

Cubit ist

Nicht zu verwechseln ist Cubit mit der homophonen Informationsmaßeinheit Qubit.

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  • Cubit — Cu bit (k[=u] b[i^]t), n. [L. cubitum, cubitus; elbow, ell, cubit, fr. (because the elbow serves for leaning upon) cubare to lie down, recline; cf. Gr. ky biton elbow, ky ptein to bend, stoop, kyfo s bent, stooping, humpbacked. Cf. {Incumbent},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cubit — ► NOUN ▪ an ancient measure of length, approximately equal to the length of a forearm. ORIGIN Latin cubitum elbow, forearm, cubit …   English terms dictionary

  • cubit — [kyo͞o′bit] n. [ME & OE < L cubitum, the elbow, cubit: for IE base see CUBE1] an ancient unit of linear measure, about 18 22 inches (45.4 55.5 cm); orig., the length of the arm from the end of the middle finger to the elbow …   English World dictionary

  • Cubit — (engl., spr. Kjuhbit), 1) altes englisches Längenmaß = 18 engl. Zoll = 202,67 Par. Linien; daher 2) als solches in Indien sehr gewöhnlich, so v.w. Covid …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Cubit — (spr. kjūbĭt, »Vorderarm«), älteres engl. Maß zu 2 Span von 6 Palm = 45,719 cm. Als Covid in der Präsidentschaft Madras noch gebräuchlich …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Cubit — (spr. kjuhbĭt, vom lat. cubĭtus, Ellbogen, Vorderarm, als Maß Elle), älteres engl. Ellenmaß = 1/2 Yard = 0,457 m; in Ostindien noch unter dem Namen Covid, Covit in Gebrauch …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Cubit — (Kiubit), die alte engl. Elle = 2022/3 Par. Linien …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • cubit — (n.) ancient unit of measure based on the forearm from elbow to fingertip, usually from 18 to 22 inches, early 14c., from L. cubitum the elbow, from PIE *keu(b) to bend. Such a measure, known by a word meaning forearm or the like, was known to… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Cubit — Not to be confused with the quantum computing concept Qubit. For the bone, see Ulna. For other uses, see Cubit (disambiguation). Egyptian cubit rule of 0.52m …   Wikipedia

  • cubit —    a historic unit of distance frequently mentioned in the Bible. The word comes from the Latin cubitum, elbow, because the unit represents the length of a man s forearm from his elbow to the tip of his outstretched middle finger. This distance… …   Dictionary of units of measurement

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