Liste der statuierten Gemeinden in Colorado

Liste der statuierten Gemeinden in Colorado

Die Liste der statuierten Gemeinden in Colorado nennt alle 271 statuierten Gemeinden im US-Bundesstaat Colorado. Dabei werden die folgenden Informationen genannt:

  1. der allgemeine Name der Gemeinde,[1][2]
  2. der offizielle Name der Gemeinde,[1]
  3. das oder die Countys in dem/denen die Gemeinde liegt,[1][3][4]
  4. das Datum der Gemeindestatuierung,[5]
  5. die derzeitige Form der Gemeindeverwaltung,[1][6]
  6. die Rangfolge innerhalb Colorados nach der Einwohnerzahl zum 1. Juli 2006, nach den Zwischenschätzungen des United States Census Bureaus,[7]
  7. die Gemeindebevölkerung zum 1. Juli 2006 nach der Zwischenschätzung des United States Census Bureaus,[7]
  8. die Gemeindebevölkerung zum 1. April 2000 nach den Ergebnissen des United States Census 2000,[7] und
  9. die prozentuale Veränderung zwischen dem 1. April 2000 und dem 1. Juli 2006.[7]

Die 271 statuierten Gemeinden im Bundesstaat Colorado
Ortsname Gemeindename County Inkorporiert am Gemeindeform Rang Einw. 2006 Einw. 2000 Δ Einwo.
Aguilar Town of Aguilar Las Animas County 10. Januar 1894 Statutory Town 185 578 593 A182-2,5%
Akron Town of Akron Washington County[Anm. 1] 22. September 1887 Statutory Town 120 1.573 1.711 A247-8,1%
Alamosa City of Alamosa Alamosa County[Anm. 1] 12. August 1878 Home Rule Municipality 45 8.679 7.960 A0789,0%
Alma Town of Alma Park County 2. Dezember 1873 Statutory Town 238 181 179 A1431,1%
Antonito Town of Antonito Conejos County 29. Dezember 1889 Statutory Town 156 832 873 A212-4,7%
Arriba Town of Arriba Lincoln County 29. August 918 Statutory Town 231 217 244 A259-11,1%
Arvada City of Arvada Jefferson County
Adams County
24. August 1904 Home Rule Municipality 8 104.830 102.153 A1192,6%
Aspen City of Aspen Pitkin County[Anm. 1] 1. April 1881 Home Rule Municipality 62 5.728 5.914 A192-3,1%
Ault Town of Ault Weld County 11. April 1904[Anm. 2] Statutory Town 125 1.420 1.432 A163-0,8%
Aurora City of Aurora Arapahoe County
Adams County
Douglas County
5. Mai 1903[Anm. 3] Home Rule Municipality 3 303.582 276.393 A0699,8%
Avon Town of Avon Eagle County 24. Februar 1978 Home Rule Municipality 57 6.399 5.561 A04915,1%
Basalt Town of Basalt Eagle County
Pitkin County
26. August 1901 Statutory Town 87 3.041 2.681 A05313,4%
Bayfield Town of Bayfield La Plata County 18. August 1906 Statutory Town 111 1.792 1.549 A04815,7%
Bennett Town of Bennett Adams County
Arapahoe County
22. Januar 1930 Statutory Town 94 2.570 2.021 A03127,2%
Berthoud Town of Berthoud Larimer County
Weld County
28. August 1888 Statutory Town 69 5.120 4.839 A0975,8%
Bethune Town of Bethune Kit Carson County 10. Juni 1926 Statutory Town 232 215 225 A207-4,4%
Black Hawk City of Black Hawk Gilpin County 12. Juni 1886 Home Rule Municipality 255 107 118 A252-9,3%
Blanca Town of Blanca Costilla County 18. Mai 1910 Statutory Town 211 363 391 A241-7,2%
Blue River[Anm. 4] Town of Blue River Summit County 1964 Statutory Town 153 864 685 A03226,1%
Bonanza[Anm. 5] Town of Bonanza Saguache County 13. Januar 1881[Anm. 6] Statutory Town 270 15 14 A0867,1%
Boone Town of Boone Pueblo County 22. September 1956 Statutory Town 217 333 323 A1173,1%
Boulder City of Boulder Boulder County[Anm. 1] 4. November 1871[Anm. 7] Home Rule Municipality 11 91.481 94.673 A195-3,4%
Bow Mar Town of Bow Mar Arapahoe County
Jefferson County
August 1958 Statutory Town 158 811 847 A204-4,3%
Branson Town of Branson Las Animas County 26. März 1921 Statutory Town 261 79 77 A1202,6%
Breckenridge Town of Breckenridge Summit County[Anm. 1] 3. März 1880 Home Rule Municipality 89 2.768 2.408 A05015,0%
Brighton City of Brighton Adams County[Anm. 1]
Weld County
1. September 1887 Home Rule Municipality 24 29.750 20.905 A02142,3%
Brookside[Anm. 8] Town of Brookside Fremont County 1913 Statutory Town 229 219 219 A1510,0%
Broomfield City and County of Broomfield City and County of Broomfield 6. Juni 1961[Anm. 9] Consolidated City and County 16 45.116 38.272 A04117,9%
