Liste der Abkürzungen (Gambia)

Liste der Abkürzungen (Gambia)

Die Liste der Abkürzungen beinhaltet Abkürzungen und Akronyme, die in dem westafrikanischen Staat Gambia geläufig sind.

Begriff Bedeutung
AA Administrative Area
ACR Africa Contemporary Record
AFPRC Armed Forces Provisional Ruling Council Militärjunta 1994
AMRC Assets Management and Recovery Commission
APRC Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction Politische Partei
AT The African Times Zeitung
AU African Union Afrikanische Organisation
BanCC Banjul City Council Stadtrat
BATC Bathurst Advisory Town Council Stadtrat
BAFROW Foundation for Research on Womens Health, Productivity and the Environment Organisation
BBM Black Brotherhood Movement
BBWR Bao Bolong Wetland Reserve Naturschutzgebiet
BCC Bathurst City Council oder Banjul City Council Stadtrat
BJL Banjul International Airport IATA-Code des Flughafens
BO The Bathurst Observer and West African Gazette Zeitung
BOAC British Overseas Airways Corporations
BRPA Bathurst Rate Payers Association
BTC Bathurst Town Council Stadtrat
BTU Bathurst Trade Union Gewerkschaft
BUDC Bathurst Urban District Council Stadtrat
BYMS Bathurst Young Muslims Society
BMRA Brufut Marathon Run Association Organisation des Brufut Run
CCYC Central Council of Youth Clubs
CDC Colonial Development Corporation
CDC Commonwealth Development Corporation
CD & WA Commonwealth Development and Welfare Acts
CFAO Compagnie Française de l'Afrique Occidentale Handelsgesellschaft
CILSS Comité permanent Inter-Etats de Lutte contre la Sécheresse dans le Sahel
CMS Church Missionary Society
CO Colonial Office
CRD Central River Division Ehemalige Verwaltungseinheit
CRR Central River Region Verwaltungseinheit
DCA Democratic Congress Alliance Politische Partei
DO Dominion Office
ECOMOG ECOWAS Cease-Fire Monitoring Group
ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States Westafrikanische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft
EEC European Economic Community
ERP Economic Recovery Programme
Ex. Co. Executive Council
FAO Food and Agricultural Organization Welternährungsorganisation
FCO Foreign and Commonwealth Office
FO Foreign Office
GA Gambian National Archives
GAMBIS Gambia Biometric Identification System
GATU Gambia Amalgamated Trade Union Gewerkschaft
GBA Gambia Bar Association
GBA Greater Banjul Area Verwaltungseinheit
GBF Gambia Basketball Federation Sportverband
GBYD Banjul International Airport ICAO-Code-Code des Flughafens
GCAA Gambia Civil Aviation Authority Luftfahrtbehörde
GCDB Gambia Commercial and Development Bank
GCP Gambia Congress Party Politische Partei
GCU Gambia Cooperatives Union Gewerkschaft
GD The Gambia Daily Zeitung
GDP Gambia Democratic Party Politische Partei
GE The Gambia Echo Zeitung
GFA Gambia Football Association Sportverband
GFCMA Gambia Farmers' Co-operative Marketing Association Genossenschaft
GFF Gambia Field Force Paramilitärische Streitkräfte
GG The Gambia Gazette Zeitung
GGFP Gambian-German Forestry Project Naturschutzprojekt
GHA Gambia Handball Association Sportverband
GIA Gambia International Airlines Luftfahrtgesellschaft
GLU Gambia Labour Union Gewerkschaft
GM ISO 3166-2 ISO 3166-2-Kürzel
GMC Gambia Muslim Congress Politische Partei
GMDA Gambia Medical and Dental Association
GMDMU Gambia Motor Drivers and Mechanics Union Gewerkschaft
GNA Gambia National Army Streitkräfte
GNAssocn Gambia Native Association
GN Gambia Navy Streitkräfte
GNB The Gambia News Bulletin Zeitung
GNDU Gambia Native Defensice Unsion
GNG Gambia National Gendarmerie Paramilitärische Streitkräfte
GNG Gambia National Guard Paramilitärische Streitkräfte
GNIC Gambia National Insurance Company
GNL Gambia National League
GNOC Gambia National Olympic Committee Sportverband
GNP Gambia National Party Politische Partei
GNU Gambia National Union Politische Partei
GNYC Gambia National Youth Council
GO The Gambia Outlook and Senegambian Reporter Zeitung
GOMB Groundnut Oilseed Marketing Board
GPA Gambia Ports Authority Hafenbehörde
GPSC Gambia Postal Services Corporation Post
GPDP Gambia Party for Democracy and Progress Politische Partei
GPMB Gambia Produce Marketing Board Landwirtschaftliche Genossenschaft
GPP Gambian Peoples Party Politische Partei
GPTC Gambia Public Transport Corporation Öffentlicher Nahverkehr
GPU Gambia Press Union Gewerkschaft
GRC Gambia Representative Committee
GRTS Gambia Radio & Television Services Staatliche Rundfunkgesellschaft
GSRP Gambian Socialist Revolutionary Party Politische Partei
GSSP Gambia Senior Secondary School Weiterführende Schule
GTTI Gambia Technical Training Institute Bildungseinrichtung
GTU Gambia Teachers Union Gewerkschaft
