Liste der in Kanada anerkannten Indianerstämme

Liste der in Kanada anerkannten Indianerstämme

Die Liste der in Kanada anerkannten Indianerstämme beinhaltet alle vom Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development aufgeführten First Nations in Kanada. Zur Unterscheidung wurde seinerzeit ein Nummernsystem eingeführt, Nummern, die hier mit angegeben sind. Die Liste wurde entsprechend der Suchmaske des Ministeriums erstellt.[1] und wird entsprechend der bereits eingesetzten Entwicklung durch die stammeseigenen Websites bzw. ihre Adressen ergänzt. Das gleiche gilt für die nach und nach entstehenden Artikel der Stämme, die als Wikipedia-Links eingefügt werden. Dazu kommt die Provinz, in der der jeweilige Stamm lebt und die Zahl der Stammesmitglieder (Stand: März 2008), sowie die Sprache. Wenn nicht anders vermerkt, stammen diese Angaben vom genannten Department, ansonsten vom Aboriginal Canada Portal (ACP).[2]

offiz. Nr. offiz. Bezeichnung Provinz registrierte Angehörige Homepage Anmerkung
604 ?Akisq'nuk First Nation British Columbia 259 - Kutenai
172 Aamjiwnaang Ontario 1864 Aamjiwnaang First Nation AnishinabeACP
1 Abegweit Prince Edward Island 297 Abegweit First Nation Mi'kmaqACP
71 Abénakis de Wôlinak Quebec 214 Waban-Aki Nation Abenaki ACP
18 Acadia Neuschottland 62 Acadia First Nation Mi'kmaq, seit 1967
758 Acho Dene Koe Northwest Territories 616 Acho Dene Koe Band Athabasken
684 Adams Lake British Columbia 728 Adams Lake Indian Band - Sexqeltqin Binnen-Salish, Shuswap
659 Ahousaht British Columbia 1853 Ahousaht First Nation Nuu-chah-nulth
406 Ahtahkakoop Saskatchewan 2918 Ahtahkakoop First Nation Cree
490 Aishihik Yukon 167 - Athabasken, Tutchone, Southern
558 Aitchelitz British Columbia 40 - Halkomelem, Stó:lō
755 Aklavik Northwest Territories 408 Aklavik Gwich'in
142 Albany Ontario 3934 Fort Albany First Nation Cree
160 Alderville First Nation Ontario 1008 Alderville First Nation Anishinabe (Ojibway)
438 Alexander Alberta 1570 Alexander First Nation Cree, ACP
709 Alexandria British Columbia 174 - Athabasken, Chilcotin
710 Alexis Creek British Columbia 624 - Athabasken
437 Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation Alberta 1597 Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation Sioux[3]
74 Algonquins of Barriere Lake Quebec 654 - Algonkin
163 Algonquins of Pikwakanagan - (s. Algonkin) Ontario 1975 Algonquins of Pikwàkanagàn First Nation Algonkin
194 Animbiigoo Zaagi'igan Anishinaabek Ontario 317 Lake Nipigon Ojibway First Nation/Animbiigoo Zaagi'igan Anishinaabek Anishinabe
153 Anishinabe of Wauzhushk Onigum Ontario 613 Wauzhushk Onigum First Nation Anishinabe
125 Anishnaabeg of Naongashiing Ontario 357 - Anishinabe
20 Annapolis Valley Neuschottland 235 Annapolis Valley First Nation Mi'kmaq
242 Aroland Ontario 568 Aroland First Nation ACP
685 Ashcroft British Columbia 246 - Salish, Nlaka'pamux
463 Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Alberta 843 Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation -
79 Atikamekw d'Opitciwan[4] Quebec 2450 La comunité Atikamekw Opitciwan frz. Cree, s. Attikamek
143 Attawapiskat Ontario 2936 - Cree
180 Aundeck-Omni-Kaning Ontario 666 Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation ACP
308 Barren Lands Manitoba 947 - Cree
198 Batchewana First Nation Ontario 2308 - -
244 Bay of Quinte Mohawk Ontario 659 - Irokessen
21 Bear River Neuschottland 278 Bear River First Nation Mi'kmaq
369 Beardy's and Okemasis Saskatchewan 2904 Beardy's and Okemasis First Nation Cree
248 Bearfoot Onondaga Ontario 536 - -
207 Bearskin Lake Ontario 838 Bearskin Lake First Nation
473 Bearspaw Alberta 1592 - s. Chiniki, Stone
141 Beausoleil Ontario 1778 Beausoleil First Nation -
445 Beaver First Nation Alberta 811 - -
460 Beaver Lake Cree Nation Alberta 916 Beaver Lake Cree Nation Cree
640 Beecher Bay British Columbia 230 - -
771 Behdzi Ahda" First Nation Northwest Territories 167 - -
266 Berens River Manitoba 2715 Berens River First Nation -
85 Betsiamites Quebec 3578 La Première Nation des Innus de Pessamit, frz. Cree, s. Innu)
124 Big Grassy Ontario 650 Big Grassy First Nation -
399 Big Island Lake Cree Nation Saskatchewan 958 Big Island Lake Cree Nation Cree, auch Joseph Bighead First Nation[5]
404 Big River Saskatchewan 2889 Big River First Nation Cree
458 Bigstone Cree Nation Alberta 6964 - Cree
197 Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek[6] Ontario 673 - Anishinabe
196 Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek Ontario 175 - Anishinabe
403 Birch Narrows First Nation Saskatchewan 629 Birch Narrows First Nation -
284 Birdtail Sioux Manitoba 742 Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council -
359 Black Lake Saskatchewan 1825 Black Lake Denesuline First Nation -
435 Blood (Kainai) Alberta 10311 Kainai Nation Blackfoot
267 Bloodvein Manitoba 1443 Bloodvein First Nation -
547 Blueberry River First Nations British Columbia 421 Blueberry River First Nations -
686 Bonaparte British Columbia 799 Bonaparte Indian Band Binnen-Salish, Shuswap
700 Boothroyd British Columbia 263 - Salish, Nlaka'pamux
701 Boston Bar First Nation British Columbia 238 - Salish, Nlaka'pamux
590 Bridge River British Columbia 407 Bridge River Indian Band -
261 Brokenhead Ojibway Nation Manitoba 1625 Brokenhead Ojibway Nation -
228 Brunswick House Ontario 635 Brunswick House First Nation Cree
4 Buctouche Neubraunschweig 93 Bouctouche First Nation Mi'kmaqACP
265 Buffalo Point First Nation Manitoba 110 Buffalo Point First Nation Anishinabe
398 Buffalo River Dene Nation Saskatchewan 1179 Buffalo River Dene Nation -
301 Bunibonibee Cree Nation Manitoba 2531 - Cree (früher Oxford House First Nation)
619 Burns Lake British Columbia 101 - (s. Dakelh)
5 Burnt Church Neubraunschweig 1610 - -