Brush City of Brush Morgan County 24. November 1884 Statutory City 67 5.205 5.117 A1331,7%
Buena Vista Town of Buena Vista Chaffee County 8. November 1879 Statutory Town 106 2.155 2.195 A172-1,8%
Burlington City of Burlington Kit Carson County[Anm. 1] 12. Januar 1888 Home Rule Municipality 83 3.480 3.678 A224-5,4%
Calhan Town of Calhan El Paso County 10. Mai 1919 Statutory Town 152 869 896 A190-3,0%
Campo Town of Campo Baca County 6. März 1950 Statutory Town 245 133 150 A260-11,3%
Cañon City City of Cañon City Fremont County[Anm. 1] 3. April 1872 Home Rule Municipality 31 16.124 15.431 A1054,5%
Carbondale Town of Carbondale Garfield County 26. April 1888 Home Rule Municipality 59 6.013 5.196 A04715,7%
Castle Pines North[Anm. 10] City of Castle Pines North Douglas County 6. November 2007 Home Rule Municipality 999 0 0 A999
Castle Rock Town of Castle Rock Douglas County[Anm. 1] 17. Mai 1881 Home Rule Municipality 19 39.682 20.224 A01096,2%
Cedaredge Town of Cedaredge Delta County 2. Mai 1907 Statutory Town 104 2.215 1.854 A03919,5%
Centennial City of Centennial Arapahoe County 7. Februar 2001 Statutory City 10 98.270 0 A999
Center Town of Center Rio Grande County
Saguache County
18. Januar 1907 Statutory Town 98 2.445 2.392 A1252,2%
Central City City of Central Gilpin County[Anm. 1]
Clear Creek County
12. Juni 1886 Home Rule Municipality 192 514 515 A160-0,2%
Cheraw Town of Cheraw Otero County 17. April 1917 Statutory Town 234 211 211 A1520,0%
Cherry Hills Village City of Cherry Hills Village Arapahoe County 19. Juli 1945 Home Rule Municipality 58 6.185 5.958 A1103,8%
Cheyenne Wells Town of Cheyenne Wells Cheyenne County[Anm. 1] 14. Mai 1890 Statutory Town 155 856 1.010 A267-15,2%
Coal Creek Town of Coal Creek Fremont County 11. Februar 1882 Statutory Town 213 362 303 A03819,5%
Cokedale Town of Cokedale Las Animas County 15. März 1948 Statutory Town 244 135 139 A189-2,9%
Collbran Town of Collbran Mesa County 22. Juli 1908 Statutory Town 204 415 388 A0887,0%
Colorado Springs City of Colorado Springs El Paso County[Anm. 1] 19. Juni 1886 Home Rule Municipality 2 372.437 360.890 A1163,2%
Columbine Valley[Anm. 11] Town of Columbine Valley Arapahoe County 2. Juli 1959 Statutory Town 130 1.254 1.132 A06510,8%
Commerce City City of Commerce City Adams County 18. Dezember 1952[Anm. 12] Home Rule Municipality 20 38.887 20.991 A01285,3%
Cortez City of Cortez Montezuma County[Anm. 1] 10. November 1902 Home Rule Municipality 46 8.448 7.977 A0945,9%
Craig City of Craig Moffat County[Anm. 1] 15. Juli 1908 Home Rule Municipality 41 9.251 9.189 A1460,7%
Crawford Town of Crawford Delta County 19. Dezember 1910 Statutory Town 208 389 366 A0906,3%
Creede Town of Creede Mineral County[Anm. 1] 19. Mai 1892 Statutory Town 206 409 377 A0828,5%
Crested Butte Town of Crested Butte Gunnison County 15. Juli 1880 Home Rule Municipality 121 1.554 1.529 A1351,6%
Crestone Town of Crestone Saguache County 24. Januar 1902 Statutory Town 260 86 73 A04217,8%
Cripple Creek City of Cripple Creek Teller County[Anm. 1] 9. Juni 1892 Statutory City 140 1.068 1.115 A202-4,2%
Crook Town of Crook Logan County 23. September 1918 Statutory Town 247 128 128 A1540,0%
Crowley Town of Crowley Crowley County 10. Oktober 1921 Statutory Town 239 178 187 A214-4,8%
Dacono City of Dacono Weld County 23. September 1908 Home Rule Municipality 80 3.752 3.015 A03424,4%
De Beque Town of De Beque Mesa County 18. Januar 1890 Statutory Town 195 481 451 A0896,7%
Deer Trail Town of Deer Trail Arapahoe County 3. Februar 1920 Statutory Town 185 578 598 A194-3,3%
Del Norte Town of Del Norte Rio Grande County[Anm. 1] 15. November 1895 Statutory Town 115 1.685 1.705 A166-1,2%
Delta City of Delta Delta County[Anm. 1] 24. Oktober 1882 Home Rule Municipality 48 8.366 6.400 A02830,7%
Denver City and County of Denver City and County of Denver 7. November 1861[Anm. 13] Consolidated City and County 1 566.974 554.636 A1242,2%
