- Städte in neuseeland
Die Liste der Städte in Neuseeland bietet einen Überblick über die Entwicklung der Einwohnerzahl der größeren Städte des Staates Neuseeland. Aufgeführt ist auch eine alphabetische Übersicht der Orte des Landes.
Agglomerationen nach Einwohnerzahl
Die größten Agglomerationen in Neuseeland sind laut Statistics New Zealand (Volkszählung 2006):
Rang Agglomeration Einwohner Rang Agglomeration Einwohner 1. Auckland 1.208.091 6. Dunedin 110.997 2. Wellington 397.974 7. Tauranga 108.882 3. Christchurch 360.768 8. Palmerston North 76.032 4. Hamilton 184.838 9. Nelson 56.364 5. Napier 118.404 10. Rotorua 53.766 Städtische Siedlungen nach Einwohnerzahl
Die folgende Tabelle enthält die städtischen Siedlungen mit mehr als 10.000 Einwohnern mit ihrer Einwohnerzahl laut Ergebnissen der Volkszählungen (VZ) vom 5. März 1991, 5. März 1996, 6. März 2001 und 7. März 2006. Aufgeführt ist auch die übergeordnete Verwaltungseinheit (Region und Unitary Authority), zu der die Stadt gehört. Die Einwohnerzahlen beziehen sich auf die jeweilige städtische Siedlung – das geographische Stadtgebiet (Urban Area) nach der Definition des neuseeländischen Statistikamtes – nicht auf die Stadt (City Council Area) im politischen Sinne.[1]
Rang Name VZ 1991 VZ 1996 VZ 2001 VZ 2006 Verwaltungseinheit 1. Auckland 299.625 338.160 359.469 395.982 Auckland 2. Manukau 261.398 291.600 321.465 371.661 Auckland 3. Christchurch 303.411 325.251 334.107 360.765 Canterbury 4. North Shore 176.254 202.305 219.936 248.112 Auckland 5. Waitakere 140.959 159.768 173.643 192.339 Auckland 6. Wellington 147.798 157.059 162.981 178.680 Wellington 7. Hamilton 120.687 131.331 138.792 155.259 Waikato 8. Dunedin 107.522 110.793 107.088 111.000 Otago 9. Tauranga 70.293 82.095 95.694 108.882 Bay of Plenty 10. Lower Hutt 94.381 95.379 95.022 97.149 Wellington 11. Palmerston North 70.237 73.860 72.681 76.029 Manawatu-Wanganui 12. Hastings 57.220 58.500 59.142 62.118 Hawke’s Bay 13. Nelson 45.877 50.691 53.688 56.367 Nelson 14. Napier 52.125 54.291 54.534 56.286 Hawke’s Bay 15. Rotorua 50.771 52.959 52.605 53.766 Bay of Plenty 16. New Plymouth 47.654 48.879 47.763 49.281 Taranaki 17. Whangarei 44.347 45.876 46.047 49.080 Northland 18. Porirua 46.435 46.443 47.217 48.396 Wellington 19. Invercargill 51.541 49.404 46.305 46.773 Southland 20. Wanganui 41.100 41.097 39.420 38.988 Manawatu-Wanganui 21. Kapiti 27.344 30.291 33.666 37.347 Wellington 22. Upper Hutt 35.548 35.181 34.527 36.399 Wellington 23. Gisborne 31.401 32.610 31.719 32.529 Gisborne 24. Blenheim 23.788 25.704 26.547 28.527 Marlborough 25. Timaru 27.786 27.171 26.745 26.883 Canterbury 26. Pukekohe 15.324 16.917 18.825 22.518 