- Local Government Areas in Queensland
Der australische Bundesstaat Queensland ist seit 17. März 2008 nur noch in 53 lokale Verwaltungsgebiete (Local Government Areas) unterteilt.
Name Sitz Aurukun Shire Council Aurukun B
Name Sitz Balonne Shire Council St. George Banana Shire Council Biloela Barcaldine Regional Council Aramac Barcoo Shire Council Jundah Blackall-Tambo Regional Council Blackall Boulia Shire Council Boulia Brisbane City Council Brisbane Bulloo Shire Council Thargomindah Bundaberg Regional Council Bundaberg Burdekin Shire Council Ayr Burke Shire Council Burketown C
Name Sitz Cairns Regional Council Cairns Carpentaria Shire Council Normanton Cassowary Coast Regional Council Innisfail Central Highlands Regional Council Emerald Charters Towers Regional Council Charters Towers Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council Cherbourg Cloncurry Shire Council Cloncurry Cook Shire Council Cooktown Croydon Shire Council Croydon D
Name Sitz Dalby Regional Council Dalby Diamantina Shire Council Bedourie Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council Doomadgee E
Name Sitz Etheridge Shire Council Georgetown F
Name Sitz Flinders Shire Council Hughenden Fraser Coast Regional Council Hervey Bay G
Name Sitz Gladstone Regional Council Gladstone Gold Coast City Council Nerang Goondiwindi Regional Council Goondiwindi Gympie Regional Council Gympie H
Name Sitz Hinchinbrook Shire Council Ingham Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council Hope Vale I
Name Sitz Ipswich City Council Ipswich Isaac Regional Council Moranbah K
Name Sitz Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council Kowanyama L
Name Sitz Lockhart River Aboriginal Shire Council Lockhart River Lockyer Valley Regional Council Gatton Logan City Council Logan Central Longreach Regional Council Longreach M
Name Sitz Mackay Regional Council Mackay Mapoon Aboriginal Shire Council Mapoon McKinlay Shire Council Julia Creek Moreton Bay Regional Council Strathpine Mornington Shire Council Gununa Mount Isa City Council Mount Isa Murweh Shire Council Charleville N
Name Sitz Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council Napranum North Burnett Regional Council Gayndah Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council Bamaga P
Name Sitz Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council Palm Island Paroo Shire Council Cunnamulla Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council Pormpuraaw Q
Name Sitz Quilpie Shire Council Quilpie R
Name Sitz Redland City Council Cleveland Richmond Shire Council Richmond Rockhampton Regional Council Rockhampton Roma Regional Council Roma S
Name Sitz Scenic Rim Regional Council Beaudesert Somerset Regional Council Esk South Burnett Regional Council Kingaroy Southern Downs Regional Council Warwick Sunshine Coast Regional Council Nambour T
Name Sitz Tablelands Regional Council Malanda Toowoomba Regional Council Toowoomba Torres Shire Council Thursday Island Torres Strait Island Regional Council Thursday Island Townsville City Council Townsville W
Name Sitz Weipa Town Council Weipa Whitsunday Regional Council Proserpine Winton Shire Council Winton Woorabina Aboriginal Shire Council Woorabinda Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council Wujal Y
Name Sitz Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council Yarrabah
Vor dieser Verwaltungsreform waren es die folgenden 158:A
- Aramac Shire
- Atherton Shire
- Aurukun Shire
- Badu Island
- Balonne Shire
- Bamaga Island
- Banana Shire
- Barcaldine Shire
- Barcoo Shire
- Bauhinia Shire
- Beaudesert Shire
- Belyando Shire
- Bendemere Shire
- Biggenden Shire
- Blackall Shire
- Boigu Island
- Boonah Shire
- Booringa Shire
- Boulia Shire
- Bowen Shire
- Brisbane City
- Broadsound Shire
- Bulloo Shire
- Bundaberg City
- Bungil Shire
- Burdekin Shire
- Burke Shire
- Burnett Shire
- Caboolture Shire
- Cairns City
- Calliope Shire
- Caloundra City
- Cambooya Shire
- Cardwell Shire
- Carpentaria Shire
- Charters Towers City
- Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire
- Chinchilla Shire
- Clifton Shire
- Cloncurry Shire
- Cook Shire
- Cooloola Shire
- Crows Nest Shire
- Croydon Shire
- Dalby Town
- Dalrymple Shire
- Dauan Island
- Diamantina Shire
- Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire
- Douglas Shire
- Duaringa Shire
- Eacham Shire
- Eidsvold Shire
- Emerald Shire
- Erub Island
- Esk, Shire of
- Etheridge Shire
- Fitzroy Shire
- Flinders Shire
- Gatton Shire
- Gayndah Shire
- Gladstone City
- Gold Coast City
- Goondiwindi Town
- Hammond Island
- Herberton Shire
- Hervey Bay City
- Hinchinbrook Shire
- Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire
- Iama Island
- Ilfracombe Shire
- Inglewood Shire
- Injinoo Aboriginal Shire (Cowal Creek)
- Ipswich City
- Isis Shire
- Isisford Shire
- Jericho Shire
- Johnstone Shire
- Jondaryan Shire
- Kilcoy Shire
- Kilkivan Shire
- Kingaroy Shire
- Kolan Shire
- Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire
- Kubin Island
- Laidley Shire
- Livingstone Shire
- Lockhart River Aboriginal Shire
- Logan City
- Longreach Shire
- Mackay City
- McKinlay Shire
- Mabuiag Island
- Mapoon Aboriginal Shire
- Mareeba Shire
- Maroochy Shire
- Maryborough City
- Mer Island
- Millmerran Shire
- Mirani Shire
- Miriam Vale Shire
- Monto Shire
- Mornington Shire
- Mount Isa City
- Mount Morgan Shire
- Mundubbera Shire
- Murgon Shire
- Murilla Shire
- Murweh Shire
- Nanango Shire
- Napranum Aboriginal Shire
- Nebo Shire
- New Mapoon Aboriginal Shire
- Noosa Shire
- Palm Island Aboriginal Shire
- Paroo Shire
- Peak Downs Shire
- Perry Shire
- Pine Rivers Shire
- Pittsworth Shire
- Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire
- Poruma Island
- Quilpie Shire
- Redcliffe City
- Redland Shire
- Richmond Shire
- Rockhampton City
- Roma Town
- Rosalie Shire
- Saibai Island
- Sarina Shire
- Seisia Island
- St. Pauls Island
- Stanthorpe Shire
- Tambo Shire
- Tara Shire
- Taroom Shire
- Thuringowa, City of
- Tiaro Shire
- Toowoomba, City of
- Torres Shire
- Townsville, City of
- Ugar Island
- Umagico Aboriginal Shire
- Waggamba Shire
- Wambo Shire
- Warraber Island
- Warroo Shire
- Warwick Shire
- Whitsunday Shire
- Winton Shire
- Wondai Shire
- Woocoo Shire
- Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire
- Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire
- Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire
- Yorke Island
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