- Sather Classical Lectures
Die Sather Classical Lectures sind eine wissenschaftliche Publikationsreihe, die seit 1921 bei der University of California Press erscheint. Den Bänden der Reihe liegen Vorlesungen der Sather Professors an der University of California, Berkeley zugrunde.
Liste der Bände
Nr. Autor Titel Jahr Bemerkungen 1 John A. Scott The Unity of Homer 1921 2 Herbert Weir Smyth Aeschylean Tragedy 1924 Nachdrucke 1966, 1969 3 Terrot R. Glover Herodotus 1924 Nachdruck 1969 4 Duane Reed Stuart Epochs of Greek and Roman Biography 1925 Nachdrucke 1928, 1967 5 John Burnet Platonism 1928 Nachdruck 1983 6 John Linton Myres Who Were the Greeks? 1930 Nachdruck 1967 7 Tenney Frank Life and Literature in the Roman Republic 1930 Nachdrucke 1957, 1971 8 Martin Persson Nilsson The Mycenaean Origin of Greek Mythology 1932 Nachdruck 1933, 1963 9 Arthur Leslie Wheeler Catullus and the Traditions of Ancient Poetry 1934 Nachdruck 1974 10 Cyril Bailey Phases in the Religion of Ancient Rome 1932 Nachdrucke 1972, 1981 11 Robert J. Bonner Aspects of Athenian Democracy 1933 Nachdruck 1967 12 John Wight Duff Roman Satire: Its Outlook on Social Life 1936 Nachdrucke 1937, 1964 13 Werner Jaeger Demosthenes: the Origin and Growth of his Policy 1938 14 Paul Shorey Platonism Ancient and Modern 1938 15 Samuel Eliot Bassett The Poetry of Homer 1938 Neuausgabe 2003 16 Herbert Jennings Rose The Eclogues of Vergil 1942 17 Axel W. Persson The Religion of Greece in Prehistoric Times 1942 18 Hermann Fränkel Ovid: a Poet between Two Worlds 1945 Deutsche Übersetzung: Ovid – ein Dichter zwischen zwei Welten. Darmstadt 1970 19 Gilbert Norwood Pindar 1945 Nachdruck 1956 20 Rhys Carpenter Folk Tale, Fiction and Saga in the Homeric Epic 1946 Nachdruck 1974 21 Max L. W. Laistner The Greater Roman Historians 1947 Nachdruck 1971 22 Lily Ross Taylor Party Politics in the Age of Caesar 1949 23 Levi Arnold Post From Homer to Menander: forces in Greek poetic fiction 1951 24 John D. Beazley The Development of Attic Black-Figure 1951 überarbeitete Neuausgabe 1981 25 Eric Robertson Dodds The Greeks and the Irrational 1951 bis 2004 zwölfmal nachgedruckt; deutsche Übersetzung: Die Griechen und das Irrationale. Darmstadt 1970, ²1991 26 André-Jean Festugière Personal Religion among the Greeks 1954 27 Arnold Wycombe Gomme The Greek Attitude to Poetry and History 1954 28 Jakob Larsen Representative Government in Greek and Roman History 1955 29 Joshua Whatmough Poetic, Scientific and Other Forms of Discourse 1956 30 Frank E. Adcock The Greek and Macedonian Art of War 1957 31 Denys Lionel Page History and the Homeric Iliad 1959 neun Nachdrucke bis 1976 32 Benjamin Dean Meritt The Athenian year 1961 33 Ronald Syme Sallust 1964 deutsche Übersetzung von Udo W. Scholz, Darmstadt 1975 34 Bruno Snell Scenes from Greek Drama 1964 35 Bernard MacGregor Walker Knox The Heroic Temper: Studies in Sophoclean Tragedy 1964 36 Humphrey Davy Findley Kitto Poiesis: Structure and Thought 1966 37 Ben Edwin Perry The Ancient Romances. A Literary-Historical Account of Their Origins 1967 38 William Bedell Stanford The Sound of Greek: Studies in the Greek Theory and Practice of Euphony 1967 39 Kenneth Dover Lysias and the Corpus Lysiacum 1968 40 Geoffrey Kirk Myth: Its Meanings and Functions in Ancient and Other Cultures 1970 41 Hugh Lloyd-Jones The Justice of Zeus 1971 42 Frank W. Walbank Polybius 1972 43 Moses I. Finley The Ancient Economy 1971 Zweite Auflage London 1985 44 Edward J. Kenney The Classical Text. Aspects of Editing in the Age of the Printed Book 1974 45 Gordon Willis Williams Change and Decline. Roman Literature in the Early Empire 1978 46 Emily Vermeule Aspects of Death in Early Greek Art and Poetry 1979 47 Walter Burkert Structure and History in Greek Mythology and Ritual 1979 48 Albrecht Dihle The Theory of Will in Classical Antiquity 1982 49 C. John Herington Poetry into Drama. Early Tragedy and the Greek Poetic Tradition 1985 50 Christian Habicht Pausanias’ Guide to Ancient Greece 1985 deutsche Übersetzung: Pausanias und seine Beschreibung Griechenlands. München 1985 51 Wendell Vernon Clausen Virgil’s Aeneid and the Tradition of Hellenistic Poetry 1987 52 Geoffrey Lloyd The Revolutions of Wisdom: Studies in the Claims and Practice of Ancient Greek Science 1987 53 Anthony Snodgrass An Archaeology of Greece. The Present and Future Scope of a Discipline 1988 54 Arnaldo Momigliano The Classical Foundations of Modern Historiography 1990 55 Averil Cameron Christianity and the Rhetoric of Empire: The Development of Christian Discourse 1991 56 Emilio Gabba Dionysius and The History of Archaic Rome 1991 57 Bernard Williams Shame and Necessity 1993 58 Glen Bowersock Fiction as History. Nero to Julian 1994 59 Paul Zanker The Mask of Socrates. The Image of the Intellectual in Antiquity 1995 60 Gian Biagio Conte The Hidden Author: An Interpretation of Petronius’ Satyricon 1996 61 Alexander Nehamas The Art of Living: Socratic Reflections from Plato to Foucault 1998 62 Anne Pippin Burnett Revenge in Attic and Later Tragedy 1998 63 Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway Prayers in Stone: Greek Architectural Sculpture (c. 600–100 B.C.E.) 1999 64 Fergus Millar A Greek Roman Empire: Power and Belief under Theodosius II (408–450) 2006 65 Denis Feeney Caesar’s Calendar: Ancient Time and the Beginnings of History 2007 66 David Sedley Creationism and Its Critics in Antiquity 2008 67 Gregory Nagy Homer the Preclassic 2011 noch nicht erschienen 68 Michael Frede A Free Will: Origins of the Notion in Ancient Thought 2011 69 Roger S. Bagnall Everyday Writing in the Graeco-Roman East 2011 Weblinks
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