Dillon Town of Dillon Summit County 26. Januar 1883 Home Rule Municipality 162 780 802 A186-2,7%
Dinosaur Town of Dinosaur Moffat County 18. Dezember 1947[Anm. 14] Statutory Town 214 342 319 A0857,2%
Dolores Town of Dolores Montezuma County 19. Juli 1900 Statutory Town 148 899 857 A1004,9%
Dove Creek Town of Dove Creek Dolores County[Anm. 1] 15. Juni 1939 Statutory Town 170 711 698 A1301,9%
Durango City of Durango La Plata County[Anm. 1] 27. April 1881 Home Rule Municipality 33 15.614 13.922 A05912,2%
Eads Town of Eads Kiowa County[Anm. 1] 29. Januar 1916 Statutory Town 176 647 747 A264-13,4%
Eagle Town of Eagle Eagle County[Anm. 1] 5. April 1905 Statutory Town 71 4.919 3.032 A01662,2%
Eaton Town of Eaton Weld County 5. Dezember 1892 Statutory Town 77 4.044 2.690 A01950,3%
Eckley Town of Eckley Montezuma County 16. Juni 1920 Statutory Town 223 273 278 A171-1,8%
Edgewater City of Edgewater Jefferson County 5. November 1904 Home Rule Municipality 68 5.159 5.445 A221-5,3%
Elizabeth Town of Elizabeth Elbert County 9. Oktober 1890 Statutory Town 124 1.501 1.434 A1034,7%
Empire Town of Empire Clear Creek County 12. April 1882 Statutory Town 216 335 355 A225-5,6%
Englewood City of Englewood Arapahoe County 9. Mai 1903 Home Rule Municipality 22 32.286 31.727 A1321,8%
Erie Town of Erie Boulder County
Weld County
15. November 1885 Statutory Town 34 14.125 6.291 A005124,5%
Estes Park Town of Estes Park Larimer County 17. April 1917 Statutory Town 60 6.006 5.413 A06311,0%
Evans City of Evans Weld County 15. November 1885 Home Rule Municipality 28 17.977 9.514 A01189,0%
Fairplay Town of Fairplay Park County[Anm. 1] 15. November 1872 Statutory Town 173 678 610 A06211,1%
Federal Heights City of Federal Heights Adams County 19. Mai 1940 Statutory City 37 11.744 12.065 A183-2,7%
Firestone Town of Firestone Weld County 8. Oktober 1908 Statutory Town 54 7.124 1.908 A003273,4%
Flagler Town of Flagler Kit Carson County 2. November 1916 Statutory Town 183 586 612 A203-4,2%
Fleming Town of Fleming Logan County 5. Mai 1917 Statutory Town 201 442 426 A1123,8%
Florence City of Florence Fremont County 13. September 1887 Statutory City 82 3.692 3.653 A1451,1%
Fort Collins City of Fort Collins Larimer County[Anm. 1] 12. Februar 1883 Home Rule Municipality 5 129.467 118.652 A0779,1%
Fort Lupton City of Fort Lupton Weld County 15. Januar 1890 Statutory City 51 7.424 6.787 A0759,4%
Fort Morgan City of Fort Morgan Morgan County[Anm. 1] 15. Juni 1887 Home Rule Municipality 38 10.807 11.034 A176-2,1%
Fountain City of Fountain El Paso County 23. April 1903 Home Rule Municipality 26 19.374 15.197 A03027,5%
Fowler Town of Fowler Otero County 25. August 1900 Statutory Town 137 1.134 1.206 A234-6,0%
Foxfield Town of Foxfield Arapahoe County 15. Dezember 1994 Statutory Town 147 909 746 A03521,8%
Fraser Town of Fraser Grand County 15. Juni 1953 Statutory Town 148 899 910 A167-1,2%
Frederick Town of Frederick Weld County 9. September 1908 Statutory Town 52 7.395 2.467 A004199,8%
Frisco Town of Frisco Summit County 3. Dezember 1880 Home Rule Municipality 97 2.498 2.443 A1232,3%
Fruita City of Fruita Mesa County 18. April 1894 Home Rule Municipality 55 7.055 6.478 A0798,9%
Garden City Town of Garden City Weld County 14. September 1936 Statutory Town 215 339 357 A218-5,0%
Genoa Town of Genoa Lincoln County 27. Juli 1905 Statutory Town 237 187 211 A261-11,4%
Georgetown Town of Georgetown Clear Creek County[Anm. 1] 10. Januar 1868 Territorial Charter Municipality 141 1.054 1.088 A191-3,1%
Gilcrest Town of Gilcrest Weld County 18. März 1912 Statutory Town 136 1.139 1.162 A175-2,0%
Glendale City of Glendale Arapahoe County 19. Mai 1952 Home Rule Municipality 72 4.762 4.547 A1024,7%
Glenwood Springs City of Glenwood Springs Garfield County[Anm. 1] 4. September 1885 Home Rule Municipality 44 8.765 7.736 A05413,3%
Golden City of Golden Jefferson County[Anm. 1] 2. Januar 1871[Anm. 15] Home Rule Municipality 29 17.239 17.159 A1490,5%
