- Greg Allenby
Greg M. Allenby (* 1. August 1956) ist ein US-amerikanischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler. Sein Forschungsgebiet sind die Anwendung des Bayestheorems für die statistische Auswertung im Marketing.[1]
Greg Allenby besuchte die Ohio Northern University welche er 1978 mit einem Bachelor of Science in Maschinenbau abschloss. Vom Juni 1978 bis November 1979 war er dann als Ingenieur bei R.R. Donnelley and Sons Company in Chicago, Illinois tätig. Anschließend war er als Operations Research Analyst am Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center. 1981 erhielt er einen Master of Science vom Illinois Institute of Technology in Operations Research. und war weiter als Analyst tätig. Im Januar 1984 wurde Allenby zu Teaching and Research Assistant der Graduate School of Business der University of Chicago. 1986 folgte ein Master of Business Administration in Statistik und Verhaltenswissenschaft der Graduate School of Business. Von der Graduate School of Business erhielt er 1988 eine Ph. D. für seine Dissertation zu The Identification, Estimation and Testing of Demand Structures. 1988 endete seine Tätigkeit an der Graduate School of Business. Ab 1988 war er dann zunächst Dozent, ab 1994 als außerordentlicher und seit 1999 als ordentlicher Professor an der Ohio State University tätig. Als Gastdozent bzw. Gastprofessor war er 1995/96 und 2001 erneut an der Graduate School of Business tätig.
Greg M. Allenby ist verheiratet und hat zwei Kinder.
Redaktionelle Mitarbeit
Allenby wurde 1992 Mitglied des Redaktions-Gremiums (Editorial Board) und seit 1994 zusätzlich Bereichs-Redakteur ( Area Editor) der Zeitschrift Marketing Science. Seit 1992 ist er Mitherausgeber (Associate Editor) vom Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. Weiterhin wurde er 1994 Mitglied des Redaktions-Gremiums vom Journal of Marketing Research. 1999 wurde Allenby Mitarbeiter im Redaktions-Gremium der Zeitschrift Marketing Letters. Seit 2002 ist er Mitherausgeber von Quantitative Marketing and Economics.
- Bayesian Statistics and Marketing, mit Peter E. Rossi und Rob McCulloch, 2006, ISBN 978-0470863671
- Fennell, Geraldine, Greg M. Allenby, Multiple Perspectives: Marketing Needs to Unambiguously Articulate its Role as a Business and Societal Function, Marketing Research, 18, 4, 2006, S. 26-31.
- Gilbride, Timothy J., Greg M. Allenby, Estimating Heterogeneous EBA and Economic Screening Rule Choice Models, Marketing Science, 25, 2006, S. 494-509.
- Gilbride, Timothy J., Greg M. Allenby, Jeff Brazell (2006) Models of Heterogeneous Variable Selection, Journal of Marketing Research, 43, S. 420-430.
- Morrin, Maureen, Jonathan Lee, Greg M. Allenby, Determinants of Trademark Dilution, Journal of Consumer Research, 33, 2006, S. 248-257
- Gilbride, Timothy J., Sha Yang, Greg M. Allenby, Modeling Simultaneity in Survey Data, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 3, 4, 2005, S. 311-345.
- Fennell, Geraldine, Greg M. Allenby, Entertaining Romp, But Case Overstated", note in response to "The Tripping Point" by Stephen Brown, Marketing Research, 17, 2, 2005, S. 44-45.
- Allenby, Greg M., Jeff Brazell, Tim Gilbride and Thomas Otter, Avoiding IIA Meltdown, Sawtooth Software Conference Proceedings, 2005
- Allenby, Greg, Geraldine Fennell, Joel Huber, Thomas Eagle, Tim Gilbride, Dan Horsky, Jaehwan Kim, Peter Lenk, Rich Johnson, Elie Ofek, Brian Orme, Thomas Otter, Joan Walker, Adjusting Choice Models to Better Predict Market Behavior, Marketing Letters, 16, 3, 2005, S. 197-208
- Fennell, Geraldine, Greg M. Allenby, An Integrated Approach: Market Definition, Market Segmentation and Brand Positioning Create a Powerful Combination, Marketing Research, 16, 4, 2004, S. 28-34.
- Gilbride, Timothy J., Greg M. Allenby, A Choice Model with Conjunctive, Disjunctive, and Compensatory Screening Rules, Marketing Science, 23, 3, 2004, S. 391-406.
- Allenby, Greg M., David G. Bakken, Peter E. Rossi, The HB Revolution: How Bayesian Methods Have Changed the Face of Marketing Research, Marketing Research, 16, 2, 2004, S. 20-25.
- Allenby, Greg M., Thomas S. Shively, Sha Yang, Mark J. Garratt, A Choice Model for Packaged Goods: Dealing with Discrete Quantities and Quantity Discounts, Marketing Science, 23, 1, 2004, S. 95-108.
