ETF — may refer to the following:*The Emergency Task Force, a special tactical unit of the Toronto Police that is similar in many ways to the United States SWAT teams. *Exchange traded fund, an investment vehicle that trades on a stock exchange at… … Wikipedia
ETF — Биржевой фонд, или торгуемый на бирже фонд (exchange traded fund (ETF)), – это инвестиционный фонд, паи (акции) которого свободно торгуются на бирже. В отличие от традиционных ПИФов или взаимных фондов (mutual funds), компания, запустившая тот… … Банковская энциклопедия
ETF — ( exchange traded funds) A basket of stocks similar to an index mutual fund. However, there are a number of important differences between ETFs and mutual funds. The ETF can be traded within the day, they can be shorted, purchased on margin and… … Financial and business terms
ETF — Eng. exchange traded fund La sigla etf significa exchange traded fund e utilizzata per indicare alcuni fondi indicizzati quotati sul mercato. Gli etf exchange traded fund hanno la caratteristica di replicare in maniera neutrale l andamento di … Glossario di economia e finanza
ETF — Sigles d’une seule lettre Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres Sigles de quatre lettres Sigles de cinq lettres Sigles de six lettres Sigles de sept… … Wikipédia en Français
ETF Securities — Type Private, Employee owned Industry Investment management Number of locations Jersey, London, United Kingdom, Tokyo, Japan, New York, USA Products Exchange traded funds, Commodities, FX … Wikipedia
ETF Market Maker — Dieser Artikel wurde aufgrund inhaltlicher und/oder formaler Mängel auf der Qualitätssicherungsseite des Portals Wirtschaft eingetragen. Du kannst helfen, indem Du die dort genannten Mängel beseitigst oder Dich an der Diskussion beteiligst. Als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ETF Venture Funds — Infobox Company company name = ETF Venture Funds company company type = Private company foundation = 1999 location = West Conshohocken, PA, USA key people = Wayne Kimmel Managing Partner Ian J. Berg Managing Partner Tony Bifano Operating Partner… … Wikipedia
ETF Sponsor — The company or financial institution which creates and administers an exchange traded fund. To set up the ETF, the sponsor creates the underlying index around which the ETF will be passively managed. The initial securities chosen for the fund are … Investment dictionary
ETF Wrap — A type of special investment portfolio in which an investor, with or without the aid of an investment advisor, invests solely in exchange traded funds (ETFs). The composition of each ETF class is initially based on a preselected asset allocation… … Investment dictionary