-Wright House 27. September 1980 N of Austin at 11693 Research Blvd. Austin 80004156
13 B. J. Smith House 27. Mai 1999 700 W. 6th St. Austin 78002992
14 Bailetti House 17. September 1985 1006 Waller St. Austin 85002268
15 Barton Springs Archeological and Historical District 27. November 1985 Address Restricted Austin 85003213
16 Battle Hall Battle hall 2007.jpg 25. August 1970 South Mall, University of Texas campus Austin 70000763
17 Bluebonnet Tourist Camp Bluebonnet court sign.jpg 16. August 1990 4407 Guadalupe St. Austin 90001188
18 Boardman-Webb-Bugg House 8. Januar 1980 602 W. 9th St. Austin 80004152
19 Bremond Block Historic District Bremond house 2007.jpg 3. April 1970 Roughly bounded by Guadalupe, San Antonio, 7th and 8th Sts. Austin 70000764
20 Brizendine House Brizendine house 2006.jpg 22. Juli 1974 507 W. 11th St. Austin 74002090
21 Brown Building BrownBldg-2010-08-d.JPG 24. April 1997 708 Colorado St. Austin 97000364
22 Buratti Brothers 17. September 1985 1001 E. Sixth St. Austin 85003661
23 C. E. Johnson House 17. September 1985 1022 E. 7th St. Austin 85002282
24 Camp Mabry Historic District Old Camp Mabry Entrance.jpg 30. August 1996 2210 W. 35th St. Austin 96000967
25 Carrington-Covert House Carrington-Covert House+West.jpg 25. August 1970 1511 Colorado St. Austin 70000765
26 Central Christian Church Central christian austin 2006.jpg 16. Juli 1992 1110 Guadalupe St. Austin 92000889
27 Charles B. Moreland House 17. September 1985 1301 E. 1st St. Austin 85002276
28 Charles P. Ledbetter House 16. August 1990 3904 Ave. C Austin 90001178
29 Charles W. Barnes House 17. September 1985 1105 E. 12th St. Austin 85002266
30 Chester and Lorine Nagel House 17. April 1997 3215 Churchill Dr. Austin 97000361
31 City Cemetery Oakwood cemetery 2007.jpg 17. September 1985 16th & Navasota Austin 85002297 Auch bekannt als City Cemetery
32 Clarksville Historic District 1. Dezember 1976 Bounded by W. Lynn, Waterson, W. 10th and MO-PAC Expwy. Austin 76002070
33 Col. Monroe M. Shipe House Monroe Shipe House.jpg 29. März 1983 3816 Ave. G Austin 83003167
34 Commercial building at 3808-3810 Speedway 16. August 1990 3808-3810 Speedway Austin 90001190
35 Commercial Building at 4113 Guadalupe Street 16. August 1990 4113 Guadalupe St. Austin 90001187
36 Community Center 17. September 1985 1192 Angelina St. Austin 85002267
37 Congress Avenue Historic District 11. August 1978 Congress Ave. from 1st to 11th Sts. Austin 78002989
38 Connelly-Yerwood House Connelly yerwood house 2007.jpg 18. April 2003 1115 E 12th St. Austin 03000279
39 Cox-Craddock House Cox-Craddock House.jpg 30. Mai 2001 720 E. 32nd St. Austin 01000612
40 Daniel H. and William T. Caswell Houses Daniel H. Caswell House.jpg 21. April 1975 1404 and 1502 West Ave. Austin 75002004
41 Deep Eddy Bathing Beach DeepEddyPoolBySteveHopson.jpg 23. Juni 2003 301 Quarry St. Austin 03000560
42 Doyle House 19. Juni 1975 310 E. 14th St. Austin 73001975
43 Dr. Beadie E. and Willie R. Conne House and Park 19. September 1997 3111 E. 13th St. Austin 97001110
44 Driskill Hotel Driskill austin 2006.jpg 25. November 1969 117 E. 7th St. Austin 69000212
45 Edward H. Rogers Homestead Edward rogers homestead 2008.jpg 27. Dezember 1974 N of Austin off TX 1325 Austin 74002094