Waikato 27. Taupo 17.110 19.173 20.307 21.291 Waikato 28. Masterton 19.768 19.686 19.500 19.497 Wellington 29. Levin 19.292 19.323 19.047 19.134 Manawatu-Wanganui 30. Whakatane 16.662 17.496 17.778 18.207 Bay of Plenty 31. Ashburton 15.531 15.786 15.774 16.836 Canterbury 32. Queenstown 5.142 7.527 8.538 15.216 Otago 33. Cambridge 12.372 13.002 13.890 15.192 Waikato 34. Te Awamutu 13.088 13.710 13.446 14.454 Waikato 35. Feilding 13.532 14.043 13.641 13.887 Manawatu-Wanganui 36. Tokoroa 16.649 15.528 14.430 13.527 Waikato 37. Oamaru 13.537 13.416 12.696 12.681 Canterbury 38. Rangiora 8.763 9.867 10.800 11.529 Canterbury 39. Hawera 11.534 11.439 10.944 10.776 Taranaki Städte nach Einwohnerzahl
Die folgende Tabelle enthält alle 16 Städte (City Council Areas) Neuseelands mit ihrer Einwohnerzahl laut Ergebnissen der Volkszählungen (VZ) vom 5. März 1991, 5. März 1996, 6. März 2001 und 7. März 2006. Aufgeführt ist auch die übergeordnete Verwaltungseinheit (Region und Unitary Authority), zu der die Stadt gehört. Die Einwohnerzahlen beziehen sich auf die Stadt in ihren politischen Grenzen, ohne politisch selbständige Vororte.[1]
Rang Name VZ 1991 VZ 1996 VZ 2001 VZ 2006 Verwaltungseinheit 1. Auckland 306.210 345.870 367.749 404.658 Auckland 2. Christchurch 289.074 316.608 324.057 348.435 Canterbury 3. Manukau 226.002 254.277 283.197 328.968 Auckland 4. North Shore 152.646 172.164 184.821 205.608 Auckland 5. Waitakere 136.998 155.565 168.750 186.444 Auckland 6. Wellington 148.440 157.719 163.824 179.466 Wellington 7. Hamilton 99.414 109.785 116.256 129.249 Waikato 8. Dunedin 114.504 118.143 114.342 118.683 Otago 9. Tauranga 66.738 77.781 90.912 103.635 Bay of Plenty 10. Lower Hutt 94.881 95.874 95.490 97.701 Wellington 11. Palmerston North 69.537 73.095 72.033 75.543 Manawatu-Wanganui 12. Napier 51.285 53.463 53.661 55.359 Hawke’s Bay 13. Invercargill 55.707 53.208 49.833 50.328 Southland 14. Porirua 46.545 46.626 47.370 48.546 Wellington 15. Nelson 36.456 40.239 41.565 42.891 Nelson 16. Upper Hutt 36.882 36.714 36.372 38.415 Wellington Alphabetische Übersicht
Es folgt eine alphabetische Übersicht der Orte in Neuseeland:
- Acacia Bay
- Achray
- Adair
- Adams Flat
- Ahaura
- Ahikiwi
- Ahipara
- Ahititi
- Ahuriri Flat
- Ahuroa
- Aickens
- Airedale
- Aka Aka
- Akaroa
- Akatera
- Akerama
- Akitio
- Albany
- Albert Town
- Albury
- Alexandra
- Alford Forest
- Alfredton
- Allandale
- Alma
- Almdale
- Alton
- Amberley
- Amberley Beach
- Amodeo Bay
- Anakiwa
- Anama
- Anatimo
- Anatori
- Aniwaniwa
- Annadale
- Annat
- Aokautere
- Aongatete
- Aorangi (Gisborne)
- Aorangi (Northland)
- Aorere
- Aotea
- Aotuhia
- Apanui
- Aparima
- Apata
- Apiti
- Arahura
