Gregorian — Gregorian … Википедия
gregorian — GREGORIÁN, gregoriene, adj.n. (În sintagmele) Calendar gregorian = calendar întocmit la sfârşitul sec. XVI din ordinul papei Grigore al XIII lea şi adoptat în prezent de toate ţările Europei. Cânt gregorian = cânt liturgic folosit în Biserica… … Dicționar Român
Gregorian — might refer to:*Gregorian calendar *Gregorian chant *Gregorian reform *Gregorian (band) *Gregorian University, Rome *Brotherhood of Saint Gregory *Gregorian telescope *The Armenian Apostolic Church is sometimes called the Gregorian Church… … Wikipedia
Gregorian — Gre*go ri*an, a. [NL. Gregorianus, fr. Gregorius Gregory, Gr. ?: cf. F. gr[ e]gorien.] Pertaining to, or originated by, some person named Gregory, especially one of the popes of that name. [1913 Webster] {Gregorian calendar}, the calendar as… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gregorian — est un groupe de musique allemand dirigé par Frank Peterson, reprenant de nombreux titres du répertoire populaire moderne (entre autres Depeche Mode, ou Led Zeppelin) mais dont les chanteurs s inspirent de l esthétique du Grégorien. Il s inscrit… … Wikipédia en Français
Gregorian — lit. pertaining to Gregory, from L.L. Gregorianus, from Gregorius (see GREGORY (Cf. Gregory)). From c.1600 in reference to church music, from Gregory I (pope from 590 600), who traditionally codified it; 1640s in reference to new calendar… … Etymology dictionary
Gregorian — [grə gôr′ē ən] adj. of or introduced by Pope Gregory I or Pope Gregory XIII … English World dictionary
Gregorian — En este artículo sobre música se detectaron los siguientes problemas: Necesita ser wikificado conforme a las convenciones de estilo de Wikipedia. Carece de fuentes o referencias que aparezcan en una fuente acreditada. Requiere una revisión… … Wikipedia Español
Gregorian — I. adjective Date: 1592 of or relating to Pope Gregory XIII or the Gregorian calendar II. adjective Date: 1653 1. of or relating to Pope Gregory I 2. of, relating to, or having the characteristics of Gregorian chant III. adjective Etymology:… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Gregorian — adjective 1. of or relating to Pope Gregory I or to the plainsong chants of the Roman Catholic Church • Pertains to noun: ↑Gregory I, ↑Gregorian chant • Derivationally related forms: ↑Gregory 2. of or relating to Pope Gregory XIII or the calendar … Useful english dictionary