- Bradlow, Eric T., Peter J. Lenk, Greg M. Allenby, Peter E. Rossi, When BDT in Marketing Meant Bayesian Decision Theory: The Influence of Paul Green's Research, in Marketing Research and Modeling: Progress and Prospects, A Tribute to Paul Green, Y.Wind and P.E. Green, editors, S. 17-39, Kluwer Academic Press 2004.
- Yang, Sha, Yuxin Chen, Greg M. Allenby Bayesian Analysis of Simultaneous Demand and Supply, with discussion, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 1, 2003, S. 251-304.
- Rossi, Peter E., Greg M. Allenby, Bayesian Statistics and Marketing, Marketing Science, 22, 2003, S. 304-328.
- Allenby, Greg M., Peter E. Rossi. Perspectives Based on 10 Years of HB in Marketing Research, Sawtooth Software Conference Proceedings. 2003
- Fennell, Geraldine, Greg M. Allenby, Sha Yang, Yancy Edwards, The Effectiveness of Demographic and Psychographic Variables for Explaining Brand and Product Use, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 1, 2003, S. 223-244.
- Fennell, Geraldine, Greg M. Allenby, Specifying Your Market's Boundaries, Marketing Research, 15, 2, 2003, S. 32-37.
- Jen, Lichung, Chien-Heng Chou, Greg M. Allenby, A Bayesian Approach to Modeling Purchase Frequency, Marketing Letters, 14, 1, 2003, S. 5-20.
- Yang, Sha, Greg M. Allenby, Modeling Interdependent Consumer Preferences, Journal of Marketing Research, 40, 2003, S. 282-294.
- Edwards, Yancy D. and Greg M. Allenby, Multivariate Analysis of Multiple Response Data, Journal of Marketing Research, 40, 2003, S. 321-334.
- Kim, Jaehwan, Greg M. Allenby, Peter E. Rossi Modeling Consumer Demand for Variety Marketing Science, 21, 3, 2002, S. 229-250.
- Allenby, Greg, Geraldine Fennell, Albert Bemmaor, Vijay Bhargava, Francois Christen, Jackie Dawley, Peter Dickson, Yancy Edwards, Mark Garratt, Jim Ginter, Alan Sawyer, Rick Staelin, Sha Yang, Market Segmentation Research: Beyond Within and Across Group Differences, Marketing Letters, 13, 3, 2002, S. 233-244.
- Allenby, Greg, Neeraj Arora, Chris Diener, Jaehwan Kim, Mike Lotti, Paul Markowitz, Distinguishing Likelihoods, Loss Functions and Heterogeneity in the Evaluation of Marketing Models, Canadian Journal of Marketing Research, 20.1, 2002, S. 44-59.
- Yang, Sha, Greg M. Allenby and Geraldine Fennell, Modeling Variation in Brand Preference: The Roles of Objective Environment and Motivating Conditions, Marketing Science, 21, 1, 2002, S. 14-31.
- Fennell, Geraldine and Greg M. Allenby, No Brand Segmentation? Let's Not Rush to Judgment, Marketing Research, 14, 1, 2002, S. 14-18.
- Rossi, Peter E., Zvi Gilula and Greg M. Allenby, Overcoming Scale Usage Heterogeneity: A Bayesian Hierarchical Approach, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 96, 2001, S. 20-31.
- Allenby, Greg M., Discussant in Special Issue: Methodological and Statistical Concern of the Experimental Behavioral Researcher, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 10, 2001, S. 1-2.
- Peter E. Rossi and Greg M. Allenby, Statistics and Marketing, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 95, 2001, S. 635-38. Reprinted in Statistics in the 21st Century, edited by Adrian E. Raftery, Martin A. Tanner and Martin T. Wells, Chapman & Hall (2001).
- Shively, Thomas S., Greg M. Allenby and Robert Kohn, A Nonparametric Approach to Identifying Latent Relationships in Hierarchical Models, Marketing Science, 19, 2, 2000, S. 149-162.
- Yang, Sha, Greg M. Allenby, A Model for Observation, Structural and Household Heterogeneity in Panel Data, Marketing Letters, 11, 2, 2000, S. 137-149.
- Arora, Neeraj, Greg M. Allenby , Measuring the Influence of Individual Preference Structures in Group Decision Making, Journal of Marketing Research, 36, 1999, S. 476-487.
- Allenby, Greg M., Robert P. Leone, Lichung Jen, A Dynamic Model of Purchase Timing with Application to Direct Marketing, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 94, 1999, S. 365-374.
- Allenby, Greg M., Peter E. Rossi, Marketing Models of Consumer Heterogeneity, Journal of Econometrics, 89, 1999, S. 57-78.