549 Burrard British Columbia 442 Tsleilwaututh Nation -
165 Caldwell Ontario 263 Caldwell First Nation -
622 Campbell River British Columbia 642 - -
713 Canim Lake British Columbia 565 Canim Lake Band Binnen-Salish, Shuswap
723 Canoe Creek British Columbia 680 Canoe Creek Band Binnen-Salish, Shuswap
394 Canoe Lake Cree First Nation Saskatchewan 1908 Canoe Lake Cree First Nation Cree
289 Canupawakpa Dakota First Nation Manitoba 592 Canupawakpa Dakota First Nation -
623 Cape Mudge British Columbia 900 - Kwakwaka'wakw
491 Carcross/Tagish First Nation Yukon 604 Carcross Tagish First Nation -
378 Carry The Kettle Saskatchewan 2329 Carry The Kettle Assiniboin, östl. von Regina/Saskatchewan
216 Cat Lake Ontario 617 Cat Lake First Nation -
591 Cayoose Creek British Columbia 186 - -
493 Champagne Yukon 610 - -
507 Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Yukon 0 Champagne & Aishihik First Nations s. Champagne
22 Chapel Island First Nation Neuschottland 610 Chapel Island First Nation Mi'kmaq
221 Chapleau Cree First Nation Ontario 362 Première Nation Cree de Chapleau Cree, ACP
229 Chapleau Ojibway Ontario 40 Chapleau Ojibway First Nation[7] -
583 Chawathil British Columbia 521 - Halkomelem, Sto:lo
584 Cheam British Columbia 470 - Halkomelem, Sto:lo
559 Chehalis British Columbia 965 Chehalis First Nation Halkomelem, Sto:lo
641 Chemainus First Nation British Columbia 1145 - -
309 Chemawawin Cree Nation Manitoba 1583 Chemawawin Cree Nation Cree
620 Cheslatta Carrier Nation British Columbia 318 - Carrier, s. Dakelh
433 Chiniki Alberta 1600 Stoney Nation - Bearspaw - Chiniki - Wesley -
470 Chipewyan Prairie First Nation Alberta 688 Chipewyan Prairie First Nation -
138 Chippewas of Georgina Island Ontario 693 Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation -
171 Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point Ontario 2106 Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point First Nation -
139 Chippewas of Mnjikaning First Natio Ontario 1404 Rama Mnjikaning First Nation ACP
122 Chippewas of Nawash First Nation Ontario 2075 Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation ACP
166 Chippewas of the Thames First Nation Ontario 2342 Chippewas of the Thames First Nation -
401 Clearwater River Dene Saskatchewan 1556 Clearwater River Dene Nation -
464 Cold Lake First Nations Alberta 2336 Cold Lake First Nations am Cold Lake, Grenze n. Saskatchewan
693 Coldwater British Columbia 713 - Okanagan, ACP
62 Communauté anicinape de Kitcisakik Quebec 428 Conseil des Anicinapek de Kitcisakik Anishinabe
624 Comox British Columbia 273 - ACP
55 Conseil de la Première Nation Abitibiwinni Quebec 869 Conseil de la Première Nation Abitibiwinni engl. u. frz. Algonkin
77 Conseil des Atikamekw de Wemotaci Quebec 1568 Conseil de la Nation Atikamekw frz. Cree, s. Attikamek; dazu gehören die Opitciwan, die Wemotaci und die Manawan
182 Constance Lake Ontario 1470 Constance Lake Cree
694 Cook's Ferry British Columbia 296 - Okanagan
366 Cote First Nation Saskatchewan 3043 Cote First Nation -
126 Couchiching First Nation Ontario 1973 Couchiching First Nation früher: Salteaux Ojibway
361 Cowessess Saskatchewan 3557 Cowessess oderLittle ChildFirst Nation Cree
642 Cowichan British Columbia 4196 Cowichan Tribes -
58 Cree Nation of Chisasibi Quebec 3811 Chisasibi Cree
75 Cree Nation of Mistissini Quebec 4001 Cree Nation of Mistissini Cree
59 Cree Nation of Nemaska Quebec 622 Cree Nation of Nemaska Cree
60 Cree Nation of Wemindji Quebec 1370 Cree Nation of Wemindji Cree
276 Cross Lake First Nation Manitoba 6806 Cross Lake Band Cree, inzw. Pimicikamak
350 Cumberland House Cree Nation Saskatchewan 1097 Cumberland House Cree Nation Cree
161 Curve Lake Ontario 1789 Curve Lake First Nation -
635 Da'naxda'xw First Nation British Columbia 174 Da'naxda'<u<xw/Awaetlala First Nation ACP
288 Dakota Plains Manitoba 244 Dakota Plains Wahpeton Nation -
295 Dakota Tipi Manitoba 239 - ACP
316 Dauphin River Manitoba 285 - -
389 Day Star Saskatchewan 449 Day Star First Nation Cree
504 Dease River Yukon 160 - -
774 Dechi Laot'i First Nations Northwest Territories 159 Community of Wekweti am Snare Lake/Wekweti
237 Deer Lake Ontario 1085 Deer Lake First Nation -
760 Deh Gah Gotie Dene Council Northwest Territories 1040 Deh Gah Gotie Dene Council[8] -
253 Delaware Ontario 610 - -
754 Deline First Nation Northwest Territories 928 Deline, Northwest Territories -
448 Dene Tha' Alberta 2530 Dene Tha' [9]
762 Deninu K'ue First Nation Northwest Territories 810 - -
662 Ditidaht British Columbia 706 Ditidaht First Nation Nuu-chah-nulth
765 Dog Rib Rae Northwest Territories 2674 Tåîchô Website nicht auf der Website der INAC
548 Doig River British Columbia 258 Doig River First Nation -
218 Dokis Ontario 975 Dokis First Nation -
561 Douglas British Columbia 238 Douglas First Nation s. In-SHUCK-ch
450 Driftpile First Nation Alberta 2295 Driftpile Cree Nation Cree, am Südufer des Lesser Slave Lake
451 Duncan's First Nation Alberta 221 - Cree
183 Eabametoong First Nation Ontario 2204 Eabametoong First Nation -
148 Eagle Lake Ontario 458 Eagle Lake First Nation ACP
65 Eagle Village First Nation - Kipawa Quebec 809 Eagle Village First Nation -
57 Eastmain Quebec 656 Cree Nation of Eastman Cree
280 Ebb and Flow Manitoba 2412 - -
7 Eel Ground Neubraunschweig 888 Eel Ground First Nation Mi'kmaq
8 Eel River Bar First Nation Neubraunschweig 609 Eel River Bar First Nation Mi'kmaq
634 Ehattesaht British Columbia 317 - Nuu-chah-nulth
3 Elsipogtog First Nation Neubraunschweig 2893 'Elsipogtog First Nation Mi'kmaq
400 English River First Nation Saskatchewan 1354 English River First Nation -
440 Enoch Cree Nation Alberta 2080 - Cree
443 Ermineskin Tribe Alberta 3721 Ermineskin Cree Nation Cree
23 Eskasoni Neuschottland 3858 - Mi'kmaq
