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  • Molcho — Mọlcho,   Samy, israelischer Pantomime, * Tel Aviv 24. 5. 1936; ursprünglich Tänzer (besonders beeinflusst vom indischen Tanz); trat seit 1957 mit pantomimischen Soloprogrammen auf und beendete 1988 seine aktive Laufbahn als Solopantomime mit… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • MOLCHO, SOLOMON — (c. 1500–1532), kabbalist and pseudomessiah. Born in Lisbon of Marrano parents, he was originally called Diogo Pires. Though details on his early life are scarce, it is clear that he received a secular education and, at the age of 21, was… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • MOLCHO, DAVID EFFENDI ISAAC PASHA — (1839–1909), vice admiral of the Ottoman navy. Born in salonika , he was descended from an established family of Salonika rabbis. Molcho entered the College of Military Medicine and, upon graduation, joined the Turkish armed forces as a surgeon.… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Molcho, Solomon — orig. Diogo Pires born с 1500, Portugal died 1532, Mantua Portuguese Jewish martyr. Born into a Marrano family, he became royal secretary in a Portuguese high court of justice. When an Arabian adventurer, David Reubeni (d. с 1532), arrived in… …   Universalium

  • Molcho, Solomon — (c. 1500–32)    Pseudo messiah. Molcho was born Diogo Pieres in Lisbon, of Marrano parents. It seems that he studied Hebrew, rabbinic literature and maybe the Cabbala as a boy. On the arrival of David REUVENI in Portugal in 1525, Molcho was swept …   Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament

  • Molcho, Solomon — (c. 1500 32)    Italian kabbalist and pseudo messiah. He was born in Lisbon of marrano parents, and his given name was Diogo Pires. He became secretary to the King of Portugal s council and recorder at the Court of Appeals. After meeting David… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Molcho, Solomon — orig. Diogo Pires ( 1500, Portugal–1532, Mantua). Mártir judío portugués. Nació en una familia de origen marrano, se convirtió en secretario real de un tribunal superior de justicia portuguesa. Cuando un aventurero árabe, David Reubeni (m. 1532) …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Solomon Molcho — Stylized signature of Solomon Molcho. Source: Manuscript owned by the Alliance Israélite Universelle Born Diogo Pires 1500 Portugal Died …   Wikipedia

  • Samy Molcho — (* 24. Mai 1936 in Tel Aviv) ist ein österreichischer Pantomime. Als solcher hat er das Kommunikationsmittel Körpersprache in mehreren Büchern beschrieben. Er wirkt auch als Regisseur, insbesondere für Musicals. Samy Molcho, Foto: W.M. Weber …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Schlomo Molcho — Salomon Molcho, eigentlich Diogo Pires (* um 1500 in Lissabon; † 1532 in Mantua) war ein portugiesischer Gerichtsschreiber und Märtyrer. Leben Molcho war der Sohn portugiesischer Marranen und wird als Diogo Pires geboren. Er wird Schreiber König… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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