Nandi — may refer to: Nandi (bull), the white bull on which Lord Siva rides Nandi Awards, Film awards given to Tollywood personalities and films Nandi people, an ethnic group from Africa Nandi languages Nandi (mother of Shaka) (1760–1827), daughter of… … Wikipedia
Nandi — Père Kashyapa Mère Surabhî Monture Shiva … Wikipédia en Français
Nandi — Nandi is the divine white bull who is the vehicle of SHIVA. He is the son of Kashyapa, a well known RISHI (sage), and Surabhi (the wish giving cow). In his form as Nandikeshvara, represented as a human with a bull’s head, he is believed to be… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
Nandi — Nandi(n), et væsen i Civa s følge, særlig hans tyr, inkarneret som Basava. Han repræsenteres af en mængde frigivne tyre, som sværmer omkring Civa templerne, og af en pyntet tyr, som omvandrende jangama er i Nordindien fører omkring med sig … Danske encyklopædi
Nandi — /nahn dee/, n. a town on W Viti Levu, in the Fiji Islands: airport. /nahn dee/ n. Hinduism. the bull companion of Shiva. /nahn dee/, n., pl. Nandis, (esp. collectively) Nandi for 1. 1. a member of an agricultural people of southwestern Kenya. 2.… … Universalium
Nāndi — Main article: Ismaili Part of a series on Shī‘ah Islam … Wikipedia
Nandi — Una escultura de Nandi en Mysore, Karnataka Nandi es el toro que Shiva monta y el portero de Shiva y Parvati en la mitología hindú. Los templos que veneran a Shiva y Parvati muestran imágenes de piedra de de un Nandi sentado, generalmente mirando … Wikipedia Español
Nandi — Nạndi, nilotisches Volk in Kenia, nordöstlich des Victoriasees. Die etwa 600 000 Nandi sind kulturell stark von den Masai beeinflusst. Lebensgrundlage ist die Rinderhaltung (mit zahlreichen Riten und Tabus), daneben etwas Feldbau (Hirse, Mais) … Universal-Lexikon
nandi — I. ˈnänˌdē noun (plural nandi) Usage: usually capitalized 1. a. : a pastoral people on the Uganda Kenya frontier b. : a member of such people 2. : a Nilotic language of the Nandi people called al … Useful english dictionary
Nandi — Admin ASC 1 Code Orig. name Nandi Country and Admin Code KE.40 KE … World countries Adminstrative division ASC I-II