711 Esketemc (Alkali Lake) British Columbia 754 Esketemc Binnen-Salish, Shuswap
644 Esquimalt British Columbia 256 - -
495 First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun Yukon 469 First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun Tutchone, Northern
264 Fisher River Manitoba 3160 Fisher River Cree Nation Cree
390 Fishing Lake First Nation Saskatchewan 1542 Fishing Lake First Nation -
395 Flying Dust First Nation Saskatchewan 1087 Flying Dust First Nation Cree
227 Flying Post Ontario 162 Flying Post First Nation[10] -
351 Fond du Lac Saskatchewan 1676 Fond du Lac Denesuline First Nation -
262 Fort Alexander Manitoba 6756 Sagkeeng First Nation -
9 Fort Folly Neubraunschweig 109 Fort Folly First Nation Mi'kmaq
752 Fort Good Hope Northwest Territories 829 - -
467 Fort McKay First Nation Alberta 631 Fort McKay First Nation -
468 Fort McMurray #468 First Nation Alberta 598 Fort McMurray # 468 First Nation Cree, Chipewyan
543 Fort Nelson First Nation British Columbia 782 Fort Nelson First Nation -
215 Fort Severn Ontario 626 Fort Severn First Nation -
187 Fort William Ontario 1803 Fort William First Nation -
305 Fox Lake Manitoba 1043 Fox Lake Cree Nation Cree
465 Frog Lake Alberta 2508 - Cree, am Westufer d. Frog Lake, nahe der Grenze nach Saskatchewan
294 Gamblers Manitoba 157 - -
773 Gameti First Nation Northwest Territories 319 - -
297 Garden Hill First Nations Manitoba 3958 Garden Hill First Nation -
199 Garden River First Nation Ontario 2205 Ketegaunseebee Anishnabai, Garden River First Nation -
185 Ginoogaming First Nation Ontario 748 Ginoogaming First Nation, auch Gnoogaming ACP
531 Gitanmaax British Columbia 2109 Gitanmaax Band -
537 Gitanyow British Columbia 734 - -
535 Gitsegukla British Columbia 896 - -
536 Gitwangak British Columbia 1109 - -
672 Gitxaala Nation British Columbia 1733 - -
533 Glen Vowell British Columbia 386 - -
30 Glooscap First Nation Neuschottland 288 - Mi'kmaqACP
296 God's Lake First Nation Manitoba 2348 Kitayan God's Lake (community) Cree
391 Gordon Saskatchewan 3044 Gordon First Nation Cree
310 Grand Rapids First Nation Manitoba 1509 - Cree, inzw. Misipawistik Cree Nation
149 Grassy Narrows First Nation Ontario 1307 Grassy Narrows First Nation -
188 Gull Bay Ontario 1062 - -
724 Gwa'Sala-Nakwaxda'xw British Columbia 774 - -
627 Gwawaenuk Tribe British Columbia 40 - -
753 Gwichya Gwich'in Northwest Territories 416 Gwich'in Tribal Council Gwich'in
534 Hagwilget Village British Columbia 684 Hagwilget Village Council -
645 Halalt British Columbia 208 Halalt First Nation Halkomelem
546 Halfway River First Nation[11] British Columbia 236 Blueberry River First Nations -
675 Hartley Bay British Columbia 662 Gitgaat Nation s. Tsimshian
352 Hatchet Lake Saskatchewan 1467 Hatchet Lake Denesuline First Nation, beim Prince Albert Grand Council -
469 Heart Lake Alberta 295 - -
538 Heiltsuk British Columbia 2071 Heiltsuk Nation ACP
231 Henvey Inlet First Nation Ontario 528 Henvey Inlet First Nation ACP
661 Hesquiaht British Columbia 658 - Nuu-chah-nulth
162 Hiawatha First Nation Ontario 437 nicht erreichbar, März 2008 -
703 High Bar British Columbia 72 High Bar and High Bar First Nation Binnen-Salish, Shuswap
263 Hollow Water Manitoba 1561 Hollow Water First Nation Anishinabe
552 Homalco British Columbia 456 - Küsten-Salish
449 Horse Lake First Nation Alberta 877 Horse Lake First Nation -
664 Hupacasath First Nation British Columbia 228 Hupacasath First Nation Nuu-chah-nulth ACP
663 Huu-ay-aht First Nations British Columbia 637 - Nuu-chah-nulth
10 Indian Island Neubraunschweig 152 Indian Island First Nation Mi'kmaq
80 Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam Quebec 3677 - Cree, Innu
86 Innue Essipit Quebec 416 Essipid (Cote Nord) Cree, Innu
780 Inuvik Native Northwest Territories 516 Inuvik Native Band Gwich'in[12]
154 Iskatewizaagegan #39 Independent First Nation Ontario 561 - -
683 Iskut British Columbia 599 - ACP
397 Island Lake First Nation Saskatchewan 1193 Island Lake First Nation Cree[13]
370 James Smith Saskatchewan 2929 James Smith Cree Nation, beim Prince Albert Grand Council Cree
770 Jean Marie River First Nation Northwest Territories 128 Jean Marie River First Nation[14] -
761 K'atlodeeche First Nation Northwest Territories 525 K'atlodeeche First Nation[15] ACP
768 Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation Northwest Territories 63 Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation[16] -
638 Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k:tles7et'h' First Nations British Columbia 500 - Nuu-chah-nulth
362 Kahkewistahaw Saskatchewan 1686 Kahkewistahaw First Nation Cree
70 Kahnawake Quebec 9092 Kahnawá:ke Mohawk; ACP
688 Kamloops British Columbia 1002 T'kamloops Indian Band Binnen-Salish, Shuswap, ACP
704 Kanaka Bar British Columbia 201 - -
452 Kapawe'no First Nation Alberta 302 - -
210 Kasabonika Lake Ontario 927 Kasabonika Lake First Nation -
563 Katzie British Columbia 493 Katzie First Nation Halkomelem
393 Kawacatoose Saskatchewan 2724 Kawacatoose First Nation -
325 Kee-Way-Win Ontario 665 Keewaywin First Nation -
367 Keeseekoose Saskatchewan 2129 Keeseekoose First Nation -
286 Keeseekoowenin Manitoba 1033 Keeseekoowenin Ojibway First Nation -
466 Kehewin Cree Nation Alberta 1774 - Cree
212 Kingfisher Ontario 482 Kingfisher Lake First Nation -
11 Kingsclear Neubraunschweig 876 Kingsclear First Nation -
377 Kinistin Saulteaux Nation Saskatchewan 897 Kinistin Saulteaux Nation Cree
268 Kinonjeoshtegon First Nation Manitoba 671 - -
532 Kispiox British Columbia 1461 - -
676 Kitamaat British Columbia 1606 Haisla Community -
540 Kitasoo British Columbia 505 Kitasoo/Xaixais Nation s. Tsimshian
209 Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug Ontario 1346 nicht erreichbar, März 2008 -
