Ivor Armstrong Richards — (26 février 1893 à Sandbach, Cheshire 7 septembre 1979 à Cambridge) est un critique littéraire et un rhétoricien anglais. Ses travaux, The Meaning of Meaning, Principles of Literary Criticism, Practical Criticism, et The Philosophy of Rhetoric… … Wikipédia en Français
Ivor Armstrong Richards — (Sandbach, Cheshire, 26 de febrero de 1893 Cambridge, 7 de septiembre de 1979) fue un crítico literario y retórico inglés. Sus obras, particularmente The Meaning of Meaning, Principles of Literary Criticism, Practical Criticism y The Philosophy… … Wikipedia Español
Ivor Armstrong Richards — ➡ Richards (II) * * * … Universalium
Ivor Armstrong Richards — noun English literary critic who collaborated with C. K. Ogden and contributed to the development of Basic English (1893 1979) • Syn: ↑Richards, ↑I. A. Richards • Instance Hypernyms: ↑literary critic, ↑semanticist, ↑semiotician … Useful english dictionary
Ivor A. Richards — Ivor Armstrong Richards (* 26. Februar 1893 in Sandbach, Cheshire; † 7. September 1979 in Cambridge) war ein einflussreicher englischer Literaturkritiker und Rhetoriker. Sein Bücher, speziell The Meaning of Meaning, Principles of Literary… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Richards, Ivor Armstrong — (1893 1970) Richards was born at Sandbach, Cheshire, the son of an engineer. He read moral sciences at Magdalene College, Cambridge, and graduated in 1915. His studies were interrupted by tuberculosis and a long period of recuperation. He… … British and Irish poets
Richards, I.A. — ▪ British critic and poet in full Ivor Armstrong Richards born , Feb. 26, 1893, Sandbach, Cheshire, Eng. died Sept. 7, 1979, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire English critic, poet, and teacher who was highly influential in developing a new way of … Universalium
Richards — /rich euhrdz/, n. 1. Dickinson Woodruff /wood ruf/, 1895 1973, U.S. physician: Nobel prize 1956. 2. I(vor) A(rmstrong) /uy veuhr, ee veuhr/, 1893 1979, English literary critic in the U.S. 3. Theodore William, 1868 1928, U.S. chemist: Nobel prize… … Universalium
Richards — noun English literary critic who collaborated with C. K. Ogden and contributed to the development of Basic English (1893 1979) • Syn: ↑I. A. Richards, ↑Ivor Armstrong Richards • Instance Hypernyms: ↑literary critic, ↑semanticist, ↑semiotician … Useful english dictionary
Richards — [ rɪtʃədz], 1) Dickinson Woodruff, amerikanischer Physiologe, * Orange (N. J.) 30. 10. 1895, ✝ Lakeville (Conneticut) 23. 2. 1973; 1945 61 Direktor der medizinischen Abteilung am Bellevue Hospital in New York, 1947 61 gleichzeitig Professor… … Universal-Lexikon