Sacred Books of the East

Sacred Books of the East

Sacred Books of the East („Heilige Bücher des Ostens“) ist eine monumentale 50-bändige Reihe von englischen Übersetzungen asiatischer religiöser Schriften, die von Max Müller herausgegeben wurde und bei der Oxford University Press zwischen 1879 und 1910 erschienen ist. Sie enthält die wichtigsten heiligen Texte des Hinduismus, Buddhismus, Daoismus, Konfuzianismus, Zoroastrianismus, Jainismus und Islam.

Von 1997 bis 2008 wurden 38 sämtliche Bände in elektronische Versionen gebracht und sind online zugänglich.

Bände der Sacred Books of the East
Bd. Gruppe Jahr Übersetzer Titel und Inhalt
1 Hindu 1879 Max Müller The Upanishads, Part 1 of 2. Chandogya Upanishad. Talavakara (Kena) Upanishad. Aitareya Upanishad. Kausitaki Upanishad. Vajasaneyi (Isa) Upanishad.
2 Hindu 1879 Georg Bühler The Sacred Laws of the Aryas, vol. 1 of 2. The sacred laws of the Aryas as taught in the school of Apastamba, Gautama, Vâsishtha, and Baudhâyana. pt. I. Apastamba and Gautama. (The Dharma Sutras).
3 China 1879 James Legge The Sacred Books of China, vol. 1 of 6. Part I of The Texts of Confucianism. The Shû king. The religions portions of the Shih king. The Hsiâo king.
4 Zor 1880 James Darmesteter The Zend-Avesta, vol. 1 of 3. The Vendîdâd.
5 Zor 1880 E. W. West Pahlavi Texts, vol. 1 of 5. The Bundahis, Bahman Yast, and Shayast La-Shayast.
6 Islam 1880 E. H. Palmer The Qur'an, vol. 1 of 2.
7 Hindu 1880 Julius Jolly The Institutes of Visnu.
8 Hindu 1882 Kâshinâth Trimbak Telang The Bhagavadgita With the Sanatsugâtiya and the Anugitâ.
9 Islam 1880 E. H. Palmer The Qur'an, vol. 2 of 2.
10 Bud 1881 F. Max Müller (Dhammapada) Viggo Fausböll (Sutta-Nipata) The Dhammapada and The Sutta-Nipâta, a collection of discourses; being one of the canonical books of the Buddhists, translated from Pāli; and The Dhammapada, a collection of verses, translated from Pāli.
11 Bud 1881 T. W. Rhys Davids Buddhist Suttas. The Mahâ-parinibbâna Suttanta, The Dhamma-kakka-ppavattana Sutta, The Tevigga Suttanta, The Âkankheyya Sutta, The Ketokhila Sutta, The Mahâ-Sudassana Suttanta, The Sabbâsava Sutta.
12 Hindu 1882 Julius Eggeling The Satapatha Brahmana according to the text of the Mâdhyandina school, vol. 1 of 5.
13 Hindu 1881 T. W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg Vinaya Texts, vol. 1 of 3. The Patimokkha. The Mahavagga, I-IV.
14 Hindu 1882 Georg Bühler The Sacred Laws of the Aryas, vol. 2 of 2. The sacred laws of the Aryas as taught in the school of Apastamba, Gautama, Vâsishtha, and Baudhâyana. pt. II. Vâsishtha and Baudhâyana.
15 Hindu 1884 Max Müller The Upanishads, part 2 of 2. Katha Upanishad. Mundaka Upanishad. Taittiriya Upanishad. Brhadaranyaka Upanishad. Svetasvatara Upanishad. Prasña Upanishad. Maitrayani Upanishad.
16 China 1882 James Legge The Sacred Books of China, vol. 2 of 6. Part II of The Texts of Confucianism. The Yi King: (I Ching).
17 Hindu 1882 T. W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg Vinaya Texts, vol. 2 of 3. The Mahavagga, V-X, the Kullavagga I-II.
18 Zor 1882 E. W. West Pahlavi Texts, vol. 2 of 5. The Dâdistân-î Dinik and the Epistles of Mânûskîhar.
19 Bud 1883 Samuel Beal The Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king, a life of Buddha, by Ashvaghosha, Bodhisattva; translated from Sanskrit into Chinese by Dharmaraksha, A. D. 420.
20 Hindu 1885 T. W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg Vinaya Texts, vol. 3 of 3. The Kullavagga, IV-XII.
21 Bud 1884 Hendrik Kern The Saddharma-Pundarika or The Lotus of the True Law.
22 Jain 1884 Hermann Jacobi Gaina Sûtras, vol. 1 of 2, translated from the Prâkrit. The Âkârânga sûtra. The Kalpa sûtra.
23 Zor 1883 James Darmesteter The Zend-Avesta, vol. 2 of 3. The Sîrôzahs, Yasts, and Nyâyis.