- Allenby, Greg, Neeli Bendapudi, Bob Burnkrant, Leslie Fine, Jim Ginter, Bob Leone, Mark Stiving, Rao Unnava, Market Segmentation in the 21st Century: Discrete Solutions to Continuous Problems, Seoul Journal of Business, 4, 2, 1998, S. 129-157.
- Arora, Neeraj, Greg M. Allenby, James L. Ginter, A Hierarchical Bayes Model of Primary and Secondary Demand, Marketing Science, 17, 1998, S. 29-44.
- Allenby, Greg M., Neeraj Arora, James L. Ginter, On the Heterogeneity of Demand, Journal of Marketing Research, 35, 1998, S. 384-389.
- Rossi, Peter E., Robert E. McCulloch and Greg M. Allenby, The Value of Purchase History Data in Target Marketing, Marketing Science, 15, 1996, S. 321-340.
- Allenby, Greg M., Lichung Jen, Robert P. Leone, Economic Trends and Being Trendy: The Influence of Consumer Confidence on Retail Fashion Sales, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 14, 1996, S. 103-112.
- Allenby, Greg M., Interactive Graphical Methods in the Analysis of Customer Panel Data - A Comment, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 14, 1996, S. 126-127.
- Rossi, Peter E., Robert E. McCulloch and Greg M. Allenby, Hierarchical Modelling of Consumer Heterogeneity: An Application to Target Marketing, Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics, bearbeitet von Constantine Gatsonis, James S. Hodges, Robert E. Kass and Nozer D. Singpurwalla, S. 323-349, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1995
- Allenby, Greg M., James L. Ginter, Using Extremes to Design Products and Segment Markets, Journal of Marketing Research, 32, 1995, S. 392-403.
- Allenby, Greg M., Neeraj Arora, James L. Ginter, Incorporating Prior Knowledge into the Analysis of Conjoint Studies, Journal of Marketing Research, 32, 1995, S. 152-162.
- Allenby, Greg M., Peter J. Lenk, Reassessing Brand Loyalty, Price Sensitivity, and Merchandising Effects on Consumer Brand Choice, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 13, 1995, S. 281-290.
- Allenby, Greg M. an, James L. Ginter, The Effects of In-Store Displays and Feature Advertising on Consideration Sets, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 12, 1995, S. 67-80.
- Allenby, Greg M., Peter J. Lenk, Modeling Household Purchase Behavior with Logistic Normal Regression, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 89, 1994, S. 1218-1231.
- Neslin, Scott, Greg Allenby, Andrew Ehrenberg, Steve Hoch, Gilles Laurent, Robert Leone, John Little, Leonard Lodish, Robert Shoemaker, Dick Wittink, A Research Agenda for Making Scanner Data More Useful To Managers, Marketing Letters, 5, 1994, S. 395-411.
- Allenby, Greg M. and Peter E. Rossi, A Marginal-Predictive Approach to Identifying Household Parameters, Marketing Letters, 4, 1993, S. 227-239.
- Rossi, Peter E. and Greg M. Allenby, A Bayesian Approach to Estimating Household Parameters, Journal of Marketing Research, 30, 1993, S. 171-182.
- Masters, Jim M., Greg M. Allenby, Bernard J. La Londe, Arnie Maltz, On the Adoption of DRP, Journal of Business Logistics, 13, 1992, S. 47-68.
- Allenby, Greg M., Peter E. Rossi, Quality Perceptions and Asymmetric Switching Between Brands, Marketing Science, 10, 1991, S. 185-205.
- Allenby, Greg M. and Peter E. Rossi, There is No Aggregation Bias: Why Macro Logit Models Work, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 9, 1991, S. 1-14.
- Allenby, Greg M., Hypothesis Testing with Scanner Data: The Advantage of Bayesian Methods, Journal of Marketing Research, 27, 1990, S. 379-389.
- Allenby, Greg M., Cross Validation, the Bayes Theorem, and Small Sample Bias, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 8, 1990, S. 171-178.
- Allenby, Greg M., A Unified Approach to Identifying, Estimating and Testing Demand Structures with Aggregate Scanner Data, Marketing Science, 8, 1989, S. 265-280.
- Allenby, Greg M., Robert C. Blattberg, A New Theory of Direct Market Testing, or Why Your Rollout Results Do Not Match Your Test Results, Journal of Direct Marketing, 1, 4, 1987, S. 24-37.
- Tiao, GC, Reinsel, GC, Pedrick, JH, Allenby, GM, Mateer, CL, Miller, AJ, DeLuisi, JJ, A Statistical Trend Analysis of Ozonesonde Data, Journal of Geophysical Research, 91, D12, 13, 1986, S. 121-13,136.
- ↑ Fisher College of Business, Faculty Experts Guide - Greg M. Allenby, abgerufen am 13. Okt. 2008
Kategorien:- Ökonom (20. Jahrhundert)
- Ökonom (21. Jahrhundert)
- US-Amerikaner
- Geboren 1956
- Mann
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