Einband EM

Einband EM

Die Einband-Europameisterschaft wird seit 1950 in der Carambolagevariante Einband ausgetragen. In der Regel findet sie einmal jährlich statt. Ausgrichtet wird sie vom europäischen Carambolagebillard-Verband CEB (Confédération Européenne de Billard).

Rekordsieger ist der Belgier Raymond Ceulemans mit 13 Titeln, aktueller Titelträger sein Landsmann Frédéric Caudron.

Die Distanzen bei den Einband Europameisterschaften änderten sich mehrmals. Von 1950-1956, 1985-1988 und von 1997-2008 wurde bis 150 Points gespielt. Von 1957 bis 1983 wurde bis 200 Points gespielt und dazwischen im Satzsystem bis 50 oder 75 Points.


Die beste Partie bis 200 Points spielten 1978 in Brügge Francis Connesson und 1983 in Rucphen Ludo Dielis mit 66,66 GD. Die beste Partie bis 150 spielten Wolfgang Zenkner 1995 in Wijchen und Jean Paul de Bruijn 2002 in Wijchen in je 1 Aufnahme.

Die höchste Serie erzielte Francis Connesson 1978 mit 199 Points. Die höchste Serie prolongiert spielte Wolfgang Zenkner 1995 in Wijchen mit 291.

Den besten Turnierdurchschnitt erzielte Jean Paul de Bruijn 2006 in Kortrijk mit 25,86.


Der GD gibt den Generaldurchschnitt des jeweiligen Spielers während des Turniers an.

