Liste der Gesandten Nicaraguas in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika

Liste der Gesandten Nicaraguas in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika
Embassy of Nicaragua in Washington, United States of America - 1627 New Hampshire Ave. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20009.
Ernennung/Akkreditierung Name Bemerkungen ernannt von akkreditiert bei der Regierung Posten verlassen
1849 Eduardo Carcache Norberto Ramírez Áreas Zachary Taylor 1850
1851 José de Marcoleta Erhielt vom US-Außenministerium die Mitteilung, dass eine weiter offizielle Kommunikation mit ihm ablehnt wird.[1] Justo Abaunza y Muñoz de Avilés Millard Fillmore 1852
1856 Agustin Vigil William Walker (Söldner) Franklin Pierce 1856
1856 John P. Heiss (* 1812-1865), Geschäftsträger, [2] William Walker (Söldner) Franklin Pierce 1856
1856 Parker H. French (* 1826 in Kentucky) [3] William Walker (Söldner) Franklin Pierce 1856
1857 Antonio José de Irisarri Botschafter Nicaraguas, El Salvadors und Guatemalas in den USA Patricio Rivas James Buchanan
1861 Luis Molina Botschafter Nicaraguas und Costa Ricas [4] Tomás Martínez Guerrero Abraham Lincoln
1887 Horacio Guzman Generalkonsul: Alexander Isaac Cotheal (*3. November 1804 in New York City; † 25. Februar 1894); Konsul in New York: Charles Ranlett Flint [wp 1] [5] Evaristo Carazo Aranda Benjamin Harrison, Grover Cleveland 1894
1898 Luis Felipe Corea Verhandelte mit John Hay über einen Interozeanischen Kanal durch Nicaragua.[6] José Santos Zelaya Theodore Roosevelt
1908 Rodolfo Espinoza Ramírez (* 1876 in Managua; † 1944) Minister Resident [7] José Santos Zelaya Theodore Roosevelt 1909
1908 Pedro Gonzalez († 1925)[8].Envoy José Santos Zelaya Theodore Roosevelt 1909
1914 Emiliano Chamorro Vargas Bryan-Chamorro Treaty Adolfo Díaz Woodrow Wilson 1916
1943 Guillermo Sevilla Sacasa [wp 2] Anastasio Somoza García Franklin D. Roosevelt 1979
1981 Arturo J. Cruz [9] Daniel Ortega Ronald Reagan 1981
1982 Francisco Fiallos Navarro [10] Daniel Ortega Ronald Reagan 1983
1983 Jose Antonio Jarquin Lopez [11] Daniel Ortega Ronald Reagan 1984
1984 Carlos Tünnermann Bernheim [12] Daniel Ortega Ronald Reagan 1988
1990 Ernesto Palazio [13] Violeta Barrios de Chamorro George H. W. Bush 1991
2007 Arturo Cruz Sequeira [14] Daniel Ortega George W. Bush 2009
2010 Francisco Campbell Bruder von Lumberto Campbell [15] Daniel Ortega Barack Obama


  1. José de Marcoleta: [1]
  2. John P. Heiss: [2] The New York Times, September 24, 1860, JOHN P. HEISS, a special agent of the Government at Washington. February 7, 1861, satisfied is he with the cotton-raising experiments made upon the high and healthy interior lands of that region, that it was his purpose immediately to put a hundred acres under cultivation
  3. Parker H. French: The New York Times, December 28, 1855, The Dismissal of Mr. Crampton--Parker H. French
  4. Luis Molina, Nicaraguan Minister (seated), Abraham Lincoln, The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 4
  5. Horacio Guzman: On the steamer Sam Sloan, which accompanied the Hondo down the Bay in order to give the mebers of the expedition a good send-off was a party of a couple of hundrd gentlemen. Not one of them had friends in the expedition, but tey wer interested in it as projectors or friends of the projectors. In the party were Horacio Guzman, the Nicarguan Minister to this coutry: Alexander I. Cotheal [3], Consul General of Nicaragua; Charles R. Flint, Consul of Nicaragua at this city; The first absolutely practical step toward the beginning of work on the long-projected Nicaragua Canal was taken yesterday when an engineering party of 40 young gentlemen sailed from this city for Greytown on the steamship Hondo The New York Times, December 1, 1887, [4].[5]The New York Times, July 10, 1893, HAS ENOUGH OF DIPLOMACY.; Dr. Guzman Will Ask the Nicaraguan Government to Relieve Him.[6] [7]
  6. El Nuevo Diario
  7. Rodolfo Espinoza Ramírez: Se enfriaron las relaciones de Estados Unidos con Nicaragua, por este asunto y otras cuestiones, de tal manera que el Presidente Zelaya, decidió enviar al Dr. Rodolfo Espinoza a Washington como Enviado Extraordinario y Ministro Plenipotenciario dándole las siguientes instrucciones ante de partier el 3 de Dieciembre de 1908. Luis Pasos Argüello, Los conflictos internacionales de Nicaragua, Fondo de Promoción Cultural, Banco de América, 1982 - 300 S. S.109 The New York Times, April 24, 1911, PLANS NICARAGUAN REVOLT.; Former Minister to Washington Says ...Rodolfo Espinosa, the former Nicaraguan Minister at Washington, left here to-night for San Salvador to prepare for a revolution directed against President MEXICO CITY, April 23. Rodolfo Espinosa, the former Nicaraguan Minister at Washington, left here to-night for San Salvador to prepare for a revolution directed against President Estrada of Nicaragua. He declares that the cruelties of Estrada are worse than the Inquisition.pdf
  8. Pedro Gonzalez, Time, Dec. 28, 1925, Dr. Pedro Gonzalez, one-time Nicaraguan Minister to the U. S.; at Washington, D. C., of uremic poisoning
  9. Arturo J. Cruz: The New York Times, December 9, 1981, NICARAGUA NEEDS U.S. TOLERANCE
  10. Francisco Fiallos Navarro: The New York Times, January 9, 1982, U.S. and Nicaragua Are Close To Exchanging Ambassadors, October 31, 1982, Nicaragua's Ambassador to the United States concedes that his Government's declaration of a state of emergency has stirred political tension in the country, but maintains that the situation is largely the fault of the Reagan Administration.
  11. Jose Antonio Jarquin Lopez: The New York Times, June 17, 1983, Reagan Sees Nicaraguan
  12. Carlos Tünnermann Bernheim: The New York Times, July 16, 1988 Nicaraguan Ambassador Heads Home, 13 Jul 1988, In response to the expulsion of the eight Americans, President Reagan said today that he was expelling Nicaragua's Ambassador and seven , July 28, 1988, The Nicaraguan Ambassador, Carlos Tunnermann, was expelled in response to the expulsion of Richard H. Melton, the United States Ambassador in Nicaragua., November 19, 1988, U.S. Envoy Quits O.A.S. Talks Over Nicaragua-Backed Plan
  13. Ernesto Palazio: The New York Times, April 14, 1991, Bush's Uneasy Welcome For Violeta Chamorro
  14. Arturo Cruz Sequeira: [8]
  15. Francisco Campbell: El Nuevo Diario, 22. März 2010, [9]


  1. en:Charles Ranlett Flint
  2. es:Guillermo Sevilla Sacasa

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