24 Zor 1884 E. W. West Pahlavi Texts, vol. 3 of 5. Dinai Mainög-i khirad, Sikand-Gümanik Vigar, Sad Dar.
25 Hindu 1886 Georg Bühler The Laws of Manu. Translated, with extracts from seven commentaries.
26 Jain 1885 Julius Eggeling The Satapatha Brahmana according to the text of the Mâdhyandina school, vol. 2 of 5, Books III-IV
27 China 1885 James Legge The Sacred Books of China, vol. 3 of 6. Part III of the texts of Confucianism. The Lî Kî, part 1 of 2.
28 China 1885 James Legge The Sacred Books of China, vol. 4 of 6. Part IV of the texts of Confucianism. The Lî Kî, part 2 of 2.
29 Hindu 1886 Hermann Oldenberg The Grihya-sutras; rules of Vedic domestic ceremonies. vol. 1 of 2. Sankhyayana-Grihya-sutra. Asvalayana-Grihya-sutra. Paraskara-Grihya-sutra. Khadia-Grihya-sutra.
30 Hindu 1892 Hermann Oldenberg, Max Müller The Grihya-sutras; rules of Vedic domestic ceremonies. vol. 2 of 2. Gobhila, Hiranyakesin, Apastamba (Olderberg); Yajña Paribhashasutras (Müller).
31 Zor 1887 Lawrence Heyworth Mills The Zend-Avesta, vol. 3 of 3. The Yasna, Visparad, Afrînagân, Gâhs, and miscellaneous fragments.
32 Hindu 1891 Max Müller Vedic Hymns, vol. 1 of 2. Hymns to the Maruts, Rudra, Vâyu, and Vâta., with a bibliographical list of the more important publications on the Rig-veda.
33 Hindu 1889 Julius Jolly The Minor Law-Books: Brihaspati. (Part 1 of 1).
34 Hindu 1890 George Thibaut The Vedanta-Sutras, vol. 1 of 3. Commentary by Sankaracharya, part 1 of 2. Adhyâya I-II (Pâda I-II).
35 Bud 1890 T. W. Rhys Davids The Questions of King Milinda, vol. 1 of 2. Milindapañha.
36 Bud 1894 T. W. Rhys Davids The Questions of King Milinda, vol. 2 of 2. Milindapañha.
37 Zor 1892 E. W. West Pahlavi Texts, vol. 4 of 5. Contents of the Nasks.
38 Hindu 1896 George Thibaut The Vedanta-Sutras, vol. 2 of 3, commentary by Sankaracharya, part 1 of 2. Adhyâya II (Pâda III-IV) -IV.
39 China 1891 James Legge The Texts of Taoism, Part 1 of 2. The Sacred Books of China, vol. 5 of 6. Also: The Tâo the king (Tao te Ching): The writings of Kwang-tze, books I-XVII.
40 China 1891 James Legge The Texts of Taoism, Part 2 of 2. Includes The Writings of Kwang Tse, books XVII-XXXIII, The Thâi-shang tractate of actions and their retributions, other Taoist texts, and the Index to vols. 39 and 40.
41 Hindu 1894 Julius Eggeling The Satapatha Brahmana according to the text of the Mâdhyandina school, vol. 3 of 5. Books V, VI, VII.
42 Hindu 1897 Maurice Bloomfield Hymns of the Atharvaveda, Together With Extracts From the Ritual Books and the Commentaries.
43 Hindu 1897 Julius Eggeling The Satapatha Brahmana according to the text of the Mâdhyandina school, vol. 4 of 5, Books VII, IX, X.
44 Hindu 1900 Julius Eggeling The Satapatha Brahmana according to the text of the Mâdhyandina school, vol. 5 of 5, Books XI, XII, XIII, XIV.
45 Jain 1895 Hermann Jacobi Gaina Sûtras, vol. 2 of 2, translated from Prâkrit. The Uttarâdhyayana Sûtra, The Sûtrakritânga Sûtra.
46 Hindu 1897 Hermann Oldenberg Vedic Hymns, vol. 2 of 2. Hymns to Agni (Mandalas I-V).
47 Zor 1897 E. W. West Pahlavi Texts, vol. 5 of 5. Marvels of Zoroastrianism.
48 Hindu 1904 George Thibaut The Vedanta-Sutras, vol. 3 of 3, with the commentary of Râmânuja.
49 Bud 1894 Edward Byles Cowell, F. Max Müller and Takakusu Junjiro Buddhist Mahâyâna Texts. Part 1. The Buddha-karita of Asvaghosha, translated from the Sanskrit by E. B. Cowell. Part 2. The larger Sukhâvatî-vyûha, the smaller Sukhâvatî-vyûha, the Vagrakkedikâ, the larger Pragñâ-pâramitâ-hridaya-sûtra, the smaller Pragñâ-pâramitâ-hridaya-sûtra, translated by F. Max Müller. The Amitâyur dhyâna-sûtra, translated by J. Takakusu.
50 index 1910 Moriz Winternitz, with a preface by Arthur Anthony Macdonell General index to the names and subject-matter of the sacred books of the East.


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