- Local Government Areas in Tasmanien
Der australische Bundesstaat Tasmanien ist in 29 lokale Selbstverwaltungsgebiete, so genannte Local Government Areas (LGA), eingeteilt (Stand August 2006). Sie tragen jeweils zusätzlich die formelle Bezeichnung City oder Municipality. Diese Unterscheidung ist historisch bedingt, hat aber heute keine Bedeutung mehr.
AreaHauptort Fläche
dichteGebiet Break O'Day Saint Helens 3809,8 6218 1,6 North-east area Brighton Brighton 168 14329 85,3 Hobart area Central Coast Ulverstone 931,1 21259 22,8 North-west and west coast Central Highlands Hamilton 7976,4 2316 0,3 Central Circular Head Smithton 4917 8188 1,7 North-west and west coast City of Burnie Burnie 618 19701 31,9 North-west and west coast City of Clarence Rosny Park 386 50808 131,6 Hobart area City of Devonport Devonport 116 24880 214,5 North-west and west coast City of Glenorchy Glenorchy 120 44179 368,2 Hobart area City of Hobart Hobart 76,2 49556 650,3 Hobart area City of Launceston Launceston 1405 64620 46 Launceston area Derwent Valley New Norfolk 4111 9692 2,4 South-east area Dorset Scottsdale 3196 7253 2,3 North-east area Flinders Whitemark 1333 881 0,7 North-east area George Town George Town 652,6 6744 10,3 Launceston area Glamorgan Spring Bay Triabunna 2522 4329 1,7 South-east area Huon Valley Huonville 5497 14442 2,6 South-east area Kentish Sheffield 1187 5965 5 North-west and west coast King Island Currie 1100 1703 1,5 North-west and west coast Kingborough Kingston 717 31706 44,2 Hobart area Latrobe Latrobe 550 8888 16,2 North-west and west coast Meander Valley Westbury 3821 18938 5 Launceston area Northern Midlands Longford 5130 12505 2,4 Central Sorell Sorell 582,6 12131 20,8 Hobart area Southern Midlands Oatlands 2561 5845 2,3 Central Tasman Nubeena 660 2317 3,5 South-east area Waratah-Wynyard Wynyard 1187 13815 11,6 North-west and west coast West Coast Zeehan 9574,5 5171 0,5 North-west and west coast West Tamar Beaconsfield 689 21543 31,3 Launceston area Tasmanien Hobart 65594,2 489922 7,5 Quellen
- ↑ fehlende Flächenangaben wurden den Internetseiten der einzelnen Gebietsverwaltungen entnommen
- ↑ http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/Lookup/3218.0Main%20Features101996%20to%202006?opendocument&tabname=Summary&prodno=3218.0&issue=1996%20to%202006&num=&view= Australian Bureau of Statistics: 3218.0 - Regional Population Growth, Australia, 1996 to 2006, Local Government Area populations and median ages - Tasmania
- Übersichtskarte der LGA auf Tasmanien (pdf, 837 kb)
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