- Aramatai
- Aramiro
- Aramoana (Hawkes Bay)
- Aramoana (Otago)
- Aramoho
- Aranga
- Aranga Beach
- Arapito
- Arapohue
- Arapuni
- Ararata
- Ararimu
- Ararua
- Aratapu
- Aratiatia
- Aratika
- Arawhata
- Ardgour
- Ardgowan
- Ardkeen
- Ardlussa
- Ardmore
- Arero
- Argyll East
- Aria
- Ariki
- Arno
- Arohena
- Arowhenua
- Arrowtown
- Arthur’s Pass
- Arthurs Point
- Arthurstown
- Arthurton
- Arundel
- Ashburton
- Ashcott
- Ashers
- Ashhurst
- Ashley
- Ashley Clinton
- Ashley Downs
- Ashley Gorge
- Ashton
- Ashwick Flat
- Ataahua
- Atapo
- Atarau
- Atau Paparua
- Athenree
- Athol
- Atiamuri
- Auckland
- Aurere
- Auripo
- Auroa
- Aviemore
- Avoca
- Avondale
- Awahou
- Awahou North
- Awahou South
- Awahuri
- Awaiti
- Awakaponga
- Awakeri
- Awakeri Springs
- Awakino
- Awakino Point
- Awamangu
- Awamarino
- Awamoko
- Awanui (Bay of Plenty)
- Awanui (Northland)
- Awariki
- Awaroa
- Awarua (Northland)
- Awarua (Southland)
- Awatea
- Awatere
- Awatoitoi
- Awatoto
- Awatuna (Taranaki)
- Awatuna (West Coast)
- Awhitu
- Aylesbury (Neuseeland)
- Bainesse
- Bainham
- Balcairn
- Balclutha
- Balfour
- Ballance
- Balmoral
- Bankside
- Bannockburn
- Barewood
- Barnego
- Barnhill
- Barrys Bay
- Barrytown
- Barryville
- Bartletts
- Batley
- Battersea
- Bay View
- Baylys Beach
- Bayswater
- Beachlands
- Beaconsfield
- Bealey Spur
- Beaumont
- Beautiful Valley
- Becks
- Belfast
- Belfield
- Belgrove
- Bell Block
- Bell Hill
- Bells Junction
- Bendigo
- Benhar
- Benio
- Benmore (Canterbury)
- Benmore (Southland)
- Bennetts
- Benneydale
- Berlins
- Berwick
- Betlehem
- Bexley
- Bideford
- Big Bay
- Big Omaha
- Big River
- Birch Hill
- Birchfield
- Birchwood
- Bird Road
- Birdlings Flat
- Birkenhead
- Black Gully
- Black Point
- Blackball
- Blackburn
- Blackhead (Hawkes Bay)
- Blackhead (Otago)
- Blackmans
- Blackmount
- Blacks Point
- Blackstone Hill
- Blackwater
- Blairich
- Blairlogie
- Blandswood
- Blenheim
- Blind River
- Blue Cliffs
- Blue Mountain
- Blue Spur (Otago)
- Blue Spur (West Coast)
- Bluff
- Blythe Valley
- Boddytown
- Bombay
- Borland Lodge
- Bortons
- Bowlers Creek
- Boyle Village
- Braeburn
- Braigh
- Branxholme
- Bridge Pa
- Brighton
- Brightwater
- Brixton
- Broad Gully
- Broadfield
- Broadlands
- Broadwood
- Bronte
- Brooklands
- Brooklyn (Tasman)
- Brooklyn (Wellington)
- Brookside
- Broomfield
- Browns
- Browns Bay
- Browns Beach
- Bruce Bay
- Brunners
- Brunswick
- Brydone
- Brynavon
- Brynderwyn
- Buccleuch
- Buckland (Auckland)
- Buckland (Waikato)
- Bucklands Crossing
- Bullendale
- Bulls
- Bullwer
- Bungtown
- Bunnythorpe
- Burke Pass
- Burkes
- Burnbrae
- Burnetts Face
- Burnham
- Bush Siding
- Bushey
- Bushside
- Butchers Gully
