Liste der Municipal Districts in Alberta

Liste der Municipal Districts in Alberta

Die kanadische Provinz Alberta gliedert sich in sogenannte Municipal Districts. Diese existieren als Verwaltungseinheiten neben den (geographischen) Regionen und werden zu statistischen Zwecken zu Census Divisions zusammengefasst. Viele der Municipal Districts tragen den Begriff County in ihrem Namen, obwohl die Verwaltungseinheit County bereits in den 90er Jahren in Alberta abgeschafft wurde.

Daneben existieren in Alberta auch noch drei Specialized Municipalitys (1), drei Special Areas (2) sowie sieben Improvement Districts (3), die hauptsächlich die Gebiete der Nationalparke umfassen. Diese Sonderverwaltungseinheiten sind in der Tabelle mit der in Klammern angegebenen Nummer gekennzeichnet.

Am 1. Januar 2012 wird das Improvement District No. 349 aus Teilen des Lac La Biche Countys sowie der Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo gebildet werden.

Name Verwaltungssitz Fläche (km²) Ew. (2006) Bev.-Dichte (E/km²) Census Div.
Acadia No. 34 Acadia Valley 1.076 545 1 4
Athabasca County Athabasca 6.126 7.592 1 13
County of Barrhead No. 11 Barrhead 2.405 5.845 2 13
Beaver County Ryley 3.319 5.676 2 10
Big Lakes High Prairie 13.893 5.805 0 17
Bighorn No. 8 Exshaw 2.768 1.454 1 15
Birch Hills County Wanham 2.857 1.470 1 19
Bonnyville No. 87 Bonnyville 6.057 10.194 2 12
Brazeau County Drayton Valley 3.016 7.040 2 11
Camrose County Camrose 3.332 7.160 2 10
Cardston County Cardston 3.415 4.037 1 3
Clear Hills County Worsley 15.113 2.714 0 17
Clearwater County Rocky Mountain House 18.692 11.826 1 9
Cypress County Dunmore 13.166 6.729 1 1
Fairview No. 136 Fairview 1.391 1.856 1 19
Flagstaff County Sedgewick 4.067 3.506 1 7
Foothills No. 31 High River 3.644 19.736 5 6
County of Forty Mile No. 8 Foremost 7.230 3.414 1 1
County of Grande Prairie No. 1 Clairmont 5.884 17.970 3 19
Greenview No. 16 Valleyview 32.994 5.464 0 18
Improvement District No. 4 3 - 481 160 0 3
Improvement District No. 9 3 - 6.782 938 0 15
Improvement District No. 12 3 - 10.905 24 0
Improvement District No. 13 - 192 21 0
Improvement District No. 24 3 - 36.030 422 0
Improvement District No. 25 3 -
Kananaskis Improvement District 3 Kananaskis Village 4.211 429 0 15
Kneehill County Three Hills 3.380 5.218 2 5
Lac La Biche County Lac La Biche 17.735 9.123 1 12
Lac Ste. Anne County Sangudo 2.843 9.516 3 13
Lacombe County Lacombe 2.777 10.451 4 8
Lamont County Lamont 2.401 3.925 2 10
Leduc County Nisku 2.610 12.730 5 11
Lesser Slave River No. 124 Slave Lake 10.076 2.820 0 17
Lethbridge County Lethbridge 2.839 10.302 4 2
County of Minburn No. 27 Vegreville 2.911 3.319 1 10
Mackenzie County 1 Fort Vermillion 80.484 10.002 0 17
Mountain View County Didsbury 3.804 12.391 3 6
Newell County Brooks 5.904 6.862 1 2
Northern Lights County Manning 20.746 3.772 0 17
Northern Sunrise County Peace River 21.141 1.747 0 17
Opportunity No. 17 Wabasca 29.141 2.847 0 17
County of Paintearth No. 18 Castor 3.287 2.126 1 7
Parkland County Stony Plain 2.393 29.265 12 11
Peace No. 135 Berwyn 852 1.487 2 19
Pincher Creek No. 9 Pincher Creek 3.482 3.309 1 3
Ponoka County Ponoka 2.808 8.640 3 8
Provost No. 52 Provost 3.625 2.547 1 7
Ranchland No. 66 Nanton 2.639 86 0 15
Red Deer County Red Deer 4.003 19.108 5 8
Rocky View County Calgary 4.015 34.171 9 6
Saddle Hills County Spirit River 5.837 2.458 0 19
Smoky Lake County Smoky Lake 3.413 3.357 1 12
Smoky River No. 130 Falher 2.843 2.442 1 19
Special Area No. 2 2 Hanna 9.343 2.074 0 4
Special Area No. 3 2 Hanna 6.624 1.266 0 4
Special Area No. 4 2 Hanna 4.403 1.389 0 4
Spirit River No. 133 Spirit River 662 684 1 19
County of St. Paul No. 19 St. Paul 3.298 5.925 2 12
Starland County Morrin 2.558 2.371 1 5
County of Stettler No. 6 Stettler 4.009 5.216 1 7
Strathcona County 1 Sherwood Park 1.179 82.511 70 11
Sturgeon County Morinville 2.109 18.621 9 11
Taber Taber 4.204 6.280 2 2
County of Thorhild No. 7 Thorhild 1.998 3.042 2 13
County of Two Hills No. 21 Two Hills 2.631 2.801 1 10
County of Vermillion River Kitscoty 5.519 7.467 1 10
Vulcan County Vulcan 5.430 3.718 1 5
Wainwright No. 61 Wainwright 4.155 3.558 1 7
County of Warner No. 5 Warner 4.520 3.776 1 2
Westlock County Westlock 3.175 6.910 2 13
County of Wetaskiwin No. 10 Wetaskiwin 3.131 10.535 3 11
Wheatland County Strathmore 4.551 8.164 2 5
Willow Creek No. 26 Claresholm 4.560 5.337 1 3
Wood Buffalo 1 Fort McMurray 63.343 51.924 1 16
Woodlands County Whitecourt 7.668 4.158 1 13
Yellowhead County Edson 22.304 10.045 1 14

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