GUSRWP Gambia Underground Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party Politische Partei
GVBA Gambia Volleyball Association Sportverband
GW The Gambia Weekly Zeitung
GWC Gambian WorkersConfederation Gewerkschaft
GWU Gambia WorkersUnion Gewerkschaft
ICFTU International Confederation of Free Trade Unions Internationaler Bund Freier Gewerkschaften
ICS Institute of Commonwealth Studies
IEC Independent Electoral Commission Wahlkommission
ILO International Labour Office
IMF International Monetary Fund Internationaler Währungsfonds
ITC International Trypanotolerance Centre Forschungsinsititut
ITUG-NW International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers
KWNP Kiang West National Park Naturschutzgebiet
LAI League Against Imperialism
Leg. Co. Legislative Council
LGA Local Government Area Verwaltungsgliederung
LRD Lower River Division Ehemalige Verwaltungseinheit
LRR Lower River Region Verwaltungseinheit
LRDept Labour Research Department
MBE Member of the Order of the British Empire
MBHS Methodist Boys' High School
MCC Manchester Chamber of Commerce
MDMU Motor Drivers' and Mechanics' Union Gewerkschaft
MEA Ministry of External Affairs
MFDC Mouvement des forces démocratiques de la Casamance Rebellenorganisation
MID MacCarthy Island Division Ehemalige Verwaltungseinheit
MOJA-G Movement for Justice in Africa-Gambia Rebellenorganisation
MP Member of Parliament Mitglied des Parlaments
MRC Medical Research Council Forschungsklinik
NADD National Alliance for Democracy and Development Politische Partei
NBD North Bank Division Ehemalige Verwaltungseinheit
NBR North Bank Region Verwaltungseinheit
NCBWA National Congress of British West Africa
NCP National Convention Party Politische Partei
NDAM National Democratic Action Movement Politische Partei
NGO Non-governmental Organization Nichtregierungsorganisation
NIA National Intelligence Agency Nachrichtendienst
NISER Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research
NLP National Liberation Party Politische Partei
NMP Niumi National Park Naturschutzgebiet
NRP National Reconciliation Party Politische Partei
NSS National Security Service Nachrichtendienst
OAU Organisation of African Unity Afrikanische Organisation
OBE Order of the British Empire
OCN Operation Clean The Nation Aktion
OIC Organisation of Islamic Conference
OMVG Gambia River Development Organization Wasserverband
PDOIS Peoples Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism Politische Partei
PDP Peoples Democratic Party Politische Partei
PLP Parliamentary Labor Party Politische Partei
PPA Peoples Progressive Alliance Politische Partei
PPCA Parliamentary Papers Colonies Africa
PPP Peoples Progressive Party Politische Partei
PPP Protectorate People's Society Politische Partei
PRO Public Record Office
ProtPP Protectorate People's Party Politische Partei
PSD Programme for Sustainable Development
PWD Public Works Department
RAC Royal African Company Handelskompanie im 17. Jahrhundert
RAC Royal African Corps
RAMC Royal Army Medical Corps
RDP Rural Development Project
RGNP River Gambia National Park Naturschutzgebiet
RILU Red International of Labour Union Gewerkschaft
RPA Bathurst Ratepayers' Association
RVH Royal Victoria Hospital Universitätskrankenhaus
RVTH Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital Universitätskrankenhaus
RWAFF Royal West African Frontier Force
SAC Structural Adjustment Credit
SAS Special Air Service
SDR Special Drawing Rights
(G)SIC Gambia Supreme Islamic Council
SP Sessional Paper
TSG Tactical Support Group
UAC United Africa Company
UDI Unilateral Declaration of Independence
UDP United Democratic Party Politische Partei
UNDP United Nations Development Programme Entwicklungsprogramm der VN
UNIA Universal Negro Improvement Association
UP United Party Politische Partei
URD Upper River Division Ehemalige Verwaltungseinheit
URR Upper River Region Verwaltungseinheit
UTG Universität von Gambia Universität
WA West Africa
WASU West African StudentsUnion
WAYL West African Youth League
WBHS Wesleyan Boy's High School
WCR West Coast Region Verwaltungseinheit
WD Western Division Ehemalige Verwaltungseinheit
WR Western Region Ehemalige Verwaltungseinheit
WFTU World Federation of Trade Unions Weltgewerkschaftsbund
WMMS Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society
WO Weekend Observer Zeitung


  • Arnold Gailey, Harry A. Hughes: Historical Dictionary of the Gambia The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1999, ISBN 081083660-2
  • Arnold Hughes, David Perfect: A Political History of The Gambia, 18161994 (Rochester Studies in African History and the Diaspora) University of Rochester Press, 2006, ISBN 1-58046-230-8

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