73 Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Quebec 2714 Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Anishinabe
680 Kitselas British Columbia 516 Gitselasu - People of Kitselas Canyon s. Tsimshian
681 Kitsumkalum British Columbia 652 Kitsumkalum First Nation s. Tsimshian
553 Klahoose First Nation British Columbia 285 Klahoose First Nation ACP
503 Kluane First Nation Yukon 141 Kluane First Nation Tutchone, Southern
721 Kluskus British Columbia 198 - Carrier, s. Dakelh
251 Konadaha Seneca Ontario 502 - -
610 Kwadacha British Columbia 425 Kwadacha Nation, home of the Tsek'ene People ACP
626 Kwakiutl British Columbia 670 Kwakiutl Indian Band -
500 Kwanlin Dun First Nation Yukon 956 Kwanlin Dun First Nation Tutchone, Southern
564 Kwantlen First Nation British Columbia 197 - Halkomelem, Sto:lo
580 Kwaw-kwaw-Apilt British Columbia 40 - Halkomelem, Sto:lo
628 Kwiakah British Columbia 19 - -
625 Kwicksutaineuk-ah-kwaw-ah-mish[17] British Columbia 268 Kwicksutaineuk-ah-kwa-mish -
560 Kwikwetlem First Nation British Columbia 61 Kwikwetlem First Nation Halkomelem
87 La Nation Innu Matimekush-Lac John Quebec 843 - -
53 La Nation Micmac de Gespeg Quebec 506 La Nation Micmac de Gespeg Mi'kmaq
189 Lac Des Mille Lacs Ontario 521 - -
127 Lac La Croix Ontario 398 Lac La Croix First Nation -
353 Lac La Ronge Saskatchewan 8541 Lac La Ronge Indian Band Cree
205 Lac Seul Ontario 2829 Lac Seul First Nation, bei Independent First Nations Alliance -
607 Lake Babine Nation British Columbia 2226 Lake Babine Nation Babine-Witsuwit'en, s. Dakelh
643 Lake Cowichan First Nation British Columbia 15 Lake Cowichan[18] Halkomelem
271 Lake Manitoba Manitoba 1736 - -
275 Lake St. Martin Manitoba 2155 - -
674 Lax-kw'alaams British Columbia 3128 Lax Kw'alaams Band - Port Simpson s. Tsimshian
2 Lennox Island Prince Edward Island 734 Lennox Island First Nation Mi'kmaqACP
579 Leq' a: mel First Nation British Columbia 341 Leq'á:mel First Nation Halkomelem, Sto:lo
78 Les Atikamekw de Manawan Quebec 2345 Atikamekw de Manawan Cree; dazu gehören die Opitciwan, die Wemotaci und die Manawan.
82 Les Innus de Ekuanitshit Quebec 542 Les Innus de Ekuanitshit (Mingan) Cree
611 Lheidli T'enneh British Columbia 320 Lheidli T'enneh Band Carrier, s. Dakelh
502 Liard First Nation Yukon 1063 [3] Athabasken, Kaska
757 Liidlii Kue First Nation Northwest Territories 1211 - -
51 Listuguj Mi'gmaq Government Quebec 3343 Listuguj Mi'gmaq Government Mi'kmaq
379 Little Black Bear Saskatchewan 435 Little Black Bear First Nation CreeACP
260 Little Black River Manitoba 984 Black River First Nation -
270 Little Grand Rapids Manitoba 1383 Little Grand Rapids First Nation[19] -
340 Little Pine Saskatchewan 1703 Little Pine First Nation Cree
447 Little Red River Cree Nation Alberta 4216 lrrcn Cree
492 Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation Yukon 587 Little Salmon/Carmacks First Nation Tutchone, Northern
274 Little Saskatchewan Manitoba 1047 - -
689 Little Shuswap Lake British Columbia 309 Little Shuswap Indian Band Binnen-Salish, Shuswap
184 Long Lake No.58 First Nation Ontario 1252 nicht erreichbar, März 2008 -
287 Long Plain Manitoba 3480[20] Long Plain First Nation -
67 Long Point First Nation Quebec 674 Long Point First Nation (Winneway) Anishinabe, ACP;
476 Loon River Cree Alberta 463 - s. Cree
439 Louis Bull Alberta 1867 - Cree
250 Lower Cayuga Ontario 3234 - -
606 Lower Kootenay British Columbia 210 - Kutenai
254 Lower Mohawk Ontario 3666 - -
695 Lower Nicola British Columbia 939 Lower Nicola Indian Band Okanagan, ACP
598 Lower Similkameen British Columbia 461 Lower Similkameen Indian Band Okanagan
453 Lubicon Lake Alberta 386 - Cree, ACP
341 Lucky Man Saskatchewan 108 Lucky Man Cree Nation Cree
764 Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation Northwest Territories 687 - -
646 Lyackson British Columbia 189 Lyackson First Nation Halkomelem
705 Lytton British Columbia 1834 - Homepage des Ortes Lytton -
181 M'Chigeeng First Nation Ontario 2275 M'Chigeeng First Nation Community -
6 Madawaska Maliseet First Nation Neubraunschweig 234 - -
174 Magnetawan Ontario 226 Magnetawan First Nation -
396 Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation Saskatchewan 1305 Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation Cree
647 Malahat First Nation British Columbia 258 - Halkomelem; s. Saanich
629 Mamalilikulla-Qwe'Qwa'Sot'Em British Columbia 384 - -
302 Manto Sipi Cree Nation Manitoba 715 - Cree
328 Marcel Colomb First Nation Manitoba 348 The Marcel Colomb First Nation Cree
186 Martin Falls[21] Ontario 601 Marten Falls First Nation -
219 Matachewan Ontario 530 Matachewan First Nation Cree
311 Mathias Colomb Manitoba 2879 Pukatawagan CreeACP
565 Matsqui British Columbia 233 [4] [22] Halkomelem, Sto:lo
226 Mattagami Ontario 461 Mattagami First Nation -
326 McDowell Lake Ontario 52 McDowell Lake oder McDowell First Nation -
618 McLeod Lake British Columbia 418 McLeod Lake Indian Band ACP
26 Membertou Neuschottland 1164 Membertou First Nation Mi'kmaq
14 Metepenagiag Mi'kmaq Nation Neubraunschweig 553 Metepenagiag First Nation Mi'kmaq
673 Metlakatla British Columbia 771 Metlakatla First Nation s. Tsimshian
47 Miawpukek[23] Neufundland 2666 Miawpukek First Nation Mi'kmaq, Conne River Reserve, 1987 anerkannt
225 Michipicoten Ontario 752 Michipicoten First Nation Anishinabe
52 Micmacs of Gesgapegiag Quebec 1266 Micmacs of Gesgapegiag Mi'kmaq
461 Mikisew Cree First Nation Alberta 2498 Mikisew Cree First Nation, beim Athabasca Tribal Council s. Cree
27 Millbrook Neuschottland 1232 Millbrook First Nation Mi'kmaqACP
203 Mishkeegogamang Ontario 1548 Mishkeegogamang Ojibway Nation Anishinabe (Ojibway)
223 Missanabie Cree Ontario 345 Missanabie Cree First Nation Cree, ACP