- Caberfeidh
- Cable Bay
- Cairnbrae
- Caldervale
- Callaghans
- Cambrians
- Cambridge
- Camden
- Camerons
- Camp Valley
- Campbell Park
- Campbells Bay
- Cannington
- Canvastown
- Capleston
- Cardiff
- Cardrona
- Carew
- Careys Bay
- Carleton
- Carluke
- Carnarvon
- Caroline
- Carricktown
- Carrington
- Carswell
- Carters Beach
- Carterton
- Cascade Creek
- Cass
- Cass Bay
- Castle Hill
- Castlecliff
- Castlehill
- Castlepoint
- Castlerock
- Castor Bay
- Cattle Creek
- Cattle Flat
- Cattle Valley
- Cave
- Cavendish
- Caverdill
- Centre Bush
- Chain Hills
- Challis
- Chamberlain
- Chaneys
- Charing Cross
- Charleston
- Charlestown
- Charlton
- Charteris Bay
- Chaslands
- Chatto Creek
- Chatton
- Chatton North
- Cheddar Valley
- Cheltenham
- Chertsey
- Chesterfield
- Cheviot
- Chorlton
- Christchurch
- Churchill
- Coromandel
- Cromwell
- Clandeboye
- Claremont
- Clarence
- Clarence Reserve
- Claredon
- Clareville
- Claris
- Clarks Beach
- Clarks Junction
- Clarksville
- Clarkville
- Claverley
- Clayton
- Clevedon
- Clifden
- Clivton (Hawkes Bay)
- Clivton (Otago)
- Clivton (Tasman)
- Clinton
- Clive
- Cloudy Range
- Cloustonville
- Clyde
- Clydesdale
- Clydevale
- Coal Creek Flat
- Coalgate
- Coatesville
- Colac Bay
- Coldstream
- Colliers Junction
- Collingwood
- Colville
- Colyton
- Company Bay
- Conical Hill
- Conroys Gully
- Conway Flat
- Conway Hills
- Cooks Beach
- Coonoor
- Coopers Beach
- Coopers Creek
- Cooptown
- Corbyvale
- Coroglen
- Coromandel
- Corriedale
- Courtenay
- Craigellachie
- Craigieburn (Canterbury)
- Craigieburn (Waikato)
- Crail Bay
- Crawfords
- Crichton
- Cricklewood
- Crippletown
- Crofton
- Cromwell
- Cronadun
- Crookston
- Crossans Corner
- Croydon
- Crushington
- Culverdeen
- Curio Bay
- Curious Cove
- Cust
- Dacre
- Dairy Flat
- Dalefield
- Dannevirke
- DanseysPass
- Darfield
- Dargaville
- Dashwood
- Dawson Falls
- Deborah
- Deborah Bay
- Deep Creek
- Denniston
- Devonport
- Diamond Harbour
- Diggers Valley
- Dillmanstown
- Dip Flat
- Dipton
- Dobson
- Dog Kennel
- Domett
- Donnelys Crossing
- Donoghues
- Dorie
- Douglas (Waikato)
- Douglas (Taranaki)
- Douglas Corner
- Douglasvale
- Dovedale
- Doyleston
- Droemore
- Drummond
- Drury
- Drybread
- Dumbarton
- Dunback
- Dunearn
- Dunedin
- Durgaville
- Dunmore
- Dunolly
- Dunrobin
- Dunsandel
- Duntroon
- Dusky Forest
- Duvauchelle
- Dyerville
- Ealing
- Earnscleugh
- Earthquake Flat
- Earthquakes
- East Chatton
- East Egmont
- East Lane
- East Taieri
- East Takaka
- East Tamaki
- Eastbourne
- Eastern Bush
- Edendale
- Edievale
- Egmont Village
- Eiffelton
- Eight Mile Junction
- Eketahuna
- Elaine Bay
- Elderslie
- Elephant Hill
- Elgin
- Ellesmere