Granada Town of Granada Prowers County 25. Juli 1887 Statutory Town 180 612 640 A206-4,4%
Granby Town of Granby Grand County 11. Dezember 1905 Statutory Town 117 1.674 1.525 A0709,8%
Grand Junction City of Grand Junction Mesa County[Anm. 1] 22. Juli 1882 Home Rule Municipality 15 46.898 41.986 A06011,7%
Grand Lake Town of Grand Lake Grand County 23. Juni 1944 Statutory Town 202 437 447 A178-2,2%
Greeley City of Greeley Weld County[Anm. 1] 15. November 1885 Home Rule Municipality 12 89.046 76.930 A04615.7%
Green Mountain Falls Town of Green Mountain Falls El Paso County
Teller County
19. August 1880 Statutory Town 159 791 773 A1222,3%
Greenwood Village City of Greenwood Village Arapahoe County 19. September 1950 Home Rule Municipality 35 13.440 11.035 A03621,8%
Grover Town of Grover Weld County 6. Oktober 1916 Statutory Town 243 153 153 A1530,0%
Gunnison City of Gunnison Gunnison County[Anm. 1] 1. März 1880 Home Rule Municipality 65 5.309 5.409 A174-1,8%
Gypsum Town of Gypsum Eagle County 25. November 1911 Home Rule Municipality 66 5.307 3.654 A02045,2%
Hartman Town of Hartman Prowers County 14. Mai 1910 Statutory Town 254 108 111 A185-2,7%
Haswell Town of Haswell Kiowa County 2. September 1920 Statutory Town 262 75 84 A256-10,7%
Haxtun Town of Haxtun Phillips County 30. Juli 1909 Statutory Town 144 997 982 A1411,5%
Hayden Town of Hayden Routt County 5. Mai 1906 Statutory Town 123 1.534 1.634 A235-6,1%
Hillrose Town of Hillrose Morgan County 20. Mai 1919 Statutory Town 221 278 254 A0739,4%
Holly Town of Holly Prowers County 4. September 1903 Statutory Town 145 987 1.048 A229-5,8%
Holyoke City of Holyoke Phillips County[Anm. 1] 31. Mai 1888 Home Rule Municipality 102 2.291 2.261 A1421,3%
Hooper Town of Hooper Alamosa County 20. Mai 1898 Statutory Town 247 125 123 A1361,6%
Hot Sulphur Springs Town of Hot Sulphur Springs Grand County[Anm. 1] 1. April 1903 Statutory Town 191 518 521 A162-0,6%
Hotchkiss Town of Hotchkiss Delta County 14. März 1901 Statutory Town 139 1.087 968 A05812,3%
Hudson Town of Hudson Weld County 2. April 1914 Statutory Town 119 1.582 1.565 A1441,1%
Hugo Town of Hugo Lincoln County[Anm. 1] 21. Juni 1909 Statutory Town 163 771 885 A263-12,9%
Idaho Springs City of Idaho Springs Clear Creek County 15. November 1885 Statutory City 110 1.797 1.889 A215-4,9%
Ignacio Town of Ignacio La Plata County 7. Juli 1913 Statutory Town 177 630 669 A230-5,8%
Iliff Town of Iliff Logan County 20. Februar 1906 Statutory Town 231 222 213 A1084,2%
Jamestown Town of Jamestown Boulder County 22. Juni 1883 Statutory Town 226 232 205 A05513,2%
Johnstown Town of Johnstown Weld County
Larimer County
13. Mai 1907 Home Rule Municipality 50 8.237 3.827 A006115,2%
Julesburg Town of Julesburg Sedgwick County 18. November 1886 Statutory Town[Anm. 1] 129 1.308 1.467 A257-10,8%
Keenesburg Town of Keenesburg Weld County 4. Juni 1919 Statutory Town 135 1.140 855 A02533,3%
Kersey Town of Kersey Weld County 3. Dezember 1908 Statutory Town 126 1.418 1.389 A1282,1%
Kim Town of Kim Las Animas County 1910 Statutory Town 263 66 65 A1401,5%
Kiowa Town of Kiowa Elbert County[Anm. 1] 30. Dezember 1912 Home Rule Municipality 181 607 581 A1064,5%
Kit Carson Town of Kit Carson Cheyenne County 13. Juli 1931 Statutory Town 229 219 253 A265-13,4%
Kremmling Town of Kremmling Grand County 14. Mai 1904 Statutory Town 122 1.549 1.578 A173-1,8%
La Jara Town of La Jara Conejos County 11. November 1910 Statutory Town 157 823 877 A236-6,2%
La Junta City of La Junta Otero County[Anm. 1] 23. April 1881 Home Rule Municipality 53 7.242 7.568 A205-4,3%
La Veta Town of La Veta Huerfano County 16. Juni 1886 Statutory Town 151 887 924 A198-4,0%
Lafayette City of Lafayette Boulder County 6. Januar 1890 Home Rule Municipality 25 24.211 23.197 A1074,4%
Lake City Town of Lake City Hinsdale County[Anm. 1] 19. September 1884 Statutory Town 209 383 375 A1272,1%
Lakeside[Anm. 16] Town of Lakeside Jefferson County 25. November 1907 Statutory Town 269 19 20 A217-5,0%
