- AGM-87 Focus
Die AGM-87 Focus (oder AGM-87 Focus I) ist eine Luft-Boden-Rakete die Ende der 1960er von der Firma General Electric für die US Streitkräfte entwickelt wurde.
Über das Projekt sind recht wenige Daten verfügbar, bekannt ist nur, dass die Focus auf der AIM-9B Sidewinder basieren soll. Des Weiteren soll sie zwischen 1969 und 1970 im Vietnamkrieg sehr erfolgreich eingesetzt worden sein. Das Programm wurde aber eingestellt.
Ähnliche Modelle: AGM-122 Sidearm
MGM-1 | RIM-2 | MIM-3 | AIM-4 | MGM-5 | RGM-6 | AIM-7 / RIM-7 | RIM-8 | AIM-9 | CIM-10 | PGM-11 | AGM-12 | MGM-13 | MIM-14 | RGM-15 | CGM-16 | PGM-17 | MGM-18 | PGM-19 | ADM-20 | MGM-21 | AGM-22 | MIM-23 | RIM-24 | HGM/LGM-25 | AIM-26 | UGM-27 | AGM-28 | MGM-29 | LGM-30 | MGM-31 | MGM-32 | MQM-33 | AQM-34 | AQM-35 | MQM-36 | AQM-37 | AQM-38 | MQM-39 | MQM-40 | AQM-41 | MQM-42 | FIM-43 | UUM-44 | AGM-45 | MIM-46 | AIM-47 | AGM-48 | LIM-49 | RIM-50
MGM-51 | MGM-52 | AGM-53 | AIM-54 | RIM-55 | PQM-56 | MQM-57 | MQM-58 | RGM-59 | AQM-60 | MQM-61 | AGM-62 | AGM-63 | AGM-64 | AGM-65 | RIM-66 | RIM-67 | AIM-68 | AGM-69 | LEM-70 | BGM-71 | MIM-72 | UGM-73 | BQM-74 | BGM-75 | AGM-76 | FGM-77 | AGM-78 | AGM-79 | AGM-80 | AQM-81 | AIM-82 | AGM-83 | AGM-84 | RIM-85 | AGM-86 | AGM-87 | AGM-88 | UGM-89 | BQM-90 | AQM-91 | FIM-92 | XQM-93 | YQM-94 | AIM-95 | UGM-96 | AIM-97 | YQM-98 | LIM-99 | LIM-100
RIM-101 | PQM-102 | AQM-103 | MIM-104 | MQM-105 | BQM-106 | MQM-107 | BQM-108 | BGM-109 | BGM-110 | BQM-111 | AGM-112 | RIM-113 | AGM-114 | MIM-115 | RIM-116 | FQM-117 | LGM-118 | AGM-119 | AIM-120 | CQM-121 | AGM-122 | AGM-123 | AGM-124 | UUM-125 | CQM-126 | AQM-127 | AQM-128 | AGM-129 | AGM-130 | AGM-131 | AIM-132 | UGM-133 | MGM-134 | ASM-135 | AGM-136 | AGM-137 | CEM-138 | RUM-139 | MGM-140 | ADM-141 | AGM-142 | MQM-143 | ADM-144 | BQM-145 | XMIM-146 | BQM-147 | FGM-148
FQM-151 | AIM-152 | AGM-153 | AGM-154 | BQM-155 | RIM-156 | MGM-157 | AGM-158 | AGM-159 | ADM-160 | RIM-161 | RIM-162 | GQM-163 | MGM-164 | RGM-165 | MGM-166 | BQM-167 | MGM-168 | AGM-169 | MQM-170 | MQM-171 | FGM-172 | GQM-173 | RIM-174 | MQM-175
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