200 Mississauga Ontario 1037 - -
140 Mississauga's of Scugog Island First Nation Ontario 193 beim Ogemawahj Tribal Council -
120 Mississaugas of the Credit Ontario 1785 The Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation -
374 Mistawasis Saskatchewan 2315 Mistawasis First Nation Cree
159 Mohawks of Akwesasne Ontario 10660 Akwesasne -
69 Mohawks of Kanesatake Quebec 2022 - -
164 Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Ontario 7724 Mohawks of The Bay of Quinte -
83 Montagnais de Natashquan Quebec 933 - Cree, s. Innu
88 Montagnais de Pakua Shipi Quebec 310 Pakua Shipu frz. s. Innu
84 Montagnais de Unamen Shipu Quebec 1054 UnamenShipu (La Romaine) frz. Cree, s. Innu
76 Montagnais du Lac St.-Jean Quebec 4899 Communauté de Mashteuiatsh frz. Cree, s. Innu
442 Montana Alberta 889 Montana First Nation Cree
354 Montreal Lake Saskatchewan 3364 Montreal Lake Cree Nation Cree
144 Moose Cree First Nation Ontario 3397 Moose Cree First Nation Cree, ACP
135 Moose Deer Point Ontario 455 Moose Deer Point First Nation -
342 Moosomin Saskatchewan 1487 Moosomin First Nation Cree
167 Moravian of the Thames Ontario 1133 - -
530 Moricetown British Columbia 1824 Moricetown Band Administration Babine-Witsuwit'en, s. Dakelh
312 Mosakahiken Cree Nation Manitoba 1757 - Cree
343 Mosquito, Grizzly Bear's Head, Lean Man Fst.Natns. Saskatchewan 1197 Mosquito First Nation [24]
557 Mount Currie British Columbia 1938 - s. St'at'imc
630 Mowachaht/Muchalaht British Columbia 541 Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation Nuu-chah-nulth
168 Munsee-Delaware Nation Ontario 538 Munsee-Delaware First Nation -
381 Muscowpetung Saskatchewan 1168 Muscowpetung First Nation -
32 Mushuau Innu First Nation Neufundland 675 Mushuau Innu First Nation -
375 Muskeg Lake Saskatchewan 1561 Muskeg Lake Cree Nation, auch First Nation oder [5] Cree, ACP
371 Muskoday First Nation Saskatchewan 1564 Muskoday First Nation Cree
392 Muskowekwan Saskatchewan 1515 Muskowekwan First Nation Cree
213 Muskrat Dam Lake Ontario 386 Muskrat Dam First Nation -
550 Musqueam British Columbia 1196 Musqueam (People) Halkomelem
556 N'Quatqua British Columbia 297 - In-SHUCK-ch
612 Nadleh Whuten British Columbia 418 Nadleh Whut'en First Nation, beim Carrier Sekani Tribal Council Carrier, s. Dakelh
766 Nahanni Butte Northwest Territories 137 Nahanni Butte Dene Band, bei Dehcho First Nations -
128 Naicatchewenin Ontario 364 - -
614 Nak'azdli British Columbia 1597 Nakazdli First Nation, bei Dehcho First Nations Carrier, s. Dakelh, ACP
631 Namgis First Nation British Columbia 1587 Namgis First Nation -
649 Nanoose First Nation British Columbia 217 Nanoose First Nation Halkomelem
158 Naotkamegwanning Ontario 1094 - -
81 Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach Quebec 673 Naskapi Nation Cree
63 Nation Anishnabe du Lac Simon Quebec 1639 Conseil de la Nation Anishnabe de Lac Simon Anishinabe
50 Nation Huronne Wendat Quebec 3008 Nation Huronne-Wendat Huronen (Wyandot, bzw. Wendat)
720 Nazko British Columbia 334 - Carrier, s. Dakelh
726 Nee-Tahi-Buhn British Columbia 131 - Babine-Witsuwit'en, s. Dakelh
380 Nekaneet Saskatchewan 419 Nekaneet First Nation Cree
239 Neskantaga First Nation Ontario 389 Neskantaga First Nation Cree
690 Neskonlith British Columbia 592 Neskonlith Indian Band Binnen-Salish, Shuswap
566 New Westminster British Columbia 9 - -
241 Nibinamik First Nation Ontario 422 nicht erreichbar, März 2008 -
129 Nicickousemenecaning Ontario 291 Nicickousemenecaning First Nation -
696 Nicomen British Columbia 127 - Okanagan
252 Niharondasa Seneca Ontario 351 - -
220 Nipissing First Nation Ontario 2158 Nipissing First Nation -
671 Nisga'a Village of Gingolx British Columbia 1910 Gingolx s. Nisga'a
679 Nisga'a Village of Gitwinksihlkw British Columbia 382 - s. Nisga'a
678 Nisga'a Village of Laxgalt'sap British Columbia 1621 Nisga'a Community of Laxgalts'ap s. Nisga'a
677 Nisga'a Village of New Aiyansh British Columbia 1760 - s. Nisga'a
313 Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation Manitoba 4355 Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation Cree, früher Nelson House
699 Nooaitch British Columbia 200 - Okanagan
204 North Caribou Lake Ontario 932 North Caribou Lake Nation -
238 North Spirit Lake Ontario 449 North Spirit Lake First Nation -
317 Northlands Manitoba 943 - -
151 Northwest Angle No.33 Ontario 441 - -
152 Northwest Angle No.37 Ontario 337 - -
278 Norway House Cree Nation Manitoba 5704 Norway House Cree Nation Cree, ACP
639 Nuchatlaht British Columbia 172 - Nuu-chah-nulth
539 Nuxalk Nation British Columbia 1473 - -
431 O'Chiese Alberta 952 OChiese First Nation -
279 O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation Manitoba 878 - -
318 O-Pipon-Na-Piwin Cree Nation Manitoba 1170 - Cree[25]
235 Obashkaandagaang Ontario 273 - -
408 Ocean Man Saskatchewan 433 Ocean Man First Nation -
363 Ochapowace Saskatchewan 1444 Ochapowace First Nation Cree
147 Ochiichagwe'babigo'ining First Nation Ontario 334 - -
72 Odanak Quebec 1862 Nation Waban-Aki. Odanak -
258 Ojibway Nation of Saugeen Ontario 207 - -
131 Ojibways of Onigaming First Nation Ontario 697 - -
192 Ojibways of the Pic River First Nation Ontario 968 Ojibways of the Pic River First Nation -
616 Okanagan British Columbia 1735 Okanagan Indian Band Okanagan
382 Okanese Saskatchewan 592 Okanese First Nation -
669 Old Massett Village Council British Columbia 2647 - -
373 One Arrow Saskatchewan 1476 One Arrow First Nation Cree
246 Oneida Ontario 1818 - -
169 Oneida Nation of the Thames Ontario 4930 Oneida Nation of the Thames ACP
344 Onion Lake Saskatchewan 4591 Onion Lake Cree Nation Cree
247 Onondaga Clear Sky Ontario 693 - -
315 Opaskwayak Cree Nation Manitoba 5034 Opaskwayak Cree Nation Cree