- Elsdon
- Elsthorpe
- Elstow
- Eltham
- Endeavour Inlet
- Enfield
- Engineers Camp
- Epuni
- Epworth
- Ermedale
- Erua
- Esk Valley
- Eskdale
- Etrick
- Eureka
- Evans Flat
- Evansdale
- Eversley
- Eyreton
- Fairburn
- Fairdown
- Fairfax
- Fairfield
- Fairhall
- Fairlie
- Fairlight
- Fairton
- Fairview
- Featherston
- Feilding
- Feldwick
- Fergusons
- Ferndale
- Fernhill (Hawkes Bay)
- Fernhill (Otago)
- Ferniehurst
- Fernside
- Ferntown
- Ferrymead
- Finegand
- Five Forks
- Five Rivers
- Five Roads
- Flag Swamp
- Flaxmere
- Flaxton
- Flemington (Canterbury)
- Flemington (Hawkes Bay)
- Forsell
- Forsyth
- Fortification
- Fortrose
- Four Peaks
- Four Rivers Plain
- Fox Glacier
- Foxhill
- Foxton
- Foxton Beach
- Frankton (Waikato)
- Frankton (Otago)
- Franz Josef
- Fraserton
- French Farm
- French Pass
- Freshford
- Fruitlands
- Fuchsia Creek
- Gladstone (Manawatu-Wanganui)
- Gladstone (Otago)
- Gladstone (Waikato)
- Gladstone (Wellington)
- Glasnevin
- Glen Afton
- Glen Colwyn
- Glen Massey
- Glen Murray
- Glen Oroua
- Glenavy
- Glenbervie
- Glenbrook
- Glencoe
- Glendhu Bay
- Glenduan
- Glengarry
- Glenham
- Glenhope
- Glenkenich
- Glenledi
- Glenleith
- Glenomaru
- Glenorchy
- Glenpark
- Glenroy
- Glentui
- Glentunnel
- Glenure
- Glinks Gully
- Glorit
- Glynn Wye
- Golden Downs
- Golden Springs
- Golden Valley
- Gordonton
- Gore
- Gore Bay
- Gorge Creek
- Gorge Road
- Goulds Road
- Governors Bay
- Gowan Bridge
- Grahams Beach
- Granity
- Grays Corner
- Greatford
- Green Hills
- Green Valley
- Greendale
- Greenfield
- Greenhills
- Greenpark
- Greenpoint
- Greenstone
- Greenstreet
- Greenvale
- Greigs
- Greta Valley
- Greymouth
- Greytown
- Gropers Bush
- Grove Bush
- Grovetown
- Gum Tree Flat
- Gummies Bush
- Haast
- Haast Beach
- Hackthorne
- Hadlow
- Hahei
- Hakaru
- Hakataramea
- Hakataramea Downs
- Haku
- Halcombe
- Haldane
- Halkett
- Hamama
- Hamilton (Tasman)
- Hamilton (Waikato)
- Hampden
- Hamua
- Hamurana
- Hangaroa
- Hangatiki
- Hanmer Springs
- Hannahs Clearing
- Happy Valley (Auckland)
- Happy Valley (Southland)
- Hapuku
- Harakeke
- Harapepe
- Harihari
- Hariki Beach
- Harington Point
- Harrisville
- Haruru
- Harveys Flat
- Harwood
- Hastings
- Hastwell
- Hatepe
- Hatfield
- Hatuma
- Haukawakawa
- Haumoana
- Haunui
- Hauone
- Hauparu Bay
- Haupiri
- Hautanoa
- Hautapu
- Hautu Village
- Hauturu
- Hauwai
- Havelock
- Havelock North
- Hawai
- [Hawarden
- Hawea
- Hawera
- Hawk Hills
- Hawkins
- Hawksbury Bush
- Hawkswood
- Hays Gap
- Hazletts
- Heatherlea
- Hector
- Heddon Bush
- Hedgehope
- Heenans Corner
- Helena Bay
- Helensville
- Henderson
- Henley
- Herbert
- Herbertville
- Herekino
- Herepo
- Heriot
- Hexton