Lakewood City of Lakewood Jefferson County 24. Juni 1969 Home Rule Municipality 4 140.024 144.126 A188-2,8%
Lamar City of Lamar Prowers County[Anm. 1] 5. Dezember 1886 Home Rule Municipality 49 8.356 8.869 A228-5,8%
Larkspur Town of Larkspur Douglas County 1979 Home Rule Municipality 218 316 234 A02435,0%
Las Animas City of Las Animas Bent County[Anm. 1] 15. Mai 1886 Statutory City 96 2.531 2.758 A249-8,2%
LaSalle Town of LaSalle Weld County 1910 Statutory Town 108 1.916 1.849 A1133,6%
Leadville City of Leadville Lake County[Anm. 1] 18. Februar 1878 Statutory City 91 2.705 2.821 A200-4,1%
Limon Town of Limon Lincoln County 18. November 1909 Statutory Town 109 1.817 2.071 A262-12,3%
Littleton City of Littleton Arapahoe County[Anm. 1]
Jefferson County
Douglas County
13. März 1890 Home Rule Municipality 18 40.324 40.340 A1580,0%
Lochbuie Town of Lochbuie Weld County
Adams County
Mai 1974 Statutory Town 78 4.033 2.049 A00996,8%
Log Lane Village Town of Log Lane Village Morgan County 12. Juni 1956 Statutory Town 142 1.010 1.006 A1500,4%
Lone Tree City of Lone Tree Douglas County November 1995 Home Rule Municipality 43 9.003 4.873 A01384,8%
Longmont City of Longmont Boulder County
Weld County
15. November 1885 Home Rule Municipality 13 82.646 71.093 A04516,3%
Louisville City of Louisville Boulder County 3. Juni 1882 Home Rule Municipality 27 18.417 18.937 A187-2,7%
Loveland City of Loveland Larimer County 30. April 1881 Home Rule Municipality 14 61.122 50.608 A03720,8%
Lyons Town of Lyons Boulder County 10. April 1891 Statutory Town 112 1.756 1.585 A06410,8%
Manassa Town of Manassa Conejos County 6. Juni 1889 Statutory Town 143 1.001 1.042 A197-3,9%
Mancos Town of Mancos Montezuma County 30. November 1894 Statutory Town 131 1.226 1.119 A0729,6%
Manitou Springs City of Manitou Springs El Paso County 25. Januar 1888 Home Rule Municipality 70 5.072 4.980 A1311,8%
Manzanola Town of Manzanola Otero County 9. Juli 1900 Statutory Town 194 494 525 A232-5,9%
Marble Town of Marble Gunnison County 1899 Statutory Town 256 100 105 A213-4,8%
Mead Town of Mead Weld County 17. März 1908 Statutory Town 88 2.849 2.017 A02241,2%
Meeker Town of Meeker Rio Blanco County[Anm. 1] 10. November 1885 Statutory Town 100 2.300 2.242 A1212,6%
Merino Town of Merino Logan County 4. Januar 1917 Statutory Town 221 278 246 A05613,0%
Milliken Town of Milliken Weld County 1. Oktober 1910 Statutory Town 61 5.801 2.888 A008100,9%
Minturn Town of Minturn Eagle County 23. November 1904 Home Rule Municipality 138 1.132 1.068 A0936,0%
Moffat Town of Moffat Saguache County 20. April 1911 Statutory Town 250 122 114 A0877,0%
Monte Vista City of Monte Vista Rio Grande County 27. September 1886 Home Rule Municipality 74 4.159 4.529 A248-8,2%
Montezuma Town of Montezuma Summit County 1882 Statutory Town 266 42 42 A1560,0%
Montrose City of Montrose[Anm. 1] Montrose County 1. Mai 1882 Home Rule Municipality 30 16.449 12.344 A02633,3%
Monument Town of Monument El Paso County 14. Mai 1881 Statutory Town 95 2.533 1.971 A02928,5%
Morrison Town of Morrison Jefferson County 29. Januar 1906 Home Rule Municipality 207 407 430 A223-5,3%
Mount Crested Butte[Anm. 17] Town of Mount Crested Butte Gunnison County 1973 Home Rule Municipality 190 523 707 A270-26,0%
Mountain View[Anm. 18] Town of Mountain View Jefferson County 11. Oktober 1904 Home Rule Municipality 132 1.195 569 A007110,0%
Mountain Village Town of Mountain Village San Miguel County 10. März 1995 Home Rule Municipality 164 765 978 A269-21,8%
Naturita Town of Naturita Montrose County 30. November 1951 Statutory Town 175 659 635 A1113,8%
Nederland Town of Nederland Boulder County 15. November 1885 Statutory Town 128 1.332 1.394 A209-4,4%
New Castle Town of New Castle Garfield County 27. März 1890 Home Rule Municipality 84 3.294 1.984 A01566,0%
Northglenn City of Northglenn Adams County
Weld County
19. April 1969 Home Rule Municipality 21 33.045 31.575 A1044,7%
