Picker — is a surname that refers to: *Arnold Picker (1913–1989), American film industry executive *Harvey Picker (1915–2008), American businessman, educator, inventor, and philanthropist *Joe Picker (b. 1987), Australian rugby league player *Lester A.… … Wikipedia
picker — PÍCKER, pickere, s.n. Maşină agricolă de recoltat ştiuleţii de porumb. – Din engl. picker. Trimis de cata, 24.03.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 PÍCKER s.n. Maşină agricolă de recoltat ştiuleţii de porumb. [< germ. Picker]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 30.01 … Dicționar Român
picker — UK US /ˈpɪkər/ noun [C] US ► COMMERCE a person whose job is to choose items that have been ordered by a customer: »Because everything has to be scanned in, the picker cannot accidentally select the wrong product. ► FINANCE, STOCK MARKET a person… … Financial and business terms
Picker — Pick er, n. [From {Pick}.] 1. One who, or that which, picks, in any sense, as, one who uses a pick; one who gathers; a thief; a pick; a pickax; as, a cotton picker. Pickers and stealers. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mach.) A machine for picking… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
picker — [pikœʀ] n. m. ÉTYM. 1961; mot angl., de to pick « cueillir ». ❖ ♦ Techn. Anglic. Machine utilisée pour la cueillette mécanique du coton. REM. La traduction française cueilleuse devrait éliminer cet anglicisme inutile. 0 La machine à cueillir le… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Picker — Picker, s.v.w. Webervogel, s. Weberei … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
Picker — oder Webervogel, Teil des Webstuhls, welcher den Webschützen forttreibt … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
picker — picker1 [pik′ər] n. a person or thing that picks; specif., ☆ a) Informal a musician who plays guitar, banjo, etc., esp. in country music b) a machine for picking fibers picker2 [pik′ər] n. [ PICK1 + ER] a device that throws the shuttle thr … English World dictionary
Picker — Pị|cker 〈m. 3〉 1. Maschine für das Pflücken von Baumwolle 2. 〈Textilw.〉 Teil des Webstuhls [engl., „Pflücker“] * * * Picker [englisch »Pflücker«] der, s/ , 1) Landtechnik: fahrbare Baumwollpflückmaschine. 2) Textiltechnik: Treiber, an… … Universal-Lexikon
Picker — Recorded in several forms including Pick, Pix, Picke, and the patronymics Picks, Pickes, Pickess and Pickiss, the occupational Peaker and Picker, this is an English surname. It may have derived from a number of various origins. First mentioned in … Surnames reference