Jahr Ort Sieger GD Platz 2 GD Platz 3 (ab 1996: Halbfinalist) GD ab 1996: Halbfinalist GD
1950 AlgeriaAlgeria Algier AustriaAustria Ernst Reicher 4,54 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Clement van Hassel 3,30 FranceFrance Roland Dufetelle 3,18    
1951 Spain 1945 1977Spain 1945 1977 Barcelona Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) René Vingerhoedt 3,78 Spain 1945 1977Spain 1945 1977 Joaquin Domingo 3,94 AustriaAustria Ernst Reicher 3,71
1952 Spain 1945 1977Spain 1945 1977 Madrid Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) René Vingerhoedt 3,88 GermanyGermany August Tiedtke 3,39 PortugalPortugal Alfredo Alhinho 2,70
1953 Spain 1945 1977Spain 1945 1977 Valencia Spain 1945 1977Spain 1945 1977 Joaquin Domingo 3,44 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) René Vingerhoedt 3,61 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Clement van Hassel 3,02
1954 GermanyGermany Saarbrücken GermanyGermany Walter Lütgehetmann 5,15 GermanyGermany August Tiedtke 4,56 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) René Vingerhoedt 4,36
1955 GermanyGermany Idar-Oberstein GermanyGermany August Tiedtke 4,42 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Cees van Oosterhout 3,74 GermanyGermany Walter Lütgehetmann 4,53
1956 PortugalPortugal Lissabon Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Emile Wafflard 4,52 GermanyGermany Walter Lütgehetmann 5,10 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Cees van Oosterhout 4,71
1957 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Groningen Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) René Vingerhoedt 5,40 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Cees van Oosterhout 5,57 GermanyGermany August Tiedtke 5,15
1958 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Leuven Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) René Vingerhoedt 5,47 GermanyGermany Walter Lütgehetmann 5,72 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Emile Wafflard 5,94
1959 GermanyGermany Oberhausen Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) René Vingerhoedt 5,92 AustriaAustria Johann Scherz 4,50 GermanyGermany Walter Lütgehetmann 5,15
1960 Spain 1945 1977Spain 1945 1977 Terrassa Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) René Vingerhoedt 5,41 Spain 1945 1977Spain 1945 1977 Joaquin Domingo 4,34 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Bert Teegelaar 4,22
1961−1962 keine Europameisterschaft ausgetragen
1963 PortugalPortugal Lissabon Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Raymond Ceulemans 6,60 AustriaAustria Johann Scherz 5,89 Spain 1945 1977Spain 1945 1977 Jose Giro 3,94    
1964 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Den Helder Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Raymond Ceulemans 11,76 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Henk de Kleine 4,98 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Clement van Hassel 4,81
1965 ItalyItaly Montecatini Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Raymond Ceulemans 6,22 AustriaAustria Johann Scherz 6,42 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Bert Teegelaar 4,18
1966 GermanyGermany Krefeld Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Raymond Ceulemans 10,62 AustriaAustria Johann Scherz 8,12 FranceFrance Jean Marty 7,80
1967 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Deurne Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Raymond Ceulemans 12,72 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Ludo Dielis 9,24 AustriaAustria Johann Scherz 9,00
1968 keine Europameisterschaft ausgetragen
1969 ItalyItaly Alghero Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Raymond Ceulemans 12,06 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Ludo Dielis 12,30 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Hans Vultink 7,44    
1970 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Apeldoorn Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Raymond Ceulemans 9,85 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Ludo Dielis 5,62 FranceFrance Roland Dufetelle 5,86
1971 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Eupen Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Ludo Dielis 10,76 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Raymond Ceulemans 15,98 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Henk de Kleine 7,20
1972 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Mol Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Ludo Dielis 11,38 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Emile Wafflard 13,65 FranceFrance Roland Dufetelle 7,51
1973 AustriaAustria Wien Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Ludo Dielis 12,61 FranceFrance Francis Connesson 6,60 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Laurent Boulanger 7,60
1974 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Zandvoort Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Ludo Dielis 11,96 FranceFrance Francis Connesson 7,89 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Hans Vultink 8,89
1975 Spain 1945 1977Spain 1945 1977 Granada the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Christ van der Smissen 8,38 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Ludo Dielis 9,08 AustriaAustria Johann Scherz 7,60
1976 FranceFrance Moyeuvre the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Christ van der Smissen 8,14 FranceFrance Francis Connesson 8,23 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Ludo Dielis 10,12
1977 GermanyGermany Bottrop Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Raymond Ceulemans 12,84 AustriaAustria Johann Scherz 7,67 GermanyGermany Dieter Müller 7,17
1978 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Zelzate Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Raymond Ceulemans 13,37 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Ludo Dielis 12,03 FranceFrance Francis Connesson 10,43
1979 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Emmeloord Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Raymond Ceulemans 11,73 FranceFrance Francis Connesson 8,18 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Hans Vultink 7,86
1980 GermanyGermany Wedel Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Ludo Dielis 14,73 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Raymond Ceulemans 12,68 GermanyGermany Dieter Müller 9,85
1981 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Hechtel Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Ludo Dielis 14,72 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Raymond Ceulemans 16,44 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Christ van der Smissen 12,97