- Heyward Point
- Hicks Bay
- Highbank
- Highcliff
- Hihi
- Hihitahi
- Hikawera
- Hikuai
- Hikumutu
- Hikurangi
- Hikutaia
- Hikuwai
- Hilderthorpe
- Hillend
- Hillersden
- Hillgrove
- Hills Creek
- Hillsborough
- Hilltop
- Hilton
- Himatangi
- Himatangi Beach
- Hinahina
- Hinakura
- Hinau
- Hindon
- Hinds
- Hinehopu
- Hinuera
- Hira
- Hiruharama
- Hiwinui
- Hiwipango
- Hodderville
- Hoe-O-Tainui
- Hohonu
- Hokio Beach
- Hokitika
- Hokonui
- Hollyford
- Homebush (Canterbury)
- Homebush (Wellington)
- Honeymoon Valley
- Honikiwi
- Hook
- Hoopers Inlet
- Hopelands
- Hopeone
- Hopuhopu
- Horahia
- Horahora (Northland)
- Horahora (Waikato)
- Horeke
- Horoeka
- Horoera
- Horohoro
- Horokino
- Horomanga
- Horopito
- Horotiu
- Horrellville
- Horsham Downs
- Horsley Down
- Hospital Hill
- Hot Water Beach
- Hoteo
- Hoteo North
- Houhora
- Houhora Heads
- Houhou
- Houipapa
- Houpoto
- Houto
- Howard
- Huapai
- Huarau
- Huia
- Huiakama
- Huiarua
- Huinga
- Huirangi
- Huiroa
- Hukanui
- Hukapapa
- Hukarere
- Hukatere
- Hukawai
- Hukerenui
- Humphreys
- Hundalee
- Hungahunga
- Hunter
- Huntingdon
- Hunua
- Hupara
- Hurford
- Hurleyville
- Hurunui
- Hurunui Mouth
- Hurworth
- Hyde
- Ida Valley
- Idaburn
- Ihakara
- Ihungia
- Ihuraua
- Ikamatua
- Ikawai
- Inaha
- Inangahua
- Inangahua Junction
- Inangahua Landing
- Inch Valley
- Inchbonnie
- Inchholme
- Inglewood
- Invercargill
- Irwell
- Isla Bank
- Island Bay
- Island Cliff
- Island Stream
- Iwikau Village
- Iwitahi
- Jackson Bay
- Jacksons
- Jamestown
- Janefield
- Jerusalem
- Johnsonville
- Johnston
- Josephville
- Judgeford
- Kaiapoi
- Kaikohe
- Kaikoura
- Kaitaia
- Kaitangata
- Kapiti Coast
- Karamea
- Manaia (Taranaki)
- Manaia (Waikato)
- Mangakino
- Manukau
- Martinborough
- Marton
- Maruia Springs
- Masterton
- Matamata
- Maunganui
- Maungaturoto
- Methven
- Middlemarch
- Milton
- Moerewa
- Morrinsville
- Mosgiel
- Motueka
- Mount Maunganui
- Murchison
- Murupara
- Napier
- Naseby
- National Park Village
- Nelson
- New Brighton
- New Plymouth
- Ngaruawahia
- Ngongotaha
- North Shore
- Paeroa
- Pahiatua
- Paihia
- Palmerston
- Palmerston North
- Papakura
- Paraparaumu
- Patea
- Pauanui
- Pauatahanui
- Picton
- Pirongia
- Pleasant Point
- Porirua
- Port Chalmers
- Portobello
- Pukekohe
- Putaruru
- Shannon
- Seddon
- Snells Beach
- Stratford
- Taihape
- Taipa Bay-Mangonui
- Tairua
- Takaka
- Tapanui
- Taradale
- Taumarunui
- Taupo
- Tauranga
- Te Anau
- Te Aroha
- Te Awamutu
- Waiheke Island
- Waihi
- Waihi Beach
- Waikanae
- Waimate
- Waiouru
- Wainuiomata
- Waipawa
- Waipukurau
- Wairoa
- Waitakere
- Waitara
- Waiuku
- Wakefield
- Ward
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