46 Elisabet Ney Studio and Museum Elisabet Ney Museum Inside.jpg 29. November 1972 304 E. 44th St. Austin 72001374
47 Ernest and Anna Gustafson Farmstead 9. September 1996 8001 Palma Verde Dr. Austin 96001090
48 Evans Industrial Building 17. Juni 1982 Huston-Tillotson College Campus, 1820 E. 8th Austin 82004525
49 F. T. and Belle Ramsey House 16. August 1990 4412 Ave. B Austin 90001176
50 Fannie Moss Miller House 16. April 2008 900 Rio Grande St. Austin 08000318
51 Fischer House FischerHouse1.jpg 16. Dezember 1982 1008 West Ave. Austin 82001741
52 Floyd McGown House 17. September 1985 1202 Garden St. Austin 85002290
53 Frank M. and Annie G. Covert House Covert-house-austin.jpg 16. August 1990 3912 Ave. G Austin 90001185
54 French Legation French legation 2006.jpg 25. November 1969 802 San Marcos St. Austin 69000213
55 Genaro P. and Carolina Briones House Briones house austin 2009.jpg 7. August 1998 1204 E. 7th St. Austin 98000280
56 George A. Peterson House 17. September 1985 1012 E. 8th St. Austin 85002273
57 George W. Sampson House 8. Juli 1982 1003 Rio Grande Austin 82004526
58 George Washington Carver Library George Washington Carver Museum Austin TX.jpg 30. März 2005 1165 Angelina St. Austin 05000241
59 Gethsemane Lutheran Church Gethsemane lutheran church austin 2009.jpg 25. August 1970 1510 Congress Ave. Austin 70000766
60 Gilfillan House 27. September 1980 603 W. 8th St. Austin 80004153
61 Goldie Horton-Porter House 4. Oktober 1990 2402 Windsor Rd. Austin 90001535
62 Goodall Wooten House Goodall wooten house2 2007.jpg 3. April 1975 700 W. 19th St. Austin 75002008
63 Goodman Building GoodmanBuildingAustinTexas.jpg 13. April 1973 202 W. 13th St. Austin 73001976
64 Governor's Mansion Texas governors mansion.jpg 25. August 1970 1010 Colorado St. Austin 70000896
65 Granger House and the Perch 29. November 2006 805 W. 16th St. Austin 06001083
66 Green Pastures Green pastures 2007.jpg 27. September 1980 811 W. Live Oak St. Austin 80004154
67 Haehnel Building 17. September 1985 1101 E. 11th St. Austin 85002295
68 Hardeman House 12. Juni 1976 401 E. 16th St. Austin 72001375
69 Haynes-DeLashwah House 3. März 1983 1209 Rosewood Ave. Austin 83004033
70 Henry Hirshfeld House and Cottage Hirschfield house 2007.jpg 13. April 1973 303 and 305 W. 9th St. Austin 73001978
71 Herbert and Alice Bohn House 31. März 1997 1301 W 29th St. Austin 97000260
72 Hildreth-Flanagan-Heierman House Hildreth-Flanagan-Heierman House.jpg 16. August 1990 3909 Ave. G Austin 90001184
73 Hofheintz-Reissig Store 23. Juni 1983 600 E. 3rd St. Austin 83003165
74 House at 1170 San Bernard Street 17. September 1985 1170 San Bernard St. Austin 85002269
75 House at 1400 Canterbury Street 17. September 1985 1400 Canterbury St. Austin 85002274
76 Hyde Park Historic District 16. August 1990 Roughly bounded by Ave. A, 45th St., Duval St., and 40th St. Austin 90001191
77 Hyde Park Presbyterian Church Hyde park presbyterian church 2009.jpg 16. August 1990 3915 Ave. B Austin 90001175
78 J. Frank Dobie House J Frank Dobie House.jpg 20. Mai 1991 702 E. 26th St. Austin 91000575
79 J. P. Schneider Store J P Schneider building 2005-01-22.jpg 29. Januar 1979 401 W. 2nd St. Austin 79003014
