Alwin Nikolais — Naissance 25 novembre 1910 Southington dans le Connecticut Décès 8 mai 1993 New York Activité principale Chorégraphe, danseur, pédagogue Style … Wikipédia en Français
Alwin Nikolais — Alwin Nikolais, photographed by Ralph E. Sandler Alwin Nikolais (November 25, 1910 in Southington, Connecticut – May 8, 1993) was an American choreographer. Nikolais studied piano at an early age and began his performing career as an… … Wikipedia
Alwin Nikolais — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Alwin Nikolais (25 de noviembre de 1910, Southington, Connecticut 8 de mayo de 1993, Nueva York) fue un diseñador, compositor, coreógrafo y bailarín estadounidense. Estudió danza moderna con varios profesores como… … Wikipedia Español
NIKOLAÏS (A.) — NIKOLAÏS ALWIN (1912 1993) Compositeur, peintre, sculpteur et chorégraphe américain né à Southington dans le Connecticut. Alwin Nikolaïs commence par être pianiste, accompagnateur de films muets, mais il perd son travail en 1929, à l’avènement du … Encyclopédie Universelle
Nikolais — Alwin Nikolais (* 25. November 1910 in Southington, Connecticut; † 8. Mai 1993 in Paris) war ein US amerikanischer Tänzer und Choreograf. Leben Alwin Nikolais war von russisch deutscher Herkunft. Er studierte modernen Tanz bei verschiedenen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nikolais, Alwin — born Nov. 25, 1910, Southington, Conn., U.S. died May 8, 1993, New York, N.Y. U.S. dancer, choreographer, composer, and designer. He studied modern dance with various teachers, including Hanya Holm, whose assistant he later became. In 1948 he… … Universalium
Nikolais, Alwin — (25 nov. 1910, Southington, Conn., EE.UU.–8 may. 1993, Nueva York, N.Y.). Bailarín, coreógrafo, compositor y diseñador estadounidense. Estudió danza moderna con varios profesores, entre ellos Hanya Holm, de quien más tarde fue ayudante. En 1948… … Enciclopedia Universal
Nikolais — [nɪkə lɑːɪz], Alwin, amerikanischer Choreograph, * Southington (Connecticut) 25. 11. 1912, ✝ New York 9. 5. 1993; war u. a. Direktor des Nationalzentrums für zeitgenössischen Tanz in Angers (bis 1981); entwickelte »Sound and vision pieces« als… … Universal-Lexikon
Murray Louis — (born November 4, 1926 in Brooklyn, New York) is an American modern dancer and choreographer. He grew up in Manhattan, not far from Henry Street where his company was to be founded years later. At the same time, his sister took him to many of the … Wikipedia
dance — dancingly, adv. /dans, dahns/, v., danced, dancing, n. v.i. 1. to move one s feet or body, or both, rhythmically in a pattern of steps, esp. to the accompaniment of music. 2. to leap, skip, etc., as from excitement or emotion; move nimbly or… … Universalium