CORDOVERO (M.) — CORDOVERO MOÏSE (1522 1570) Il fut l’élève de Joseph Karo et de Salomon Alkabetz, et le maître d’Isaac Luria. Cordovero est, avec ce dernier, la plus grande figure du centre kabbalistique de Safed (en Galilée) au XVIe siècle. Les deux œuvres… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Cordovero — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Cordovero Cordoveiru Parroquia de España Entidad Parroquia • País … Wikipedia Español
Cordovero — Cordovero, Mose ben Jakob, jüdischer Gelehrter und Kabbalist, * 1522, ✝ Safad 1570; Verfasser eines großen Kommentars zum Buch Sohar und systematische Traktate; einflussreich waren v. a. »Pardes Rimmonim« (1592) und die kabbalistisch ethische… … Universal-Lexikon
Cordovero — This article is about the Spanish civil parish. For the scholar of early modern Judaism s Kabbalah, see Moses ben Jacob Cordovero. Cordovero is one of fifteen parishes in Pravia, a municipality within the province and autonomous community of… … Wikipedia
CORDOVERO, MOSES BEN JACOB — (1522–1570), the outstanding kabbalist in Safed before isaac luria . His birthplace is unknown, but his name testifies to the family s Spanish origins. He was a disciple of joseph caro and of Solomon Alkabeẓ , and a teacher of Isaac Luria. His… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
CORDOVERO, GEDALIAH BEN MOSES — (1562–1625), rabbi and kabbalist; son of moses cordovero , he was born in Safed and after the death of his father, when Gedaliah was eight years of age, he studied under Solomon sagis . Before 1584 he was in Italy where he engaged in the book… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Cordovero, Moses ben-Jacob — (1522–70) Safad mystic. Practically nothing is known of Cordovero’s biography; his name suggests that the family came from Spain but it is not known where he was born. Cordovero was a systematic thinker, and could be called a philosopher of… … Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament
Cordovero, Moses ben Jacob — ▪ Jewish mystic born 1522 died 1570, Safed, Palestine [now Ẕefat, Israel] Galilean rabbi who organized and codified the Zoharistic Kabbala. He was the teacher of another leading Kabbalist, Isaac Luria. Little is known of Cordovero s… … Universalium
Moses ben Jacob Cordovero — Cordovero s grave in Safed Moses ben Jacob Cordovero, (1522–1570) (Hebrew: משה קורדובירו), was a central figure in the historical development of Kabbalah, leader of a mystical school in 16th century Safed, Israel. He is known … Wikipedia
Cordovero, Moses ben Jacob (Ramak; Remak) — (1522 70) Palestinian kabbalist, of Spanish origin. He was the most important kabbalist in Safed before Isaac Luria. His first systematic work, Pardes Rimmonim, covers a wide range of kabbalistic problems. He also wrote a second systematic… … Dictionary of Jewish Biography