80 James F. and Susie R. Parker House 16. August 1990 3906 Ave. D Austin 90001181
81 John C. Houghton House 17. September 1973 307 W. 12th St. Austin 73002248
82 John Hancock House 13. April 1973 1306 Colorado St. Austin 73001977
83 John Henry and Minnie Tate Brewer House 21. August 1995 1108 S. Chicon St. Austin 95001027
84 John M. and Ula H. Payne House 16. August 1990 3802 Speedway Austin 90001189
85 John W. Maddox House 17. September 1985 1115 E. 3rd St. Austin 85002293
86 Joseph O. Polhemus House 17. September 1985 912 E. 2nd St. Austin 85002299
87 Judge Robert Lynn Batts House 22. August 1984 1505 Windsor Rd. Austin 84002002
88 Kansas and Texas Land Co. House 16. August 1990 3908 Ave. C Austin 90001179
89 Keith House 8. Mai 1998 2400 Harris Blvd. Austin 98000448
90 Kurt and Meta Schemedes House 15. Juni 2000 804 Baylor St. Austin 00000696
91 Laguna Gloria AMOA-Laguna Gloria.jpg 6. Dezember 1975 3809 W. 35th St. Austin 75002005
92 Lamar Boulevard Bridge Lamar Bridge 2007.jpg 7. Juli 1994 Lamar Blvd. over the Colorado R. Austin 94000678
93 Levi Rock Shelter 21. Juni 1971 Address Restricted Austin 71000965
94 Limerick-Frazier House 15. Februar 2005 810 E. 13th St. Austin 05000239
95 Lindeman House 17. September 1985 1100 E. Eighth St. Austin 85003660
96 Little Campus 13. August 1974 Bounded by 18th, Oldham, 19th, and Red River Sts. Austin 74002091
97 Littlefield House Littlefield house 2007.jpg 25. August 1970 24th St. and Whitis Ave. Austin 70000767
98 Long Hog Hollow Archeological District 25. Mai 1984 Address Restricted Austin 84002003
99 Louis and Mathilde Reuter House 7. Dezember 1987 806 Rosedale Terrace Austin 87002100
100 Mather-Kirkland House 8. Dezember 1978 402 Academy Austin 78002990
101 Mayfield-Gutsch Estate Mayfield gutsch estate 2009.jpg 29. September 1994 3505 W. 35th St. Austin 94001159
102 McKinney Homestead McKinney homestead ruins 2007.jpg 16. Oktober 1974 SW of Austin between TX 71 and U.S. 183 Austin 74002093
103 Michael Paggi House 16. April 1975 200 Lee Barton Dr. Austin 75002006
104 Millett Opera House Millett-opera-house-austin.jpg 21. März 1978 110 E. 9th St. Austin 78002991
105 Montopolis Bridge 10. Oktober 1996 US 183, 8.1 mi. S of jct. with I-35 Austin 96001118
106 Moonlight Towers Austin Moontower at Night.jpg 12. Juli 1976 Austin and vicinity Austin 76002071
107 Moore-Hancock Farmstead Moore hancock farmstead 2008.jpg 2. September 1994 4811 Sinclair Ave. Austin 94001079
108 Moore's Crossing Historic District Moores crossing bridge deck.jpg 16. Oktober 1996 Roughly bounded by FM 973, old Burleson Rd. and Onion Cr. Austin 96001091
109 Neill-Cochran House Neill cochran house 2007.jpg 25. August 1970 2310 San Gabriel St. Austin 70000768
110 Newton House 2. April 1987 1013 E. Ninth St. Austin 87000578
111 Oakwood Cemetery Annex Oakwood cemetery 2007.jpg 30. Oktober 2003 1601 Comal St. Austin 03001103
112 Old Bakery Old Bakery 2006.jpg 17. Dezember 1969 1006 Congress Ave. Austin 69000214
113 Old Land Office Building General land office building 2006.jpg 25. August 1970 108 E. 11th St. Austin 70000769
114 Old West Austin Historic District 12. September 2003 Roughly bounded by W. 13th, Lamar Blvd., W. 35th and Mo-Pac Expy. Austin 03000937