692 Oregon Jack Creek British Columbia 62 - Salish, Nlaka'pamux
12 Oromocto Neubraunschweig 509 Oromocto First Nation -
596 Osoyoos British Columbia 459 Osoyoos Indian Band Okanagan
541 Oweekeno/Wuikinuxv Nation British Columbia 280 - -
13 Pabineau Neubraunschweig 236 Pabineau First Nation Mi'kmaq
658 Pacheedaht First Nation British Columbia 259 - Nuu-chah-nulth
19 Paq'tnkek First Nation Neuschottland 509 Paq'tnkek First Nation Mi'kmaq
383 Pasqua First Nation #79 Saskatchewan 1765 Pasqua First Nation Band No. 79 Cree
327 Pauingassi First Nation Manitoba 569 Pauingassi First Nation[26] Anishinabe
441 Paul Alberta 1737 Paul First Nation Cree
652 Pauquachin British Columbia 363 - s. Saanich
191 Pays Plat Ontario 184 Pays Plat First Nation ACP[27]
384 Peepeekisis Saskatchewan 2315 Peepeekisis First Nation Cree
269 Peguis Manitoba 8317 Pequis First Nation Cree
756 Pehdzeh Ki First Nation Northwest Territories 324 Pehdzeh Ki First Nation, bei Dehcho First Nations -
405 Pelican Lake Saskatchewan 1316 Pelican Lake First Nation Cree
650 Penelakut British Columbia 840 Penelakut [28] Halkomelem
597 Penticton British Columbia 924 Penticton Indian Band Okanagan
355 Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation Saskatchewan 8389 Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation Cree
586 Peters British Columbia 119 - Salish, Halkomelem
409 Pheasant Rump Nakota Saskatchewan 361 Pheasant Rump Nakota Nation -
385 Piapot Saskatchewan 2027 Piapot First Nation Cree
195 Pic Mobert Ontario 810 Pic Mobert First Nation -
24 Pictou Landing Neuschottland 570 Pictou Landing First Nation, derzeit nicht erreichbar Mi'kmaq; s. Pictou Landing First Nation
436 Piikani Nation Alberta 3464 Piikani (Peigan) Nation Blackfoot
208 Pikangikum Ontario 2183 Pikangikum First Nation Anishinabe
272 Pinaymootang First Nation Manitoba 2696 - -
282 Pine Creek Manitoba 2697 - -
585 Popkum British Columbia 8 - Halkomelem, Sto:lo
236 Poplar Hill Ontario 456 Poplar Hill First Nation -
277 Poplar River First Nation Manitoba 1413 Poplar River First Nation -
345 Poundmaker Saskatchewan 1429 Poundmaker Cree Nation Cree
54 Première Nation Malecite de Viger Quebec 786 Première Nation Malecite de Viger -
95 Première nation de Whapmagoostui Quebec 821 Whapmagoostai First Nation Cree
544 Prophet River First Nation British Columbia 229 Prophet River First Nation -
651 Qualicum First Nation British Columbia 106 - -
633 Quatsino British Columbia 384 - -
130 Rainy River First Nations Ontario 767 Rainy River First Nations ACP
715 Red Bluff British Columbia 152 - Carrier, s. Dakelh
356 Red Earth Saskatchewan 1356 Red Earth Cree Nation Cree
346 Red Pheasant Saskatchewan 2061 Red Pheasant Cree Nation s. Cree
193 Red Rock Ontario 1464 Red Rock Band -
300 Red Sucker Lake Manitoba 928 Red Sucker Lake First Nation -
291 Rolling River Manitoba 923 - -
273 Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation Government Manitoba 2173 Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation Anishinabe
497 Ross River Yukon 476 - -
214 Sachigo Lake Ontario 770 Sachigo Lake First Nation -
462 Saddle Lake Alberta 8809 Saddle Lake Cree Nation Cree, nordöstlich von Edmonton
179 Sagamok Anishnawbek Ontario 243 - -
615 Saik'uz First Nation British Columbia 870 Saik'uz First Nation[29] Carrier, s. Dakelh
15 Saint Mary's Neubraunschweig 1401 Saint Mary's First Nation -
364 Sakimay First Nations Saskatchewan 1393 Sakimay First Nation Cree
759 Salt River First Nation Northwest Territories 835 Salt River First Nation -
567 Samahquam British Columbia 280 Samahquam Nation s. In-SHUCK-ch, ACP
767 Sambaa K'e (Trout Lake) Dene Northwest Territories 115 Sambaa Ke Dene Band -
444 Samson Alberta 6865 Samson Cree Nation Cree
283 Sandy Bay Manitoba 5438 - -
211 Sandy Lake Ontario 2534 Sandy Lake First Nation -
314 Sapotaweyak Cree Nation Manitoba 1978 - Cree
123 Saugeen Ontario 1515 Saugeen First Nation ACP
542 Saulteau First Nations British Columbia 792 Saulteau First Nations ACP
347 Saulteaux Saskatchewan 1151 Saulteaux First Nation Cree
454 Sawridge Alberta 336 - Cree, ACP
303 Sayisi Dene First Nation Manitoba 704 - -
568 Scowlitz British Columbia 223 - Halkomelem, Sto:lo, ACP
581 Seabird Island British Columbia 801 Seabird Island Indian Band Halkomelem, Sto:lo
551 Sechelt British Columbia 1218 Sechelt First Nation -
132 Seine River First Nation Ontario 684 Seine River First Nation -
498 Selkirk First Nation Yukon 502 Selkirk First Nation, beim Council of Yukon First Nations Tutchone, Northern
569 Semiahmoo British Columbia 80 - -
201 Serpent River Ontario 1118 Serpent River First Nation ACP
595 Seton Lake British Columbia 623 - -
698 Shackan British Columbia 120 - Okanagan
307 Shamattawa First Nation Manitoba 1314 Shamattawa First Nation Cree
137 Shawanaga First Nation Ontario 496 Shawanaga First Nation ACP
176 Sheguiandah Ontario 321 Sheguiandah First Nation -
33 Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation Neufundland 1103 Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation Cree, s. Innu
178 Sheshegwaning Ontario 360 Sheshegwaning First Nation ACP
357 Shoal Lake Cree Nation Saskatchewan 826 Shoal Lake Cree Nation Cree
155 Shoal Lake No.40 Ontario 537 Shoal Lake #40 First Nation -
25 Shubenacadie Neuschottland 2266 - Mi'kmaq
605 Shuswap British Columbia 232 Shuswap Band Binnen-Salish, Shuswap
587 Shxw'ow'hamel First Nation British Columbia 164 - Halkomelem, Sto:lo
570 Shxwhá:y Village British Columbia 319 Shxwhá:y Village Halkomelem, Sto:lo
430 Siksika Nation Alberta 6327 Website of the Siksika Nation Blackfoot
691 Simpcw First Nation British Columbia 638 Simpcw First Nation - People of the North Thompson River Binnen-Salish, Shuswap
290 Sioux Valley Dakota Nation Manitoba 2256 Sioux Valley Dakota Nation -