1982 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Emmeloord the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Christ van der Smissen 10,93 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Ludo Dielis 11,75 LuxembourgLuxembourg Fonsy Grethen 9,07
1983 SpainSpain Madrid Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Ludo Dielis 13,46 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Jan Arnouts 8,76 GermanyGermany Wolfgang Zenkner 7,68
1984 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Franeker Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Raymond Ceulemans 10,13 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Christ van der Smissen 8,03 FranceFrance Egidio Vierat 7,37
1985 FranceFrance Épinal Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Raymond Ceulemans 12,16 FranceFrance Francis Connesson 10,17 LuxembourgLuxembourg Fonsy Grethen 9,02
1986 GermanyGermany Dülmen Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Raymond Ceulemans 10,97 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Ludo Dielis 10,61 ItalyItaly Marco Zanetti 10,21
1987 LuxembourgLuxembourg Bad Mondorf AustriaAustria Franz Stenzel 9,68 LuxembourgLuxembourg Fonsy Grethen 11,65 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Christ van der Smissen 10,82
1988 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Groningen the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Christ van der Smissen 8,82 AustriaAustria Christoph Pilss 8,49 GermanyGermany Wolfgang Zenkner 10,35
1990 GermanyGermany Bottrop Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Frédéric Caudron 9,22 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Dick Jaspers 6,35 LuxembourgLuxembourg Fonsy Grethen 7,15
1991 LuxembourgLuxembourg Bad Mondorf Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Frédéric Caudron 6,46 LuxembourgLuxembourg Fonsy Grethen 6,26 GermanyGermany Fabian Blondeel 5,46
1992 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Grubbenvorst GermanyGermany Fabian Blondeel 7,77 LuxembourgLuxembourg Fonsy Grethen 7,68 GermanyGermany Martin Horn 7,67
1993 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Wijchen Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Frédéric Caudron 13,07 GermanyGermany Wolfgang Zenkner 8,66 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Jean Paul de Bruijn 7,86
1994 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Wijchen LuxembourgLuxembourg Fonsy Grethen 13,83 GermanyGermany Wolfgang Zenkner 8,16 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Jean Paul de Bruijn 14,00
1995 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Wijchen GermanyGermany Wolfgang Zenkner 12,00 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Frédéric Caudron 13,81 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Jean Paul de Bruijn 10,58
1996 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Wijchen AustriaAustria Stephan Horvath 6,89 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Jos Bongers 7,69 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Peter de Backer 6,75 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Jean Paul de Bruijn 8,42
1997 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Wijchen GermanyGermany Martin Horn 7,58 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Peter de Backer 9,64 GermanyGermany Fabian Blondeel 10,68 FranceFrance Marc Masse 6,72
1998 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Wijchen GermanyGermany Martin Horn 7,82 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Jos Bongers 8,29 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Frédéric Caudron 19,35 GermanyGermany Fabian Blondeel 7,14
1999 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Wijchen LuxembourgLuxembourg Fonsy Grethen 12,98 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Jos Bongers 10,72 GermanyGermany Martin Horn 10,73 SpainSpain Francisco Fortiana 7,00
2000 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Hooglede GermanyGermany Fabian Blondeel 13,79 SpainSpain Jordi Amell 10,00 GermanyGermany Martin Horn 12,57 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Ferdinand Polman 6,64
2001 GermanyGermany Duisburg the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Jean Paul de Bruijn 10,90 GermanyGermany Fabian Blondeel 10,38 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Peter de Backer 11,27 SpainSpain Rafael Garcia 8,85
2002 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Wijchen the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Jean Paul de Bruijn 14,59 Switzerland within 2to3Switzerland within 2to3 Xavier Grétillat 7,80 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Peter de Backer 9,44 SpainSpain Jordi Amell 10,00
2003 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Amsterdam the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Jean Paul de Bruijn 9,74 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Martin van der Spoel 7,59 SpainSpain Rafael Garcia 7,79 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Johan Claessen 5,88
2004 SpainSpain Cervera FranceFrance Alain Remond 11,19 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Michel van Silfhout 9,51 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Peter de Backer 10,27 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Jean Paul de Bruijn 10,93
2005 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Aalten the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Jean Paul de Bruijn 16,85 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Dick Jaspers 14,95 GermanyGermany Fabian Blondeel 12,70 FranceFrance Alain Remond 11,36
2006 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Kortrijk the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Jean Paul de Bruijn 25,86 GermanyGermany Fabian Blondeel 11,56 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Eddy Leppens 8,80 Switzerland within 2to3Switzerland within 2to3 Xavier Grétillat 9,34
2007 SpainSpain Cervera the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Jean Paul de Bruijn 21,42 Switzerland within 2to3Switzerland within 2to3 Xavier Grétillat 13,50 Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Frédéric Caudron 13,14 GermanyGermany Ludger Havlik 6,58
2008 FranceFrance Carvin Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Frédéric Caudron 13,92 Switzerland within 2to3Switzerland within 2to3 Xavier Grétillat 7,49 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Henri Tilleman 11,11 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Michel van Silfhout 7,95
2009 the Netherlandsthe Netherlands Wijchen Belgium (civil)Belgium (civil) Frédéric Caudron 16,81 GermanyGermany Wolfgang Zenkner 12,83 Switzerland within 2to3Switzerland within 2to3 Xavier Grétillat 12,63 FranceFrance Alain Remond 9,75
2010 SpainSpain Llinars del Vallès


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