Cold Blooded

Cold Blooded
Deutscher Titel Cold Blooded
Originaltitel Coldblooded
Produktionsland USA
Originalsprache Englisch
Erscheinungsjahr 1995
Länge 92 Minuten
Altersfreigabe FSK 18
Regie Wallace Wolodarsky
Drehbuch Wallace Wolodarsky
Produktion Larry Estes, Michael J. Fox, Bradley Jenkel, Brad Krevoy, Steven Stabler, Matthew Tolmach
Musik Steve Bartek
Kamera Robert D. Yeoman
Schnitt Craig Bassett

Cold Blooded ist eine US-amerikanische Actionkomödie von Wallace Wolodarsky aus dem Jahr 1995.



Cosmo Reif, ein schüchterner junger Mann und Wettbuchhalter eines Mafiazweiges in Los Angeles, soll nach der Machtübernahme durch einen neuen Boss plötzlich zum Killer ausgebildet werden. Sein Ausbilder Steve entdeckt rasch, dass der so unsicher wirkende Cosmo mit starken Nerven ausgestattet zu sein scheint und ungewöhnlich schnell in die neue Rolle hineinwächst. Erst als sich Cosmo in seine Yogalehrerin Jasmine verliebt und sein Leben für diese Liebe verändern möchte, sucht er nach einem Weg, die Organisation zu verlassen. Der einzige Ausweg scheint über weitere Leichen zu führen.


  • Clint Morris schrieb inMoviehole“, dass man beim Dreh einer schwarzen Komödie die Gagsnicht vergessensollte.


Dies und das

Die Komödie wurde in Los Angeles gedreht. Sie startete in den US-Kinos am 15. September 1995, in Deutschland am 2. November 1995.


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  • cold-blooded — adj 1.) not showing or involving any emotions or pity for other people s suffering ▪ a cold blooded killer ▪ cold blooded murder 2.) a cold blooded animal, such as a snake, has a body temperature that changes with the temperature of the air or… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Cold-blooded — is a loose layman s term often used to refer to animals that do not use their metabolism to maintain body temperature. It is typically associated with at least one of three different thermophysiological characteristics: ectothermy, controlling… …   Wikipedia

  • cold-blooded — I adjective aloof, barbarous, brutal, brutish, calculated, calculating, callous, cold, cold hearted, cruel, cruel hearted, deliberate, demoniac, devilish, diabolic, dispassionate, feelingless, fiendish, frigid, hard, hardhearted, hardened,… …   Law dictionary

  • cold-blooded — cold′ blood′ed or cold′blood′ed adj. 1) zool. of or designating animals, as fishes and reptiles, whose blood temperature ranges from the freezing point upward, in accordance with the temperature of the surrounding medium 2) done or acting without …   From formal English to slang

  • cold blooded — also cold blooded; 1590s, of persons, without emotion, unfeeling; of actions, from 1828. The phrase refers to the old notion that blood temperature rose with excitement. In the literal sense, of reptiles, etc., from c.1600 …   Etymology dictionary

  • cold-blooded — [adj] cruel, heartless barbarous, brutal, callous, cold, dispassionate, hard boiled, hardened, hard hearted, imperturbable, inhuman, matter of fact, merciless, obdurate, pitiless, relentless, ruthless, savage, steely, stony hearted,… …   New thesaurus

  • cold-blooded — cold bloodedly, adv. cold bloodedness, n. /kohld blud id/, adj. 1. designating or pertaining to animals, as fishes and reptiles, whose blood temperature ranges from the freezing point upward, in accordance with the temperature of the surrounding… …   Universalium

  • Cold-blooded — Cold blood ed, a. 1. Having cold blood; said of fish or animals whose blood is but little warmer than the water or air about them. [1913 Webster] 2. Deficient in sensibility or feeling; hard hearted. [1913 Webster] 3. Not thoroughbred; said of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cold-blooded — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of animals, e.g. reptiles and fish) having a body whose temperature varies with that of the environment. 2) without emotion; callous. DERIVATIVES cold bloodedly adverb cold bloodedness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • cold-blooded — cold blood|ed [ ,kould blʌdəd ] adjective 1. ) deliberately cruel and showing no emotion 2. ) cold blooded animals have a body temperature that changes to suit their environment …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • cold-blooded — 1) ADJ GRADED (disapproval) Someone who is cold blooded does not show any pity or emotion. ...a cold blooded murderer... This was a brutal and cold blooded killing. Derived words: cold bloodedly ADV GRADED usu ADV with v He hated whites from the… …   English dictionary

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