706 Siska British Columbia 294 - Okanagan
121 Six Nations of the Grand River[30] - - - Ontario s. Einzelstämme Six Nations Council -
562 Skatin Nations British Columbia 384 Skatin First Nations s. In-SHUCK-ch
582 Skawahlook First Nation British Columbia 72 Skawahlook First Nation Halkomelem, Sto:lo
687 Skeetchestn British Columbia 484 Skeetchestn Indian Band Binnen-Salish, Shuswap
670 Skidegate British Columbia 1421 Skidegate Band Council -
729 Skin Tyee British Columbia 141 - Babine-Witsuwit'en, s. Dakelh
571 Skowkale British Columbia 227 Skowkale First Nation Halkomelem, Sto:lo
281 Skownan First Nation Manitoba 1233 - -
707 Skuppah British Columbia 101 - -
573 Skwah British Columbia 464 - Halkomelem
259 Slate Falls Nation Ontario 226 Slate Falls Nation -
554 Sliammon British Columbia 959 Sliammon First Nation -
477 Smith's Landing First Nation Alberta 308 - -
648 Snuneymuxw First Nation (Nanaimo) British Columbia 1513 Snuneymuxw First Nation Halkomelem
716 Soda Creek British Columbia 356 Xat'Súll First Nation (Soda Creek Indian Band) Binnen-Salish, Shuswap
656 Songhees First Nation British Columbia 489 Songhees Nation -
572 Soowahlie British Columbia 351 Soowahlie Band Administration Halkomelem, Sto:lo
600 Spallumcheen British Columbia 761 Spallumcheen Indian Band Binnen-Salish, Shuswap
708 Spuzzum British Columbia 207 - Salish, Nlaka'pamux
555 Squamish British Columbia 3600 Squamish Nation Network -
574 Squiala First Nation British Columbia 129 Squiala First Nation Halkomelem, Sto:lo
602 St. Mary's British Columbia 344 - Kutenai
298 St. Theresa Point Manitoba 3351 St. Theresa Point First Nation -
386 Standing Buffalo Saskatchewan 1117 Standing Buffalo First Nation -
133 Stanjikoming First Nation Ontario 133 - -
387 Star Blanket Saskatchewan 570 Star Blanket Cree Nation Cree
613 Stellat'en First Nation British Columbia 418 Stellat'en First Nation Carrier, s. Dakelh
717 Stone Alberta - British Columbia 393 - -
455 Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation Alberta 2594 - Cree, am Sturgeon Lake, Westalberta
360 Sturgeon Lake First Nation Saskatchewan 2419 Sturgeon Lake First Nation Cree
456 Sucker Creek Alberta 2347 - Cree, am Westende des Lesser Slave Lake
578 Sumas First Nation British Columbia 242 - Halkomelem, Sto:lo, ACP
434 Sunchild First Nation Alberta 1199 - -
293 Swan Lake Manitoba 1196 Swan Lake First Nation -
457 Swan River First Nation Alberta 1080 - Cree, am Südufer des Lesser Slave Lake
348 Sweetgrass Saskatchewan 1658 Sweetgrass First Nation Cree
657 T'Sou-ke First Nation British Columbia 216 T'sou-ke Nation -
593 T'it'q'et British Columbia 374 - -
508 Ta'an Kwach'an Yukon 228 Ta'an Kwach'an Council Tutchone, Southern
682 Tahltan British Columbia 1643 Dease Lake Community Page Athabasken
608 Takla Lake First Nation British Columbia 652 Takla Lake First Nation, beim Carrier Sekani Tribal Council Babine-Witsuwit'en, s. Dakelh
501 Taku River Tlingit Yukon 373 Taku River Tlingit First Nation s. Tlingit
446 Tallcree Alberta 1059 - s. Cree
306 Tataskweyak Cree Nation Manitoba 3103 Tataskweyak Cree Nation Cree
145 Taykwa Tagamou Nation Ontario 347 Taykwa Tagamou Nation (früher New Post Nation) Cree
222 Temagami First Nation Ontario 670 Temagami First Nation -
499 Teslin Tlingit Council Yukon 557 Teslin Tlingit Council s. Tlingit
751 Tetlit Gwich'in Northwest Territories 1323 Gwich'in von Tetlit Zheh (Fort McPherson) Gwich'in
61 The Crees of the Waskaganish First Nation Quebec 2411 The Crees of Waskaganish First Nation Cree
368 The Key First Nation Saskatchewan 1108 Key Band -
202 Thessalon Ontario 576 - -
349 Thunderchild First Nation Saskatchewan 2448 Thunderchild First Nation Cree
64 Timiskaming First Nation Quebec 1633 Timiskaming First Nation -
617 Tl'azt'en Nation British Columbia 1529 Tl'azt'en Nation Carrier, s. Dakelh
712 Tl'etinqox-t'in Government Office British Columbia 1442 - -
660 Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations British Columbia 926 - Nuu-chah-nulth
632 Tlatlasikwala British Columbia 49 - ACP
637 Tlowitsis Tribe British Columbia 375 - -
603 Tobacco Plains British Columbia 165 - Kutenai, ACP
16 Tobique Neubraunschweig 1921 - -
718 Toosey British Columbia 283 - -
292 Tootinaowaziibeeng Treaty Reserve Manitoba 1231 - -
666 Toquaht British Columbia 130 Toquaht Nation, derzeit nicht erreichbar [31] Nuu-chah-nulth
494 Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in Yukon 690 Tr'ondek Hwech'in Han Nation Athabasken, Han
594 Ts'kw'aylaxw First Nation (Pavillon) British Columbia 514 Ts'kw'aylaxw First Nations Binnen-Salish, Shuswap
653 Tsartlip British Columbia 784 Tsartlip First Nation ACP
636 Tsawataineuk British Columbia 509 Tsawataineuk Nation Halkomelem
654 Tsawout First Nation British Columbia 749 Tsawout First Nation s. Saanich
577 Tsawwassen First Nation British Columbia 275 Tsawwassen First Nation -
609 Tsay Keh Dene British Columbia 396 - -
665 Tseshaht British Columbia 959 Tseshat First Nation Nuu-chah-nulth
655 Tseycum British Columbia 153 Tseycum First Nation s. Saanich
432 Tsuu T'Ina Nation Alberta 1627 Tsuu T'Ina (First) Nation -
750 Tulita Dene Northwest Territories 611 Tulita -
245 Tuscarora Ontario 1958 - s. Six Nations of the Grand River
575 Tzeachten British Columbia 387 - Halkomelem, Sto:lo
667 Uchucklesaht British Columbia 194 Offizielle Homepage, derzeit nicht erreichbar[32] Nuu-chah-nulth
668 Ucluelet First Nation British Columbia 618 Ucluelet First Nation Nuu-chah-nulth
722 Ulkatcho British Columbia 929 - Carrier, s. Dakelh
588 Union Bar British Columbia 118 - Halkomelem
249 Upper Cayuga Ontario 3135 - -
257 Upper Mohawk Ontario 5442 - -
697 Upper Nicola British Columbia 822 Upper Nicola Band Upper Nicola Band Okanagan, ACP
599 Upper Similkameen British Columbia 68 - Okanagan