Norwood Town of Norwood San Miguel County 20. August 1903 Statutory Town 199 445 438 A1371,6%
Nucla Town of Nucla Montrose County 14. März 1915 Statutory Town 167 733 734 A159-0,1%
Nunn Town of Nunn Weld County 28. März 1908 Statutory Town 189 524 471 A06111,3%
Oak Creek Town of Oak Creek Routt County 26. Dezember 1907 Statutory Town 159 791 849 A240-6,8%
Olathe Town of Olathe Montrose County 16. Oktober 1907 Statutory Town 114 1.721 1.573 A0749,4%
Olney Springs Town of Olney Springs Crowley County 27. Mai 1912 Statutory Town 210 373 389 A201-4,1%
Ophir Town of Ophir San Miguel County 1881 Home Rule Municipality 249 124 113 A0719,7%
Orchard City Town of Orchard City Delta County 25. Mai 1912 Statutory Town 86 3.133 2.880 A0808,8%
Ordway Town of Ordway Crowley County[Anm. 1] 4. September 1900 Statutory Town 134 1.174 1.248 A233-5,9%
Otis Town of Otis Washington County 27. März 1917 Statutory Town 191 509 534 A211-4,7%
Ouray City of Ouray Ouray County[Anm. 1] 24. März 1884 Statutory City 150 896 813 A06710,2%
Ovid Town of Ovid Sedgwick County 21. Dezember 1925 Statutory Town 220 306 330 A242-7,3%
Pagosa Springs Town of Pagosa Springs Archuleta County[Anm. 1] 18. März 1891 Home Rule Municipality 116 1.684 1.591 A0965,8%
Palisade Town of Palisade Mesa County 4. April 1904 Statutory Town 90 2.734 2.579 A0926,0%
Palmer Lake Town of Palmer Lake El Paso County 12. März 1889 Statutory Town 101 2.292 2.179 A0985,2%
Paoli Town of Paoli Phillips County 6. August 1930 Statutory Town 266 42 42 A1570,0%
Paonia Town of Paonia Delta County 3. September 1902 Statutory Town 118 1.621 1.497 A0848,3%
Parachute Town of Parachute Garfield County 1. April 1908[Anm. 19] Home Rule Municipality 133 1.189 1.006 A04018,2%
Parker Town of Parker Douglas County Mai 1981 Home Rule Municipality 17 41.406 23.558 A01475,8%
Peetz Town of Peetz Logan County 17. Mai 1917 Statutory Town 227 224 227 A169-1,3%
Pierce Town of Pierce Weld County 30. August 1918 Statutory Town 153 864 884 A179-2,3%
Pitkin Town of Pitkin Gunnison County 5. April 1880 Statutory Town 253 113 124 A250-8,9%
Platteville Town of Platteville Weld County 1. Januar 1887 Statutory Town 92 2.611 2.370 A06810,2%
Poncha Springs Town of Poncha Springs Chaffee County 16. Dezember 1880 Statutory Town 197 461 466 A164-1,1%
Pritchett Town of Pritchett Baca County 1923 Statutory Town 250 122 137 A258-10,9%
Pueblo City of Pueblo Delta County[Anm. 1] 15. November 1885 Home Rule Municipality 9 103.730 102.121 A1381,6%
Ramah Town of Ramah El Paso County 18. Juli 1927 Statutory Town 251 119 117 A1341,7%
Rangely Town of Rangely Rio Blanco County 27. August 1946 Statutory Town 107 2.090 2.096 A161-0,3%
Raymer[Anm. 20] Town of Raymer Weld County 1919 Statutory Town 258 91 91 A1550,0%
Red Cliff Town of Red Cliff Eagle County 18. Dezember 1880 Statutory Town 219 307 289 A0916,2%
Rico Town of Rico Dolores County 25. Februar 1880 Home Rule Municipality 227 241 205 A04317,6%
Ridgway Town of Ridgway Ouray County 2. April 1891 Home Rule Municipality 166 749 713 A0995,0%
Rifle City of Rifle Garfield County 18. August 1905 Home Rule Municipality 47 8.446 6.784 A03324,5%
Rockvale Town of Rockvale Fremont County 30. September 1886 Statutory Town 201 443 426 A1094,0%
Rocky Ford City of Rocky Ford Otero County 19. August 1887 Statutory City 76 4.118 4.286 A196-3,9%
Romeo Town of Romeo Conejos County 4. September 1923 Statutory Town 211 363 375 A193-3,2%
Rye Town of Rye Pueblo County 22. November 1937 Statutory Town 235 203 202 A1480,5%
Saguache[Anm. 21] Town of Saguache[Anm. 21] Saguache County[Anm. 1] 13. August 1891 Statutory Town 182 595 578 A1182,9%
Salida City of Salida Chaffee County[Anm. 1] 23. März 1891 Statutory City 64 5.410 5.504 A170-1,7%
San Luis Town of San Luis Costilla County[Anm. 1] 1885 Statutory Town 172 680 739 A245-8,0%
Sanford Town of Sanford Conejos County 9. April 1907 Statutory Town 161 784 817 A199-4,0%