115 Oliphant-Walker House Oliphant-walker-house-austin.jpg 16. August 1990 3900 Ave. C Austin 90001177
116 Page-Gilbert House Paige-gilbert-house-austin.jpg 16. August 1990 3913 Ave. G Austin 90001186
117 Paramount Theatre Paramount austin 2006.jpg 23. Juni 1976 713 Congress Ave. Austin 76002072
118 Perry Estate-St. Mary's Academy Sri-atamananda-school-austin-3.jpg 8. August 2001 701 E. 41st St. Austin 01000874
119 Peter and Clotilde Shipe Mansbendel House Mansbendel-house-austin.jpg 16. August 1990 3824 Ave. F Austin 90001183
120 Phillip W. Jobe House 17. September 1985 1113 E. 9th St. Austin 85002278
121 Rainey Street Historic District 17. September 1985 70--97 Rainey St. Austin 85002302
122 Rather House 24. Oktober 1979 3105 Duval St. Austin 79003013
123 Raymond-Morley House 20. November 1974 510 Baylor St. Austin 74002092
124 Rev. Henry M. and Jennie Sears House 16. August 1990 209 W. 39th St. Austin 90001174
125 Richmond Kelley Smoot House 12. August 1982 1316 W. 6th St. Austin 82004527
126 Robert H. and Edith Ethel McCauley House Robert mccauley house 2008.jpg 16. August 1990 4415 Ave. A Austin 90001236
127 Robert Irvin House 17. September 1985 1008 E. 9th St. Austin 85002270
128 Robinson-Macken House Robinson macken house 2007.jpg 12. September 1985 702 Rio Grande St. Austin 85002300
129 Rogers-Bell House 24. Juni 1988 1001 E. Eighth St. East Austin 88000703
130 Royal Arch Masonic Lodge RoyalArchMasonicLodgeAustin.JPG 28. April 2005 311 W. 7th St. Austin 05000362
131 Roy-Hardin House 17. August 2005 1803 Evergreen Ave. Austin 05000893
132 Santa Rita Courts 17. April 2008 Roughly bounded by E. 2nd, Pedernales, Santa Rita & Corta Sts. Austin 08000319
133 Scholz Garten Scholz garden 2007.jpg 27. Juli 1979 1607 San Jacinto Austin 79003015
134 Scottish Rite Dormitory Scottish rite dormitory 2007.jpg 23. April 1998 210 W. 27th St. Austin 98000404
135 Seymour and Barbara Fogel House 2. April 2003 2411 Kinney Rd. Austin 03000186
136 Shadow Lawn Historic District 16. August 1990 Roughly bounded by Ave. G, 38th St., Duval St., and 39th St. Austin 90001192
137 Sheeks-Robertson House 24. Juni 1976 610 W. Lynn St. Austin 76002073
138 Shotgun at 1206 Canterbury Street 17. September 1985 1206 Canterbury St. Austin 85002285
139 Shotguns at 1203-1205 Bob Harrison 17. September 1985 1203--1205 Bob Harrison Austin 85002284
140 Simms House 30. März 2005 906 Mariposa Dr. Austin 05000242
141 Sixth Street Historic District Sixth Street Austin.jpg 30. Dezember 1975 Roughly bounded by 5th, 7th, Lavaca Sts. and I-35 Austin 75002132
142 Smith Rock Shelter Smith rock shelter.jpg 1. Oktober 1974 Address Restricted Austin 74002095
143 Smith-Clark and Smith-Bickler Houses 20. April 1979 502 and 504 W. 14th St. Austin 79003016
144 Smith-Marcuse-Lowry House Smith-marcuse-lowry-house-austin.jpg 16. August 1990 3913 Ave. C Austin 90001180
145 Southgate-Lewis House 17. September 1985 1501 E. 12th St. Austin 85002265
146 Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone Building 14. Februar 1978 410 Congress Ave. Austin 78002993
147 St. David's Episcopal Church St-davids-episcopal-austin.jpg 2. August 1978 304 E. 7th St. Austin 78002994
148 St. Edward's University Main Building and Holy Cross Dormitory 7. März 1973 3001 S. Congress St. Austin 73001980
