AS-14 Kedge

AS-14 Kedge
AS-14 Kedge

Die AS-14 Kedge (GRAU-Index Х-29, Transkription Ch-29) ist eine überschallschnelle, taktische Luft-Boden-Rakete aus sowjetischer Produktion zur Bekämpfung von gepanzerten und verbunkerten Bodenzielen. Sie kann gegen ein großes Spektrum taktischer Ziele, zum Beispiel Panzerfahrzeuge, Flugabwehr, Schiffe, Transporteinrichtungen, Verkehrsanlagen und verbunkerte Anlagen eingesetzt werden.



Die Entwicklung begann Mitte der 1970er Jahre im staatlichen Konstruktionsbüro Wympel in Moskau. Das System wurde im Jahre 1980 bei den sowjetischen Luftstreitkräften eingeführt.


  • AS-14 Kedge-A (Ch-29T) mit TV-Kommandolenkung. Reichweite 12 km
  • AS-14 Kedge-B (Ch-29L) mit Semiaktiver Lasergelenkung. Reichweite 28 km
  • AS-14 Kedge-C (Ch-29D) mit einer Abbildenden Infrarot-Kamera. Reichweite 12 km
  • AS-14 Kedge-D (Ch-29TE) verbesserte Ch-29T mit einer Reichweite von 32 km


Übersicht Ch-29-Lenkwaffen

NATO Bezeichnung AS-14 Kedge A AS-14 Kedge B AS-14 Kedge C AS-14 Kedge D
GRAU-Index Ch-29T Ch-29L Ch-29D Ch-29TE
Länge 3,94 m
Rumpfdurchmesser 400 mm
Gewicht 690 kg 680 kg 660 kg unbekannt
Antrieb 1 Stufen Feststoff
Sprengkopf 317 kg Penetrations- und Splittergefechtskopf
Lenkung / Suchkopf TV-Kommandolenkung Semiaktive Lasergelenkung Abbildende Infrarotkamera TV-Kommandolenkung
Fluggeschwindigkeit 400 m/s 430 m/s
Einsatzreichweite 312 km 328 km 312 km 332 km

Siehe auch


  • Jane's Air-launched Weapons Systems Edition 2002, Jane's Verlag
  • Das Luft-Boden Lenkwaffensystem AS-14 Kedge, DTIGDefense Threat Informations Group, Mai 1998
  • Russia's Arms 2004 Catalog, Military Parade Publishing House

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  • Kedge — (k[e^]j), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Kedged} (k[e^]jd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Kedging}.] [Cf. dial. Sw. keka to tug, to drag one s self slowly forward; or perh. fr. ked, and kedge, n., for keg anchor, named from the keg or cask fastened to the anchor to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Kedge — Kedge, n. [See {Kedge}, v. t.] (Naut.) A small anchor used whenever a large one can be dispensed with. See {Kedge}, v. t., and {Anchor}, n. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • kedge — [kej] vt. kedged, kedging [ME caggen, to fasten < ?] to move (a ship) by hauling on a rope fastened to an anchor that has been dropped some distance from it vi. 1. to move a ship by kedging it 2. to move by being kedged n. a light anchor, used …   English World dictionary

  • kedge — ► VERB ▪ move (a boat) by hauling in a hawser attached at a distance to an anchor. ► NOUN ▪ a small anchor used for such a purpose. ORIGIN perhaps a specific use of dialect cadge «bind, tie» …   English terms dictionary

  • kedge — 1. verb /kɛdʒ/ a) To warp (a vessel) by carrying out a kedge in a boat, dropping it overboard, and hauling the vessel up to it. ...there was a stretch of twelve miles of channel running in a north easterly direction which the ship could not… …   Wiktionary

  • Kedge — This unusual surname is English. It originates from the region of the country known as East Anglia, basically the coastal counties which stretch from the Humber River down to the mouth of the Thames. The surname spellings are very varied and… …   Surnames reference

  • kedge anchor — noun see kedge III * * * kedge anchor, = kedge. (Cf. ↑kedge) …   Useful english dictionary

  • kedge — /kej/, v., kedged, kedging, n. Naut. v.t. 1. to warp or pull (a ship) along by hauling on the cable of an anchor carried out from the ship and dropped. v.i. 2. (of a ship) to move by being kedged. n. 3. Also called kedge anchor. a small anchor… …   Universalium

  • kedge — Synonyms and related words: anchor, board, boom, cast anchor, cast loose, clap on ratlines, clear hawse, come to anchor, cut loose, disembark, dock, drop the hook, haul, haul down, heave, heave apeak, heave round, heave short, kedge off, lash,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • kedge — [kɛdʒ] verb move (a boat) by hauling in a hawser attached at a distance to an anchor. noun (also kedge anchor) a small anchor used for such a purpose. Origin C15: perh. a specific use of dialect cadge bind, tie …   English new terms dictionary

  • kedge — [c]/kɛdʒ/ (say kej) verb (kedged, kedging) –verb (t) 1. to warp or pull (a ship, etc.) along by means of a rope attached to an anchor. –verb (i) 2. to move by being pulled along with the aid of an anchor. –noun Also, kedge anchor. 3. a small… …  

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