Sawpit[Anm. 22] Town of Sawpit San Miguel County 1896 Statutory Town 268 23 25 A246-8,0%
Sedgwick Town of Sedgwick Sedgwick County 28. Januar 1918 Statutory Town 240 171 191 A255-10,5%
Seibert Town of Seibert Kit Carson County 21. Juni 1917 Statutory Town 240 171 180 A216-5,0%
Severance Town of Severance Weld County 20. November 1920 Statutory Town 93 2.590 597 A002333,8%
Sheridan City of Sheridan Arapahoe County 1. April 1890 Home Rule Municipality 63 5.460 5.600 A181-2,5%
Sheridan Lake Town of Sheridan Lake Kiowa County 11. Juni 1951 Statutory Town 264 60 66 A251-9,1%
Silt Town of Silt Garfield County 19. Mai 1915 Statutory Town 99 2.408 1.740 A02338,4%
Silver Cliff Town of Silver Cliff Custer County 10. Februar 1879 Statutory Town 184 582 512 A05213,7%
Silver Plume Town of Silver Plume Clear Creek County 24. September 1880 Statutory Town 236 190 203 A238-6,4%
Silverthorne Town of Silverthorne Summit County 5. September 1967 Home Rule Municipality 81 3.733 3.196 A04416,8%
Silverton Town of Silverton San Juan County[Anm. 1] 15. November 1885 Statutory Town 188 548 531 A1153,2%
Simla Town of Simla Elbert County 15. Januar 1913 Statutory Town 168 720 663 A0818,6%
Snowmass Village Town of Snowmass Village Pitkin County 1977 Home Rule Municipality 113 1.741 1.822 A208-4,4%
South Fork Town of South Fork Rio Grande County 19. Mai 1992 Statutory Town 186 558 604 A243-7,6%
Springfield Town of Springfield Baca County[Anm. 1] 16. Januar 1889 Statutory Town 127 1.350 1.562 A266-13,6%
Starkville Town of Starkville Las Animas County 2. März 1954 Statutory Town 246 130 128 A1391,6%
Steamboat Springs City of Steamboat Springs Routt County[Anm. 1] 19. August 1907 Home Rule Municipality 40 9.315 9.815 A219-5,1%
Sterling City of Sterling Logan County[Anm. 1] 3. Dezember 1884 Home Rule Municipality 36 12.581 11.360 A06610,7%
Stratton Town of Stratton Kit Carson County 15. April 1917 Statutory Town 178 627 669 A237-6,3%
Sugar City Town of Sugar City Crowley County 2. Juli 1900 Statutory Town 224 263 279 A227-5,7%
Superior Town of Superior Boulder County
Jefferson County
10. Juni 1904 Statutory Town 39 10.262 9.011 A05113,9%
Swink Town of Swink Otero County 6. Juni 1906 Statutory Town 171 681 696 A177-2,2%
Telluride Town of Telluride San Miguel County[Anm. 1] 10. Februar 1887[Anm. 23] Home Rule Municipality 103 2.267 2.221 A1292,1%
Thornton City of Thornton Adams County
Weld County
12. Juni 1956 Home Rule Municipality 6 109.155 82.384 A02732,5%
Timnath Town of Timnath Larimer County 6. Juli 1920 Statutory Town 233 213 223 A210-4,5%
Trinidad City of Trinidad Las Animas County[Anm. 1] 30. Dezember 1879 Home Rule Municipality 42 9.134 9.078 A1470,6%
Two Buttes Town of Two Buttes Baca County 19. Oktober 1911 Statutory Town 264 60 67 A254-10,4%
Vail Town of Vail Eagle County 1966 Home Rule Municipality 73 4.628 4.531 A1262,1%
Victor City of Victor Teller County 16. Juli 1894 Statutory City 203 422 445 A220-5,2%
Vilas Town of Vilas Baca County 25. Juni 1888 Statutory Town 257 99 110 A253-10,0%
Vona Town of Vona Kit Carson County 9. August 1919 Statutory Town 259 90 95 A222-5,3%
Walden Town of Walden Jackson County[Anm. 1] 2. Dezember 1890 Statutory Town 179 621 734 A268-15,4%
Walsenburg City of Walsenburg Huerfano County[Anm. 1] 16. Juni 1873 Statutory City 79 3.943 4.182 A226-5,7%
Walsh Town of Walsh Baca County 19. Juli 1928 Statutory Town 174 667 723 A244-7,7%
Ward Town of Ward Boulder County 9. Juni 1896 Home Rule Municipality 242 165 169 A180-2,4%
Wellington Town of Wellington Larimer County 10. November 1905 Statutory Town 75 4.128 2.672 A01854,5%
Westcliffe Town of Westcliffe Custer County[Anm. 1] 21. November 1887 Statutory Town 198 456 417 A0769,4%
Westminster City of Westminster Adams County
Jefferson County
24. Mai 1911 Home Rule Municipality 7 105.753 100.940 A1014,8%
Wheat Ridge City of Wheat Ridge Jefferson County 20. August 1969 Home Rule Municipality 23 30.979 32.913 A231-5,9%
Wiggins Town of Wiggins Morgan County 11. Oktober 1974 Statutory Town 146 944 838 A05712,6%