149 St. Mary's Cathedral Saint Marys Cathedral Austin Texas.jpg 2. April 1973 201--207 10th St. Austin 73001981
150 State Cemetery of Texas Texas State Cemetery.jpg 12. Mai 1986 901 Navasota St. Austin 86001085
151 State Lunatic Asylum Austin state hospital.jpg 4. Dezember 1987 4110 Guadalupe Austin 87002115
152 Stavely-Kunz-Johnson House 19. August 1980 1402 E. 1st Austin 80004155
153 Swedish Hill Historic District 12. Mai 1986 900--1000 blks. of E. Fourteenth St. and 900 blk. of E. Fifteenth St. Austin 86001088
154 Teachers State Association of Texas Building 28. April 2005 1191 Navasota Austin 05000361
155 Texas Federation of Women's Clubs Headquarters Texas federation womens clubs headquarters 2007.jpg 24. Oktober 1985 2312 San Gabriel St. Austin 85003377
156 Texas State Capitol Texas State Capitol Night.jpg 22. Juni 1970 Congress and 11th Sts. Austin 70000770
157 Thomas Cranfill House 29. Dezember 2004 1901 Cliff St. Austin 04001416
158 U.S. Post Office and Federal Building 25. August 1970 126 W. 6th St. Austin 70000771
159 University Baptist Church University baptist 2007.jpg 31. Juli 1998 2130 Guadalupe St. Austin 98000955
160 University Junior High School 19. April 2001 1925 San Jacinto Blvd. Austin 01000396
161 Victory Grill Victory grill 2007.jpg 16. Oktober 1998 1104 E. 11th St. Austin 98001226
162 W. T. and Clotilde V. Williams House 16. August 1990 3820 Ave. F Austin 90001182
163 Wahrenberger House 23. Februar 1978 208 W. 14th St. Austin 78002995
164 Walnut Creek Archeological District 24. September 1981 Address Restricted Austin 81000633
165 Walter Schulze House and Industrial Structure 25. April 1986 102 Chicon St. Austin 86000864
166 Wesley United Methodist Church Wesley church austin 2006.jpg 17. September 1985 1164 San Bernard St. Austin 85002281
167 West Line Historic District 12. Oktober 2005 Roughly bounded by Baylor St., W. Fifth and Sixth Sts., MoPac Expressway Austin 05001166
168 Westhill 26. Juli 1979 1703 West Ave. Austin 79003017
169 Will C. and Mae Lindamood Duplex 16. August 1990 104 E. 38th St. Austin 90001173
170 William Braxton Barr House William braxton barr house 2008.jpg 10. Januar 1983 NE of Austin at 10463 Sprinkle Rd. Austin 83003164
171 William Sidney Porter House 18. Juni 1973 409 E. 5th S. Austin 73001979
172 Willow-Spence Streets Historic District Willow-Spence.jpg 17. September 1985 Portions of Willow, Spence, Canterbury, San Marcos & Waller Sts. Austin 85002264
173 Woodlawn Woodlawn austin 2006.jpg 25. August 1970 6 Niles Rd. Austin 70000772
174 Wooldridge Park Wooldridge park 2006.jpg 1. August 1979 Guadalupe St. Austin 79003018
175 Worrell-Ettlinger House Worrel-ettlinger-house-austin.jpg 12. Oktober 2004 3110 Harris Park Ave. Austin 04001152
176 Wroe-Bustin House 25. Januar 1997 506 Baylor St. Austin 96001626
177 Youth Council Site (41TV382) 24. April 1979 Address Restricted Austin 79003450
178 Zachary T. and Sallie Lee Scott Sr. House 7. September 1998 2408 Sweetbrush Dr. Austin 98001087
179 Zilker Park Historic District BartonSprings3.jpeg 23. Mai 1997 2100 Barton Springs Rd. Austin 97000479
180 Ziller House Ziller house 2007.jpg 8. Mai 1998 1110 Blanco Austin 98000449

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