496 Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Yukon 509 Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Gwich'in
150 Wabaseemoong Independent Nations Ontario 1698 Wabaseemoong Independent Nations[33] -
156 Wabauskang First Nation Ontario 256 - -
157 Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation Ontario 535 Wabigoon First Nation -
28 Wagmatcook Neuschottland 678 Wagmatcook First Nation Mi'kmaq
233 Wahgoshig Ontario 270 Wahgoshig First Nation Anishinabe
232 Wahnapitae Ontario 316 - ACP
358 Wahpeton Dakota Nation Saskatchewan 465 Wahpeton Dakota Nation -
134 Wahta Mohawk Ontario 674 Wahta Mohawks -
255 Walker Mohawk Ontario 444 - -
170 Walpole Island Ontario 4146 Bkejwanong Territory (Walpole Island) -
206 Wapekeka Ontario 377 Wapekeka First Nation -
323 War Lake First Nation Manitoba 244 - Cree
299 Wasagamack First Nation Manitoba 1685 Wasagamack First Nation -
136 Wasauksing First Nation Ontario 991 - ACP
56 Waswanipi Quebec 1792 Wasawanipi Cree First Nation Cree
402 Waterhen Lake Saskatchewan 1756 Waterhen Lake First Nation Cree
234 Wawakapewin Ontario 52 Wawakapewin First Nation -
29 Waycobah First Nation Neuschottland 874 Waycobah First Nation Mi'kmaq
285 Waywayseecappo First Nation Treaty Four - 1874 Manitoba 2352 - -
240 Webequie Ontario 733 Webequie First Nation -
146 Weenusk Ontario 516 Weenusk First Nation (Peawanuk) Cree
475 Wesley Alberta 1423 - s. Stone
545 West Moberly First Nations British Columbia 201 West Moberly First Nations -
772 West Point First Nation Northwest Territories 70 West Point First Nation, bei Dehcho First Nations ACP
601 Westbank First Nation British Columbia 664 Westbank First Nation Okanagan
725 Wet'suwet'en First Nation British Columbia 206 Wetsuweten Babine-Witsuwit'en, s. Dakelh, ACP
769 Wha Ti First Nation Northwest Territories 593 - -
702 Whispering Pines/Clinton British Columbia 133 Whispering Pines / Clinton Indian Band Binnen-Salish, Shuswap
365 White Bear Saskatchewan 2265 White Bear First Nation Cree, Assiniboin
506 White River First Nation Yukon 135 White River First Nation, Archiv Upper Tanana, Northern Tutchone
372 Whitecap Dakota First Nation Saskatchewan 513 Whitecap Dakota First Nation -
224 Whitefish Lake Ontario 894 Atikameksheng Anishnawbek Community Profile Cree
459 Whitefish Lake Alberta 2093 Whitefish Lake First Nation am Utikuma Lake (nördl. d. Lesser Slave Lake)
230 Whitefish River Ontario 1108 Whitefish River First Nation 68 km südwestli. v. Sudbury
190 Whitesand Ontario 1082 Whitesand First Nation -
175 Wikwemikong Ontario 6646 Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve Anishinabe
719 Williams Lake British Columbia 554 Williams Lake Indian Band. T'exelc Binnen-Salish, Shuswap
407 Witchekan Lake Saskatchewan 630 Witchekan Lake First Nation Cree
68 Wolf Lake Quebec 209 - -
388 Wood Mountain Saskatchewan 217 Wood Mountain First Nation -
474 Woodland Cree First Nation Alberta 963 - Cree
17 Woodstock Neubraunschweig 826 Woodstock First Nation -
217 Wunnumin Ontario 586 Wunnumin Lake First Nation -
324 Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation Manitoba 595 - Cree
592 Xaxli'p British Columbia 928 - -
714 Xeni Gwet'in First Nations Government British Columbia 392 Xeni Gwet'in: People of Nemiah -
576 Yakweakwioose British Columbia 63 - Halkomelem, Sto:lo
589 Yale First Nation British Columbia 145 - Salish, Halkomelem
728 Yekooche British Columbia 214 Yekooche First Nation Carrier, s. Dakelh
376 Yellow Quill Saskatchewan 2537 Yellow Quill First Nation -
763 Yellowknives Dene First Nation Northwest Territories 1296 - Athabasken
304 York Factory First Nation Manitoba 1103 York Factory Cree Nation Cree
173 Zhiibaahaasing First Nation Ontario 140 Zhiibaahaasing First Nation ACP



  1. Sie findet sich hier: Search by First Nation
  2. Aboriginal Canada Portal
  3. die nördlichste Gruppe
  4. Zu den Atikamekw gehören die Opitciwan, die Wemotaci und die Manawan.
  5. s. Hecla/Grindstone Provincial Park
  6. Lake Nipigon
  7. im Rahmen von Wabun First Nation Profiles
  8. bei Dehcho First Nation
  9. Zu ihnen gehören die Gemeinden Bushe River, Meander River und Chateh (früher Assumption).
  10. im Rahmen von Wabun First Nation Profiles
  11. Sie gehören zu den Treaty 8 communities, zusammen mit Doig River First Nation, Fort Nelson First Nation, Prophet River First Nation, Saulteau First Nations, West Moberly First Nation. Nicht Mitglieder, aber weitere Unterzeichner sind Blueberry River First Nations und McLeod Lake First Nation.
  12. Website beim Gwich'in Tribal Council
  13. beim Meadow Lake Tribal Council
  14. bei Dehcho First Nations
  15. bei Dehcho First Nations
  16. bei Dehcho First Nations
  17. auch Gilford Island
  18. auf der Seite der Seite der Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group
  19., 10. Juli 2008
  20. Keine Angaben auf der Website der INAC. Diese Zahl stammt von Long Plain First Nation turns sod on groundbreaking project, in: CBC News, 12. Januar 2007
  21. Ein Schreibfehler des Indianerdepartments?
  22. bei INAC nicht aufgeführt
  23. s. [1] (Version vom 17. Mai 2005 bei
  24. Assiniboin
  25. 2005 von Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation abgespalten
  26., 22. Juni 2008
  27. Zählen zu den Algonkin.
  28. auf der Seite der Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group
  29. beim Carrier Sekani Tribal Council
  30. Zu ihnen gehören die Bay of Quinte Mohawk, die Bearfoot Onondago, Deleware, Konadaha Seneca, Lower Cayuga, Lower Mohawk, Niharondasa Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga Clear Sky, Tuscarora, Upper Cayuga, Upper Mohawk und Walker Mohawk.
  31. s. Toquaht First Nation, unvollständig
  32. s. [2]
  33., 11. April 2008

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