

Eichmann ist der Familienname folgender Personen:

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  • Eichmann — Eichmann,   Karl Adolf, * Solingen 19. 3. 1906, ✝ (hingerichtet) Ramla 1. 6. 1962; Handelsvertreter; seit 1932 Mitglied der österreichischen NSDAP und SS. Seit Oktober 1939 Leiter des Judenreferats im Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA), seit 1941… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Eichmann — (Adolf) (1906 1962) fonctionnaire allemand qui persécuta les Juifs. Enlevé en 1960 par les Israéliens en Argentine, il fut condamné à mort …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Eichmann — (izg. àjhman), Adolf (1906 1962) DEFINICIJA njemački ratni zločinac, šef »židovskog odsjeka« u Glavnoj upravi nacističkog SS a od 1941 1945; organizator većine masovnih transporta Židova u logore smrti (»konačno rješenje«); osuđen na procesu u… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Eichmann — Adolf Eichmann Adolf Eichmann Naissance 19 mars 1906 Solingen, Allemagne Décès 31 mai 1962 (à 56 ans) Jérusalem …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Eichmann — noun Austrian who became the Nazi official who administered the concentration camps where millions of Jews were murdered during World War II (1906 1962) • Syn: ↑Adolf Eichmann, ↑Karl Adolf Eichmann • Instance Hypernyms: ↑Nazi, ↑German Nazi …   Useful english dictionary

  • Eichmann — noun One who willingly participates in immoral or destructive actions without ethical qualms because the actions are acceptable to society. Hence, no special moral or political perversion is required to produce an Eichmann; it might be said that… …   Wiktionary

  • Eichmann — Recorded in a wide range of spellings of which a few examples include Eick, Eich, Eicke and the diminutives Eyckel, Eykel, Eykelen and Eykelin, the habitational or even occupational Eichler, Eichmann, Eyckeler, and the compounds such as… …   Surnames reference

  • Eichmann — n. family name; Adolf Eichmann (1906 1962), German politician member of the Austrian Nazi party who was executed for war crimes committed during World War II …   English contemporary dictionary

  • EICHMANN, ADOLF OTTO° — (1906–1962), SS officer and head of the Jewish Department of the Gestapo. He became one of the people most identified with the Final Solution of the Jewish Problem during his trial, which took place in Jerusalem in 1961, and a synonym in all… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Eichmann in Jerusalem — Eichmann in Jerusalem. Ein Bericht von der Banalität des Bösen ist ein Buch von Hannah Arendt aus Anlass des Eichmann Prozesses 1961 vor dem Bezirksgericht Jerusalem. Es beruhte auf ihren Prozessberichten in der US amerikanischen Presse und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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