Wiley Town of Wiley Prowers County 28. Januar 1909 Statutory Town 196 470 483 A184-2,7%
Williamsburg[Anm. 24] Town of Williamsburg Fremont County 7. April 1888 Statutory Town 165 756 714 A0955,9%
Windsor Town of Windsor Weld County
Larimer County
15. April 1890 Home Rule Municipality 32 15.976 9.896 A01761,4%
Winter Park Town of Winter Park Grand County 1. September 1979 Home Rule Municipality 169 717 662 A0838,3%
Woodland Park City of Woodland Park Teller County 6. Juni 1891 Home Rule Municipality 56 6.729 6.515 A1143,3%
Wray City of Wray Montezuma County[Anm. 1] 22. Juni 1906 Home Rule Municipality 105 2.160 2.187 A168-1,2%
Yampa Town of Yampa Routt County 25. Februar 1907 Statutory Town 205 413 443 A239-6,8%
Montezuma City of Montezuma Montezuma County 24. März 1887 Home Rule Municipality 85 3.249 3.285 A165-1,1%


  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi County Seat
  2. Ault wurde als Bergdorf inkorporiert.
  3. Aurora wurde als Fletcher inkorporiert.
  4. Blue River wird durch das Postamt von Breckenridge bedient.
  5. Bonanza wird durch das Postamt in Villa Grove bedient.
  6. Bonanza wurde ursprünglich als Bonanza City inkorporiert.
  7. Boulder wurde als Boulder City inkorporiert.
  8. Brookside wird vom Postamt in Cañon City bedient.
  9. Die City Broomfield und das County wurden am 15. November 2001 konsolidiert.
  10. Castle Pines North wird vom Postamt in Castle Rock bedient.
  11. Columbine Valley wird vom Postamt in Littleton bedient.
  12. Commerce City wurde als Commerce Town inkorporiert.
  13. Denver wurde als Denver City inkorporiert und am 15. November 1902 mit dem Denver County verschmolzen.
  14. Dinosaur wurde als Artesia inkorporiert.
  15. Golden wurde als Golden City inkorporiert.
  16. Lakeside wird vom Postamt in Denver bedient.
  17. Mount Crested Butte wird vom Postamt in Crested Butte bedient.
  18. Mountain View wird vom Postamt in Denver bedient.
  19. Parachute wurde als Grand Valley inkorporiert.
  20. Raymer wird vom U.S. Postal Service unter dem Namen New Raymer geführt.
  21. a b Saguache səˈwætʃ. Der Name in der Sprache der Ute bedeutet „blaue Erde“ oder „Gewässer an der blauen Erde“. Auf Spanisch wird der Name meist Saguache geschrieben, während die englische Version oft als Sawatch geschrieben wird.
  22. Sawpit wird durch das Postamt in Placerville bedient.
  23. Telluride wurde als Columbia inkorporiert.
  24. Williamsburg wird durch das Postamt Florence bedient.


  1. a b c d Active Colorado Municipalities. State of Colorado, Department of Local Affairs (27. Februar 2007). Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2007.
  2. ZIP Code Lookup (JavaScript/ HTML). United States Postal Service (27. Februar 2007). Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2007.
  3. 5% Public Use Microdata Sample Equivalency (PUMEQ5) Bild: Colorado. PUMEQ5 datafiles. United States Census Bureau, Population Division (4. September 2003). Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2007.
  4. Geographic Change Notes. Census Geography. United States Census Bureau, Population Division (19. Mai 2006). Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2007.
  5. Colorado Municipal Incorporations (HTML). State of Colorado, Department of Personnel & Administration, Colorado State Archives (1. Dezember 2004). Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2007.
  6. Colorado Local Government by Type (HTML). State of Colorado, Department of Local Affairs (27. Februar 2007). Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2007.
  7. a b c d Table 4: Annual Estimates of the Population for Incorporated Places in Colorado, Listed Alphabetically: April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2006 (CSV). 2006 Population Estimates. United States Census Bureau, Population Division (28. Juni 2007). Abgerufen am 1. Juli 2007.

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